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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond the bitcoin show today is April the 4th 2020 strong hand I'm confiscating all Bitcoin is next Bitcoin personal responsibility is a new counterculture deferral of gratification convicted conviction Golden Age relentless the by defiance / compliance hello my elite friends check out this week in Bitcoin it's linked to below link to below Anders was on signing from the Netherlands pass from Australia oh my you can watch it at bitch shoot also just hungry meister comm sports meister comm disrupt meister comm those are the three urls you got to remember their link to below when youtube kicks me off of my main channel you can find me just like that a new shadow every day even when the main bitcoin meister channel on youtube has been erased by them we're working on that still haven't heard back from them but they can't silence the bitcoinmeister pound that like button a new show every day haven't missed a day we'll go over the passover schedule a little later because everybody knows during rush Hashanah and passover things are a little bit different around here so we'll get into that in a second for all the veterans know that at least now let's talk about feminization of the west of the USA the west it's you're noticing it now during this virus panic when everyone's a hysterical out there right here is a tweet the fear genie has infected people to the degree that they cannot think rationally anymore couple that with how effeminate this country has become and you've got yourself the worst civic critical mass event imaginable I agree I agree New York Post has an article most Americans will stay home this month even if the lockdown is lifted says a pole oh my well at least they're voluntarily going to stay home if once this thing is lifted okay state by state they'll lift it eventually but still it shows how feminized and how scared and how hysterical the media has made people or just I mean I'm not gonna blame it all on the media I'm not gonna scapegoat the media on this it people are individuals they should be individuals his purse responsibilities new counterculture a lot of them became feminized a long time ago be a man stop hiding unemotionally analyze the facts don't cut get cut up in the panic prison that you're being fed on TV I mean I haven't watch TV at all I saw why them I'm gonna turn that thing on but I don't even see clips from TV really uh and I did until recently I saw one from some mainstream channel and the dude was sitting at his house and I had heard Scott Adams saying that all these dudes are like after their houses now like they didn't they're not in the studio I didn't even know that didn't even I don't don't even know that that's how far that's how I keep myself away from that nonsense because it's all nonsense I read Reading Is Fundamental pound that like button so I'll go to cnncom I'll go to Fox not calm and breathe okay there you go but not it's panic there too and it goes way beyond the political divide okay Fox's conservative Drudge is conservative they're feminizing everyone – okay they're there they're just putting this saddest scariest stories which are sometimes complete lies they set a an infant died in Connecticut from the virus and it didn't even happen and of course that tugs on the heartstrings but it didn't mean the governor of Connecticut said it apparently I don't know I I mean I saw that in passing on Twitter I don't even want to read it I don't even care but I know this thing affects sick people okay this thing affects old people to an incredible if you're healthy dude it's just you don't really have much to worry about it's just like a bad there may not there another you know swine flus I don't even know they've killed plenty of people all right but we're not work and to lock down the whole country for this is ridiculous and I've said it a million times but we're gonna get into more specifics and say the point that I'm making right now is about just you gotta you have a setback you keep on going okay you don't hide that's what a man does that's what you do when you're in motion okay sixteen hundred of my videos were erased did I go cry and hide did I say oh no I compete I don't complain I have not missed the video yet alright so these people out there that get get caught up in the panic prison and after this is over and it should be a I mean if there's no reason this should you be going on now they're gonna have a choice to make are they gonna keep on hiding all right are they gonna a bit are they gonna compete in that complaint I I gotta tell you a lot of people are gonna keep on complaining I mean that's the victim mentality world that we live in now you're it's glorious to associate yourself with victims apparently it's great to be a victim no personal response breeds of new counterculture I am prouder than ever to be defiant and to be part of the personal responsibility counterculture now we're gonna talk about some dudes that were defiant here in a second in Queens but let me just see if anybody had any questions in the in the chat here we got Pete there we got guys in the chat all right my usual czar there all right you guys can ask questions if you wanna hopefully I will see it all right Moo and remember guys spread the word on Twitter tech ball eech be alt there are still people contacting me like what happened to your what happened to your channel I mean it's like the pin thing all might my tech pawn account on Twitter it's the pin video there's a video explaining what happened right there you guys can check it out obviously if you're watching this you know you know what happened and you know where to find me but it's just amazing for years and years and years now I'm like link to below disrupt meister comm tech ba on twitter and get people there there are so many people that are caught in the YouTube algorithm they don't see me my video is coming up on YouTube they don't know what to do they don't know how to find me I say the Billy Italians listening cop reaction that's what I have always said but people people are finding it and everything people are finding where I am yeah you're watching a bitch shoot there's so many options out there and some of you are just still like you're like Adam I just listened to your podcast nothing's changed at all so what are you even talking about I love you guys I love you guys at sports meister calm the guys just listen that don't need to see my face my hair doesn't look nice tonight but fancy sets and graphics no we don't have them here and the podcast people really know that alright does they just listen to the voice who can listen I can't watch this dude gotta be able to make fun of yourself dudes alright you cannot take yourself seriously life is awesome life is a lot of fun foods and I was uh well some of you soon are gonna get a little tip if you saw my thumbnail today that's a little preview of a special video you guys are gonna get soon I'm gonna talk about LA and the mayor of LA I'm gonna talk about him in a second here on this video too so let me let me get back to to where I'm supposed to be here back to the note section uh alright now back to my thing 4,000 bikers in Queens okay attended a funeral and the cops just stood there which was great maybe they maybe they were scared maybe they're like this is ridiculous these guys just want to have a funeral for their friend so you can it's linked to below but of course they're being shamed in the article people trying but I love them I love these dudes for you know goat being in motion they're all motorcycles I mean how they got how they gonna spread it I mean it's just ridiculous but here is a reply in the thread from a guy named Harold site what a C uck this guy is and this isn't a typical compliant reply this is this is the example of the feminization of a mare I am now at the stage where I think anyone doing this crap should be shocked oh my god that that's what the guy said that is what the guy said I'm not saying that that's what this dude said I'm really important a tweet there he thinks that uh people riding their motorcycles should be shot Oh God hundreds of bikers flood Queen streets to attend a funeral good for you we need to see more of this I I saw a guy in a Mustang he had a camo colored and he was blasting his rap music and I was just like yeah do it he had a top down on his camo Mustang do it Cruz what's wrong with you in that man live your freakin life again people but to think to call for the the killing of the shooting of people who are just exercising their rights just to drive on the street and respect a friend you died this is this is the world we've gotten into and I I'm I'm proud that I'm not part of that mainstream culture where that's accepting hey it's a shame these no there's no shame in being normal and uh you know riding your motorcycle for your friends that the die I mean attending a funeral it's nothing to be ashamed for but we've gotten to that hysterical hysteria apparently so the 20% are productive class we all understand that there is a day after tomorrow there's a day after today this this will pass and it is gonna be great because the guys like that they cannot that i mentioned above the feminized people they can't compete they're gonna keep on complaining there will be less competition out there and so many of them are just they're gonna want to keep on hiding so good they're gonna complain instead of compete the people who want to compete are gonna be raking it in getting the jobs if the Criers and complainers are gonna be they're not gonna be able to get anymore was there an and and there again there'll be more more and more part of the dependent more and more complaining coming from those feminized people they need a daddy they need a daddy was their daddy's little girl even if they got I mean for the it's just so pathetic these guys can't be guys their daddy's little girls daddy's little girl stay at home stay at home because Cuomo said to say Cole got me scared quote we got me scared I got to stay home even after this is even everyone everyone's going back to work I'm not going to go great great and for you and all those people who are call it for this to go on and on to protect protect the regular man the funniest thing is I mean the unfortunate thing is is that it's the wealthy people who can afford to have this go on and on and on okay I mean again for me personally I this I mean I know this could go on indefinitely and it would not affect me at all really I mean I do this I I had my Bitcoin I'm sad I'm sad there were plenty of people who could go on but most people out there are most people are middle class or lower class but the great majority of people can't can't this can't go on much longer okay so the people who think this is you're helping people you're keeping them healthy no you're destroying their lives you're destroying most people's lives and you the people who are the most envious of the wealthy the people who cry the most about income inequality you're creating more and more of it you're creating more and more be guys who are wealthy doesn't matter to us it doesn't matter in the Bitcoin overlay it doesn't matter to us we're gonna become when it's all said and done will be more wealthier than all you people who want to extend this and it's your own fault so pal Matt like button compete don't complain I'm I'm telling you the truth that this thing should end now even though in theory in a sick theory it's not in my best interest because if the longer goes on the less competition there is for me once it would sin all ends but then no I I'm doing what's right okay I don't want people to be depend more and more people to be dependent I want more people or people that have the independent mentality to know about personal responsibility so really it in the true long-term thinkers mine wealthy persons mind he knows he knows that this thing should end right now it's good for him because if there are more and more long-term thinkers out there the world is a better place the world is that much closer to life extension technology when when there's people stuck in their houses there's not really the productivity is cut and so innovation is also being cut during this period of time and for me I understand long term innovation from others will benefit me well benefit me will benefit all society we'll talk about like extension in a second found that like fun so I now know why I watched god Adams now sky one reason I watched misses he done he okay she comes up with some good ideas lately there have been too many a good ideas because he's a scare C uck and he's promoting people to like be you're going to be a good citizen and help me and don't work so I can be healthy so I don't have to you know if Scott's are scared he should lock himself in his house somebody should have forced it upon other people but he doesn't get that but he watches a lot of TV that's all he does he loves the watch mainstream TV he comments it all the time and you know what because he does that he gives me a summary of everything it's so it's great it's good I get to see what's I didn't have to watch a second of the sickening CNN ABC whatever he watches and he's talking about and summarizing for me I've never seen Chris Cuomo before that's the yeah Chris Cuomo is the the guy on CNN I mean I see little clips of it but I've never watched him will CNN Don Lemon and all these people he talks about I put Scott answers he sums up all these people the other want the women and stuff on CNN and Fox I have no idea who is talking about I don't even know an assembly see I know Rachel Maddow I know who she is because there's there's many men that are that are better looking women than she is but yeah other and she's a disgrace to people of my she's one of the reasons that like probably people people scapegoat people of my religion because of her but anyway anyway but Scott one of the reasons to watch Scott is that he's a Cu CK and he spends he spends his time watching the mainstream media he sums it up nicely for us so we don't have to watch it so that that's pretty good Scott as was trying to pump up his uh he has an altcoin that's like worth less than tenth of a cent or something and he was he was saying you for the good of the world that would be great you know everyone's short on toilet paper so my cryptocurrency should be worth as much as toilet paper and so you think that's funny you're like oh that's funny but the funny thing is he's a smart guy if his uh obviously he owns a bunch of his own cryptocurrency and it's worth less than a tenth of a cent but somehow he promotes it to these people to buy it and make it worth and trade it for a toilet paper then it would be more I mean he'd be a billionaire and we were so much more because obviously he owns a huge stake not ability I mean he'd be much wealthier than he already is if he could pump up the price of one of his less than a cent less than the tenth of a cent cryptocurrency to them with a value of a toilet paper is what's what's one toilet paper a dollar fifty cents I don't know what a roll of toilet paper isn't good hey can I get it for free here uh it was provided you know comes with the places I stay at I really I really don't know what how much just a foil of paper these days how much doesn't I'm gonna do but but anyway yeah so you know he that's his way of persuasion / persuade he calls it persuasion all persuasion is is like how can you uh easily convince 80 percenters with fancy sets and graphics and and and silly arguments and you know have them be my slaves I mean that that's what that's what uh persuasion is to this dude I mean he's not a bad he's an evil dude I'll say that he's not an evil dude but he's a he's a collectivist I'll say that here too collectivist I'll leave it up end okay moving right I talk too much about Scott and but again now I understand why I why and he gives a good summary of the mainstream so I have to watch it so there you go but I am kidding I don't watch I only watch his morning show he has two shows now I can't and he talks they're slowed by the way you got a plate it 2x so for me it's like what 20 minutes out of my day 25 minutes ideas it's not much and again there's a couple times they'll say some good stuff and it's good to get ok you you shouldn't just watched people you agree with a hundred percent of time and there's got to be a good reason to watch someone said there's a good reason he sums up the mainstream now anti-aging from Vitalik routering a lot of you guys don't like vitalik but here he's gonna do between if we're being more open-minded about accepting new weird ideas can I suggest suggest anti aging research aging is a humanitarian disaster that kills as many people as world war two every two years and even before killing that debilitates people and burden social systems and families let's end it yes yes let's let's get everybody back to work and I'll say this research money into ending ending you know anti into anti aging research is much more beneficial than finding a vaccine for this ok seriously finding a cure for age aging would be much more beneficial than finding a vaccine for something that everyone's gonna get and everyone's gonna become immune to again are you gonna take a rushed vaccine it and the likelihood of them coming up with a vaccine in in II it'll take at least 18 months so you here Nana okay alright and I've never taken a flu vaccine in my life and I feel no need to take this one I probably already had this there may be 50% that people have no symptoms at all so you might have had it and you felt you felt healthy for the last ten years and you might have had okay you might have had it a month ago we don't even have the antibody test out there and we've gotten to this point where they've shot 42 of the states of the United States down okay we'll go over the eight brave states that that haven't given in to the what's it called the settle in place thing that were we're under apparently I mean I was breaking I was out there today walking around and we'll get to that later alright so on the show when when Hass was on the show and he was talking about how the people in Australia are really following the rules and that they're being arrested and fined for doing little things I mean they're actually trying to enforce it on these people and they're not they're not rebelling and he said well as long as me a beer we're cool or whatever but someone I don't know if it was in the comment section I think was a comment section on my bitch she said Australia was originally a United Kingdom prison camp found that like button so maybe uh that that mentality of being in prison has like been passed down to the people and they're like that I was brought here as a prisoner I still got the prisoner mentality from 200 years ago I thought that was an interesting interesting little point there yeah it's not true you can't you can't pass on that mentality but and most of the people that are in Australia they're not descended from the the people that were brought there from as prisoners I mean pass his relatives were from Lebanon his ancestry is Lebanese okay and so yes there will be a video of me outside because I know you guys like fancy stats and graphics or you like to see but you like a different background so you'll see me on the streets of LA that'll probably come during Passover because I don't do Wednesday's the first night of the Passover so I'll do a show Wednesday afternoon but there'll be no new show on Thursday but you'll get a taped show on Thursday and this year's a little bit different because Friday night is Shabbat and I never do a show on Shabbat I do a show before Shabbat starts on Friday and then I do this show after Shabbat ends on Saturday but it'll get a little messed up so there'll be another taped show on Friday and so those of you also who follow me on Twitter that means from Wednesday night until Saturday night there will be nothing new for me on Twitter okay nuf so don't go crazy don't expect anything I'm going into Twitter silence from Wednesday night to start a Passover until Saturday night which would be end of the third day of Passover which is the end of Shabbat all right but there you go just given you things change around here on Passover this one's a little different this is the timing and Russia Shana but all right enough of that but you're still getting a show here every day baby found that like conviction conviction but I think people like the outside yeah maybe the fry they want to be a flashback show we'll see we'll see now that all my old videos have been erased by you I have a few of them saved but no I don't have all 1600 of them say hardly hardly but the cool thing is on sports Buster comm you've got over 300 the audio version of over 365 of them actually sports moisture comic and listen going back to March of 2018 and a little bit before to the some flashback ones I have brought up for those of you who can listen I know some you just need to see my face alright so I warned everyone about the my schedule coming up I have to warn everybody about that and a couple couple more times on the other shows response personal responsibility here that's that's me now so yeah I mentioned before the United States is becoming fascist and the whole world is becoming fascists it's it's not the place of government to interfere with private matters okay but the people now think it is and they're begging for it and this tweet is a beg someone begging governor Hogan of Maryland to interfere here we go when are you going to suspend rent mortgage and utility dues since most people are not working Oh government fix my problem yeah most people are not working because of the government your question should be why are we living in a fascist regime now where the government is is shutting down picking picking excuses big businesses that are winners and losers well we think you should have your essential you're not essential okay so no they shouldn't be suspending rent okay that isn't the responsibility of the government a landlord you've made a commitment to a landlord but again we have gone down a path the guy I can see why a person would want this but this person should understand don't beg the governor who put who made this position whom put me in this position in the first place if the governor of Maryland didn't shut down Maryland you'd be working and you'd be able to pay your bills you'd be able to pay dirt so then we got the unelected police got with Governor Hogan Larry Hogan of Maryland where I'm from even though he's not really Republican he in he's a rhino he's the ultimate Rhino right right now and the great one sees he wants to debt he wants all the people to love him and it'll be great once he's after out of office and how all of all the Democrats of Marilyn will be saying how horrible he was and they will hate on him and they'll come up you know he don't worry he'll get it paid back to him you know trying to trying to stand for nothing he stands for nothing he's just like it's ridiculous but how else will a Republican get elected to statewide office in Maryland again I mean I mean that's the point he'll probably say like I mean I can't stand for anything else when I win so but at least he's elected because falsie this what's bossy that the houses are of the United States what's his position called he he he liked his setting that is he dictator of the United States I mean this is what people want fall see this is what it's come to and unlike everyone worshipping and an unelected bureaucrat it's it's disgusting it stayed ism on steroids if I could love a Trump just fire to his but that that would be funny because I mean his the falsies models are completely flawed and he doesn't see he's a he doesn't understand that you shut down that you that these states shutting down the economies it I mean more people are gonna die in a long run and that there's no need to do this there's no need to do this all people like yourselves up okay if you what false he should be doing is like telling me you know figuring out the malaria pill the malaria pill helps prevent this from people-people some people are making jokes out of it we're gonna get that in a second falsies in to the doom I guess he wants to be hero I don't know what I don't know what his ulterior motives were it's clear he's either got ulterior motives he's just uh it doesn't care about money doesn't care about it because money is important if people don't have money they don't make any they become dependent and they die for real not for fake not uh not from things like that infant story before alright so yeah people take advantage of this for political reasons by keeping the fear level high so the virus again it's a real thing they didn't make it wasn't made up for political purposes but once it's out there and once the politicians realize they can get fear out of it and in fact it's not the end of the world and in fact it's not as they no it's not as bad as they're making it out to be they want power and their there are so many of them seeing this as an opportunity and here's a tweet from Jesse Kelly he says see Russia 1917 massive poverty anger and desperation are the perfect conditions to usher and leftist radicals who would never even be considered in different times so there are so many things right now that would not be considered in different times and this the only reason they're being considered is those people are scared and politicians are take any it's not just leftist that are taking advantage of this either there's there's all sorts of people that are trying to they want more power this is a time to have a bad time Oh make these people more dependent yeah I know the truth but I'll just keep on lying and make it scarier than it really is Media the same thing media they know they know to focus on the scariest possible things possible it gets them the ratings more people watching TV than ever before isn't that sickening use that signe scott adams was saying and you think he thinks people are gonna be healthier after his bizarre gonna be walking more no no people are stuck in their house watching TV stuffing their faces with too much food that they bought at the store so we probably have more people having heart attacks after this getting diabetes after who knows and here is Eric Garcetti now he this video where he says he's a snitch is linked to make sure you down vote it a lot of people have downloaded more people than uploaded it I downloaded it I'm in his town alright I I'm here in LA until the end of May and here we go he says snitches get rewards for ratting out their neighbors Los Angeles mayor this is a real thing and the story is linked to below awesome besides the video you can watch yourself Los Angeles and this was on March 30 I think it was March 30th and the story is just coming out now Los Angeles mayor is becoming national now please Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is encouraging residents in his City to tattletale on their neighbors who defy his essential at least by government standards if any non-essential businesses continue to operate in violation of the stay at home order we're going to act to enforce the safer at home order and ensure their compliance our city said you know the old expression about snitches well in this case snitches get rewards dude I love him to hang out on the streets of Baltimore with the some of the guys and say that he's a snitch and see what happens now uh a big I will I won't get into the specifics of what happens to snitches in certain neighborhoods in Baltimore City you know dude Heights sandtown-winchester autumn or I don't know I don't know if Eric Garcetti via that line go over to well there but he's in LA I mean he lives in some nice the house where's he live we see live in Silver Lake or I don't know where a I don't know I mean look at some trendy place it's down the streets down Santa Monica Boulevard I know that so that is real that's it's unbelievable that it's a the mayor of the second-largest city in the United States of America the mayor of the city of Tinseltown City he can say something like that and get away with and guy Benton said didn't shed a single tear about it he says I didn't atomizer didn't share she had a single tear about his last channel being shut down just picked himself up dusted off and created a new channel the bitcoinmeister strong hand will do you got most of that right but I had this backup channel ready ready because I'm a long-term thinker and I knew something like this would happen and actually something like this happened for two days well wasn't this bad it was just I couldn't post new videos for two days in December because of the algorithm shut it down because of keywords but this is obviously a big took my whole channel down this time we'll see we'll see if it comes back up but no I keep on rolling baby I'm rollin rollin rollin baby out you gotta roll with the punches but thanks and know the show must go on conviction we got Pete a lot of people were talking I don't know if they got a alright people are saying stay safe alright just yeah yeah okay I need something to catch my attention if you can't type in my screen name my spree name here is prouds I missed you but I don't know if that works I mean you made it work but it's so such a long an you're gonna spell it wrong you put a but just like eight smiley faces first and I will uh yeah I will respond if you I'll see eight smiley faces or something like that yeah I picked the name of this channel because I knew I well I am a proud scientist Jew and I know they just that just really gets to the trolls real bad I mean one of them the biggest trolling contingents on YouTube are the ones that are paranoid about Israel and stuff so when you say you know Zionists they have no idea what that even means so it like really just drives them crazy so let's just their prows I'm is how can anyone even say of course proud scientists you all Jewish be trans is Jews butts us again many Jewish people like all sorts of people have been feminizing they're scared and they want anyone to say that they like Israel and oh we must be wrong we must be right there's no pride in this all right but that's that that's the opposite of me I got the conviction I'm not I'm not trying to fit in with the Gentiles or anything like that nothing wrong with being a Gentile but it fitting in is overrated dude all right pound that like button moving on but yeah the screen name definitely was chosen to and I chose this I came up with this backup channel long before December 2 I don't even remember when I came up with it now I mean you can Friday there's a way to see it says like member since whenever okay moving on who else do we have let's go okay so Ruth Bader Ginsburg Brian sent me this tweet he's a good dude he's a good dude on Twitter and he didn't make this tweet but this is from Jimmy Hoover justice ginsburg's trainer told me that he and 87 year old are still doing their workout sessions and this is from March 31st at the Supreme Court's private gym while taking precautions the only reason why I didn't shut the Justice down is because hey she ain't having it bill Bryan makes a good point he says that's great that she's doing that but to juxtapose this with all the stay home don't hurt old people stuff that's literally everywhere and legal literature is so ironic we should applaud RBG for getting out there and as not shame others who want to do the same thing so you know what that is great that RBG is going her gym and she's with another person and she's socially interacting and if other people her age want to do that or other people much younger than her want to do that they should have that right to do that they Lobby people are shut in their houses now so it just shows you now he bringing out RBG I didn't mean to say this for a while I got a call something out back when she was diagnosed for the third time with a major cancer at the beginning of when was the beginning of 2019 I said there's no way this woman is she's old she said this cancer for the third telling and it's a serious cancer there's no way she's making it to 2020 let alone the 20 election so the Trump is gonna get to decide for another uh so who takes her place and as you guys can see she made it to 2020 so I was incorrect about that and it's getting closer to November and she's working out so I say good for her I said I say good I mean that's amazing and what I would love to know I mean we know part of her regimen is to stay in motion and to do exercise it would be so awesome if she could tell everyone what she does what is for exact regimen what pills is she taking what does she fasts what it with supplements what is going on here now a lot of you were gonna say well she's got she's privileged she has access to so many things and this may be true she probably has access to a lot of things a lot of normal people do not but there are plenty of people who get sick like she gets sick okay who saved up their money and would be very willing to pay for whatever the heck she is paying for okay or what the government is paying for for her to survive this long so it would be great if she could share it share that information so I'm not what I'm not wishing anything bad upon her I'm just I love to I think it's quite an accomplishment to survive cancer this long and I'd love to know what she's doing so speaking about longevity I I did a 45 I just ended a little bit before this forty five point five hour fast keep on doing those extended fasts everybody and I feel great I love doing them I just I felt after my last meal I felt very filled so I'm like okay now's the time to do my extended past and I do many of them during the year so I skipped all over the day I skipped Friday didn't eat it all a Friday I think it's the eighth day this year that I've totally skipped and again last year I got up to 35 or 36 days of the year I totally skipped and those of you who are familiar every day no matter what is at least a 22-hour fast but that doesn't mean if you do a 22-hour pass that means you do eat everyday is just you have 20 at least 22 hours between meals and usually for me it's it's like 20 or something like that all right but hey dude I like it very energetic and and something I I mean this might gross some people out but yeah I had a despite not eating for that long I still had a very solid defecation and just getting rid of the poison out of your body that's that's what defecation is I mean you're getting rid of the poison I'm good body so it was great it's it's good and I've had you know when I've done my 120 hour fast at one time I was I think I defecated on the last day – I mean that's doing really cleaning out the system there okay hey I'm not the only one console identification watch mention mentions channel he talks about he gets even into more details about his ax because he has he has cancer he has a colon colon cancer and liver cancer so his defecation czar very serious endeavors so but he's they become better lately so good good prevention people do what you're doing man and I think I mentioned again watch Friday's show it's dedicated to a Bitcoin er who I found out on he died in February tor tor I I tore it and been in the chat before and his wife emailed me she had just found my email address and said you know tor passed away in February and so we dedicated the show or this we can pick one show to him yesterday and he will be missed and I just I just want to say he had brain cancer so that's a really hard one to beat and he he went through the traditional he went through chemo and it yeah he you know I'm he's gone now but he did set a great example for it for everyone because he planned out his with his Tresor and is his passing on his Bitcoin went very smoothly went very smoothly but he will be missed I hung out with him actually in in June last June which was was great it was great he's from Baltimore originally like I am but his is very unfortunate and I was I learned right before the show when I mayor yesterday that he died in February I had I did not know so that was this very sad and he he will be missed he was a Bitcoin er he was a big fan of Bitcoin he was fan of this show and somebody out shows I think he'd like world crypto Network and tone also just want to point that out again we're talking about cancer so I'm thinking about that anyway moving dennis prager here oh so let's let's talk about scientists real quick okay because it does seem like there are some people who who if you're called a scientist and they don't care what school you went to or anything if you're so how classified yourself as a scientist it's like a religion to people now that these are like they're dennis prager points us out that if for the seculars this is like their rabbis in their priests and he science is a religion of the left is what Dennis Prager says in this video link to below and so he taught at the 27 minute and 25 second mark he goes on with this and the major point and I don't care what the leftist part part of it what I care about is that it rabbis and priests and religious authorities they're not always right they do bad things also they have affiliations they say things for certain reasons now there's some that are that are really pure I'm sure okay but they're not perfect either I think religious people understand that you can't blindly follow some of these dudes but on the secular side people don't get it like there are scientists that can be bought they're a priest that could be with their rabbis that can be bought so if science is your religion okay if you treat these two ethic you got it so you gotta understand they're not gonna be perfect all the time and I think more and more people well there's there's a lot of people are so scared that they they are thinking more so now that you know scientist the president scientists Cuomo scientist Gavin Newsom scientists they must be right you know it's they're scared you're scared but no there are people that are realized that are gonna come out of this and be like wait a sec what's this ninety percent of scientists think climate change is real thing who are these scientists anyway there will be plenty of people that work climate climate change skeptics that are going to become climate change skeptics after all this is said and done but they're probably more people that be more hardcore climate change after this also that'll be like to look we shut down the whole economy for this virus that wasn't very serious climate change is serious let's let's shut it down let's turn it down Dennis Prager also brought up a point about how if we banned alcohol banning alcohol will save many innocent lives do you guys know that there'll be less spousal abuse there'll be less car accidents we're in a sense you're going to get killed again a lot of people get so drunk they beat their spouse to death and that won't be happening if they if you ban alcohol right and there won't be drunk drivers if you bound ban alcohol right so but but you want that if you if people understand you know it's free free to drink alcohol why would you take away my alcohol and the virus has made people you know totally forget about that the virus they can't see it's not a physical thing it's a but so they're willing to save lives by giving away their freedom all right but you you would say normalize it you banned alcohol that then what we're doing right now okay and but people aren't calling for back so I mean you can ban so you can use the government can force itself in so many aspects of people's private lives and will save many lives um but we you're supposed to treasure your freedom you're supposed to be independent here man you're not supposed to be but again collectivism is the default and be a being self-sufficient is the accomplishment being a an individual is the accomplishment but just just think about that though for a second all right now here Carl denature again he has been so right on this at Market Ticker follow him on Twitter it's linked to below this link is linked to below because if we destroy our society and societal contract between all of us and our government which is exactly what all of these lockdowns and fear-mongering is doing right now there will be no America worth living in virus or no this must end right now right now today not tomorrow today so yeah it will riskier triple the economy for the long term I mean the longer goes on the longer this even after this is over it's gonna have a huge effect on people's mentality and thus on the economy of the 80 percenters so yeah people are scared achill i mentioned people are scared to go out so scared that they're scared to go out after the virus will be gone and there's so many people like it will be a different world afterwards everyone's gonna be a hypochondriac afterwards I thought not I really hope not I'm not I'm not buying into that but Karla's is worried about that and that's why he he to avoid that happening end it right now so we don't raise a nation of hypochondriacs a panic prisoners yeah so yeah the longer it lasts the more so it'll be ingrained in people's heads and hard for them to ever be normal again and yeah the governors they sickened me the ones to say that was go for dim a guy I met in Vegas a fan of the show oh I linked one of his videos below well he was interviewed by that dude down in Texas and you know a server Jim's in motion he's the one who made this cool business cards with like all this awesome Bitcoin information on a business card he hands them out of events I love it he's linked to watch the video of him blow air B&B I read this on another show but I just want to read this again air B&B is about to crash the US housing market thousands of super hosts who bought 10 20 30 properties with mortgages and are heavily levered and are about to default without travel there is no rental income to pay these mortgages in two to three months 2008 all over again well yeah I'll say that will have a major real estate crisis in two to three months if these lock downs don't end that's for one thing we still might have it because international travel will be messed up for there gonna be plenty of C uck countries that let up even if the United States leads away they're gonna be flying countries that don't follow and I say this I'm not I don't own real estate and I told you what a panda but it is to own real estate because I have owned real estate before and so I am NOT in debt but I take the positive spin on this okay for a guy like me there are gonna be so many great rental deals and Airbnb deals because of all these people that are just gonna be desperate after not having any rental business for months they're gonna give it given away the stuff okay so for all you dudes who want to be in motion and travel for cheap it's coming up baby worldwide okay it is and especially nationwide if there's ever been some city you want to come with co2 you're gonna have the opportunity soon enough you young hell and this is why you stay healthy okay so be some people were like wait a second I got diabetes I can't go around because I'm scared I'm going to get this disease well if you've been not maintaining your health and been in motion it's been a long term planner like me well you won't have to worry about that right now but it's personal responsibility you can eat as many tasty cakes as you want to I'm not stopping you from doing it but you just because you became tasty cake add it in Burger King addict doesn't mean I should be locked in my house okay I mean it just doesn't go together doesn't make any sense but for some of the people that want to Thor eteri regime it does make some good sense anyway the point is yeah some people made some bad real estate decisions they'll be able to hang on to their real estate and they'll be trying to hey if anybody wants to buy cheap real estate not that I advise doing it they'll be plot of cheap real estate out there too no doubt about that but I'm on the rental side of things baby hey and again for the people that say real estate never goes down in price yeah all right go up moving on defiance versus compliance oh I want to say something then I noticed there are a lot of pot smokers out there in the Bitcoin community and it seems like they want the guys that who I know who smoke a lot of weed they're the ones that are more likely to be a compliant on all shut down America thing so I'm just wondering how much pot emasculates people and feminize –is them because i noticed that there definitely pot people seem to not be on the same side of this argument than i am on so maybe i'll just see it's maybe i'm not no more pot heads i don't know it anybody else starting this that the regular pot smoker seemed to be like yeah let's just take this easy I'm not gonna protest it you know I'm not gonna be defiant like out of Meister making videos yeah I'm just gonna go with the flow and say they're sick people we should save the old people and I'm not gonna study the statistics and just sometimes government overreach is okay type let me have another doobie and I if you guys are doobie smokers out there I don't want you to be effeminate I want you out there being men saying this is stupid this is horrible what is that and then a so many Americans are being compliant little bootlickers now now my my video that got complained about uh I was I was talking about this so again I I knew very well but someone could help telling me be an Eric Garcetti someone snitched on someone snitched on me to YouTube I mean that was one of the messages I got from YouTube was that one of your videos has been complained about we're taking the video down but then the next thing the whole channel down but the point is is that I obviously I is whole time people and it's not been popular to talk about things the mainstream is not is talking about I mean I brought up the malaria pillow before anybody was talking hardly anybody was talking about it because I know I am logical I'm using reason I am not panicking I am NOT getting emotional about this darn thing and I know that it is it's a real disease but the damage the solution that has been put out there by the mainstream in this world is is much worse than the disease much much worse and look and now it's acceptable to be a snitch that the mayor of LA is saying to be a snitch I mean it's grotesque totally grotesque it will end it will end them people will become others will take to the streets okay now keep on you do say it loud and proud on social media retweet this retweet Carl denature keep just put it out there every little bit helps everybody every little bit helps wake up people from their TV trance and plenty of people are in that now here is a box of five New York articles to store owners boarding up buildings across Manhattan and there's pictures of indeed owners of buildings in Manhattan are scared of civil unrest I have also seen this in LA if you see the thumbnail for this video you can see in the background behind me there's a some businesses that were ever boarded up does it fit they're a little worried about civil unrest don't blame them okay CNN article Republican governors stay at home orders okay they say they're trying to shame eight Republican governors who have a who haven't issued stay at home orders and they're they're basing their shame on politics like look at the Republicans shame on the Republican okay if this was such a serious thing why are you getting political about the whole thing why you just it's just another lever to attack your political enemy look at the Republican he will not go with the standard he will not give in or she so there's eight of them there's trying to shame them into this this thing and I praise them I praise these eight red state governors they call them red state governors although and I will miss the states and some of these guys will probably give in Arkansas Iowa Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota South Carolina Utah and Wyoming so the South South Dakota governor is great she says in this tweet and I didn't link to it unfortunately South Dakota is not New York City she said in a press conference April first later urging residents not to turn on the news and look at New York City and think that's that's what lemon South Dakota is going to face in a month the calls to apply for a one-size-fits-all approach to this problem is herd mentality tell that like button I love it she's using mutt sperm there it's not leadership only two people have died of the virus in South Dakota by the way I've been there before I had actually driven through South Dakota alright and it's spread out it's flat hardly anyone is there how they gonna spread this now Mount Rushmore is not flat that's in the south west corner of the state I'm sure they've shut down Mount Rushmore I mean they shouldn't have did people get space themselves out there if they want to even there but man and in Wyoming they're having no deaths from the virus ok so some people want Trump to force the order on these states of hurt Trump hasn't made he's made recommendations it's all the states governors and cities mayors that have done all these draconian things okay it is not truck but there are plenty of people that like including the fall see whatever he is the medical czar or whatever his did he wants Trump to issue a stay at home order from at the federal level and this does a states right issue the it's great I love that Trump and he's not perfect but on this he's letting the states to do what they want to do him he's like the states do what they want to do so he's only setting the tone and he sent recommendations but is these states that are ordering people to stay home and those and God bless South Dakota okay god bless that so I love them Co visit South Dakota again toward the warmer months again gets cold there too but me talking about this federal level versus state level thing also I have said in the past you know I don't care who wins the presidency etc etc this is a real issue this is a real issue as you know if binding or Cuomo became president did this wouldn't even be a question they would order all sorts of draconian things to every state okay stay are supposed to be experimental places you try different things in each state so that's a that's a federal overreach right now so having a president who's going to do federal overreach to this level where you know South Dakota doesn't have anything to do with this state home order stuff yeah that that would be problematic and you know that kind of shoots some holes in my whole philosophy of my god I don't care who present is so made me think a little bit there so CNN but I do not put these people on pedestals at the same time i I can the one of main reasons I don't worry about his president because if it ever got to be uncomfortable for me for me I just leave the country go somewhere else whatever CNN what's this oh the Democratic National Convention has been postponed it's that it's that much because because of coronavirus well that's one step closer to saying yeah you know Biden we're not gonna do this the way we plan to do it and we like this Cuomo guy just more again this week more and more people talking about well they're talking about President Cuomo of if they're talking about Andrew Cuomo's nipples and they're saying that he should run for president should be present and he may keep putting him on the news anything to meet the media loves this dude Biden is a if Biden actually knows what's going on he's probably worried I don't know but there's your first step moving the Democratic National Convention it's supposed to be in the summers and who knows where it's gonna be now so now all so I'll search the media people are going crazy over Joe Rogan again he like Bernie at first and people weren't crazy over that I mean this is one guy don't put him on a pedestal now he's saying he vote for Trump over biting and everyone thinks it's like the end of the world on Twitter I mean dude what was it the end of the world supposed to be the coronavirus I mean so how could coronavirus be the end of the world and you're worried about what Joe Rogan is saying who the next president is why do you care about who the next president is if we're in a life-or-death situation today because you know it's on a life of that situation today you know this whole thing is fake all right then virus is real but the hysteria is fake and they and people are showing you because they're still but your organs influencing the president the presidential results are because people worship these people and you should have forced me it's much more they'll do anything to get their winner in office including be hysterical about this virus so it is sickening I mean it's sad that the certain people have become hysterical over this virus but it's sickening that some of them know better they know better and they're doing it for ulterior motives to get their man get their team to win the presidency it means that much to them to destroy people's lives to destroy the economy maybe they have no idea about economics or money or anything like that I mean they they're socialists than you communists this up you think it all work out if we get the right guy in charge it'll cancel out all these people not working for months they they probably think that I'm not a mind-reader so I've said before landlord hate is coming vilification is coming it's a bad precedent for letting people not pay rent and other responsibilities and here's a quote about that I worry about precedent being set for the future if some of this is enacted won't people call for similar things to be used for just about for just about any future bad happenings could terrorists use future attacks to shut down economies I can't say for sure but it is worth a discussion at least and that was a comment left one Scott Adams video actually and I love the couple the comment sections of Scott Adams videos are good that's a nut boat that's not watching that's reading but I will say this that it didn't make me think about the precedent like okay we'll get through this but how about there is like a terrorist attack one day again god forbid and the terror is do it because they know well and it's not even that big of one and because they know that the whole country will shut down and that's the true way of getting at the United States is to scare them is to scare them because they know every time you scare America now they've shut it down they people don't pay rent anymore people don't do anything anymore and that is blinds of moral hazard here but the other side of this argument is okay people go on rent strike right now so that this ends so everybody start not paying their mortgages now so this ends so I mean I see the other side of the argument down also but it does set a bad press it here we can define it and we can we can separate it in this way if the people naturally stop doing these things and it's a protest then I support it but if when these things happen the government orders it say no everyone is not paying their rent anymore that is a horrible moral hazard okay everyone you're not you know the government ball now is all contracts are no longer valid so you don't have to worry about contracts anymore people because we just had a terrorist attack or we just had a disease we the government or making that ball that is a horrible moral hazard horrible precedent and I'll just keep getting repeated over and over again but if people naturally now get frustrated and want to stop this being locked in their houses and one things get back to normal and that's the way they protest okay that's better now people on Twitter are or making fun of the present Trump for bringing up the malaria malaria drug and are saying that he's like Jim Jones telling people who drink the kool-aid these people are either ignorant or they hate Trump that moat much that they will lie this malaria drug is helping people okay so we've got the do MERS verse the hope in motion people I am in motion i if people are so scared they're gonna get sick okay be in motion take this alright it gives you hope it is an old drug that has been around for a long time now it can't interact with other drugs and of course many Americans was there so sick already or own tons of other drugs okay that's something to take but this to make it to paint Trump as as ridiculous for safe for promoting this this drug it's absolutely ludicrous there have been scientific studies that show it is help people and do you think the rich at scott adams has brought up this is a great point I mean President Trump might be on this drug now I'm sure there are plenty of politicians and wealthy people who've gotten their hands on it who are older and who are sicker or scatter like okay this is gonna this gonna save me type of thing but at the same time you had these vicious panic mobs I mean do mobs on social media just saying oh he's Jim Jones he's telling people who drink the kool-aid it's poison it'll kill you know when you drink aquarium solution aquarium cleaner that will kill you that is not malaria pills it sounds like malaria pills the the the drug that's in it but it's not the same thing so yeah fear-mongering based politics they will say anything to scare everyone so much to make sure their guy wins the election they will lie about something that would is quite helpful I mean imagine the mainstream media actually cover this huh there's a malaria pill and we give so many people instead of scaring people people like yeah I bet the majority of Americans don't even know this malaria thing exists that it's a legitimate solution to the problem the part a major hunk of the problem at least alright so I leave you is to add we're at an hour point in the show that's the end the show I want to tell you for the next 24 hours or less than that my heritage calm i link to it below you get to check united states census records for free this is usually a site you pay for i've never paid for it but you can go to the link below and you can check find out about your family history check check type in your last name and you can see census records t where your family lived in 1920 93rd this is for americans it's fun i was playing around with it earlier and i found out a couple things about both sides of my family that I didn't know not nothing too drastic but uh and uh one of my in-laws I found out something about the family of one of my in-laws so it's fun you if if you especially got a rare last name you'll be able to find information pretty easily at his site it's linked to below remember dudes clicking on the links below is part of the is part of the game here it's you're not you're not benefiting from this video unless you I check out the links below okay there are comment I gotta read this stuff alright quickly I will read what I forgot didn't read here guy Bennett says when all this nonsense is over get ready to see an amazing drop in deaths attributed to the mode to diabetes and other underlying health conditions when the annual reports are in oh I I get I get your point they're bad yeah the thing is what he's trying to say is there are a lot of people there's that they're saying it every country does differently they're people that died and they didn't die from the virus but they they found out later like oh they had the virus and so they they classify them as dying for the virus they die from something else but they happen to have the virus you you can tell when someone really died from the virus instead of dying than finding yelling oh they also had the virus when they died okay so guy Bennett says a good one from Molyneux he calls Cova de 19 Cove in 1984 well but Molyneux has been panicked about this – I wouldn't say he's a great person to watch all this at all I wouldn't say I mean that's a good saying to call it Cove in 1984 but he's not from the clips that I've seen of him and I don't watch them that much anymore anyway he seemed to be a little fearful about this he seemed he seems to spread the fear his titles he's got a lot of clicked daily fear titles lately he does not like losing his 80 percenter viewers which he has bossed a lot of lately because the algorithm is not is not nice to him he is discriminated against by YouTube they do do things to cut down on his views to 80 percenters but he he does things the combated which were really clicked 80 and instill fear in people and I'm not about instilling fear in people rocky Palumbo is in the house says from January 1st through March 25th 21,000 people died from koban 19 and 580 thousand five hundred eighty-two thousand died from alcohol III yeah there's uh the coving 19 deaths right now are very small compared to so many other things and it's just that they're blowing they're blowing it out of proportion the media is and other people are too all right and finally top roller said Trump said today he is considering taking the malaria drug as a preventive measure for himself so that's probably would trigger and all that stuff that I saw on God on Twitter and I would not doubt that he is already taking it he's over 70 and he's probably pre-diabetic I would assume I mean he says he's so healthy but look to me that he's pre-diabetic at at least but I I'm not his medical doctor and good for him if he wants to take it it's a personal responsibility thing if you want to take it take it you can salt your doctor though consult your doctor but they will tell you what drugs it reacts with all right but again and another not don't not all doctors are the final word not all scientists you know and the secular religion type of stuff I'm gonna point to having out again there are bad doctors out there also so be careful people use logic reason don't get emotional I'm Adam I should become I should disrupt meister spread the word about this on Twitter retweeted dudes thanks for being here tonight guys I'll say hi to all of you in the chat town that like button bang the bell but I guess to get reminders when this back up channel posts the video all right I will see you guys in the chat and of course new show every day so I'll see you Sunday