Hey yo, what is going on with the viewers of the tube, my name is Tyler and I hope every time this channel comes on, you get a grin that goes from ear to ear, kind of like this little pooch…you know how we denture, it’s time for Chico Crypto! Well, I knew it was coming: the deflation…the next leg down for both the traditional and crypto markets I said salute your shorts on Monday Pulling out the stock market leading indicator the Dow, over the past 5 days, a severely manipulated market, with volatility reaching crypto market levels The week started out with a dump, then on Tuesday, a 3 percent pump, then yesterday a 3 percent dump And pulling out Bitcoin’s chart, such similar movements, although because crypto never sleeps, it dumped on Sunday instead of Monday, we rebounded and by Tuesday was lookin semi bullish, but by yesterday
mid week? down with the stock market we go… So why in the hell are we not going up? In both markets when liquidity just flooded the markets from government stimuli and QE forever? Well, as I have been saying they are doing it all wrong, catering to the 1 percent, the elite and rich, when it’s the bottom 99 percent that need it the most You don’t fix an economy from the top down, it’s fixed from down up
So let’s begin, with what us regular citizens are getting here in the United States, the 1200 dollar stimulus direct deposit or mailed check Well supposedly, the direct deposits are hitting banks! Slowly but surely we are seeing on social media people receiving these deposits, and finally some of the indebted tax slaves, get their peanuts to tide them over But did you do direct deposit? Or did you have your check mailed to you for your last tax return? That could have some serious implications So let’s begin with the direct deposit… Some of you might have already got yours…or did your bank? Yes, that Stimulus check, isn’t first to be used for food, rent, or the necessities
Banks get 1st grab at the money, if a customer of theirs has any debt, or delinquent fees And this news was leaked by Ronda Kent, chief disbursing officer at the Treasury Department's Bureau of the Fiscal Service, when she was talking with bankers on a webinar last Fridaylet’s listen in… So your bank can seize that payment, to keep their operations afloat, not you
This is disgusting, this is unamerican, this is SAD! But what about the Check? No middle man bank if you did the ole snail mail way But by this method you might have to wait up to 6 months to receive the stimulus And if you know what is going on with our United States Postal Service USPS, we might not have a way to mail you your check by the time they are ready! Earlier in the week, news quietly dropped that USPS said they would become insolvent if they weren’t included in the Stimulus In a digital briefing before the House Oversight Committee last week, Postmaster General Megan Brennan told lawmakers that the agency would "run out of cash" by the end of the fiscal year in September without help from congress and the administration And this comes after a 13 billion dollar grant for them was blocked in the 2
2 Trillion dollar stimulus bill And Trump does not want to bailout USPS Let’s hear what he had to say about not funding them and being accused of their demise So some people think I’m a pure Trump hater, but he is not completely wrong here Giants like Amazon have taken advantage of USPS…
and that needs to be looked into… But Trump, come on manyes it’s true the Postal Service is run by an independent board of governors, but those governors were appointed by you Robert M Duncan was appointed to the Postal Service Board of Governors by President Donald Trump and was confirmed by the Senate in August 2018 David C Williams’ appointment to the Postal Service Board of Governors by President Donald Trump was confirmed by the Senate in August of 2018
Ron Bloom, appointed by Trump, confirmed August 20th 2019 John Barger, appointed Donald Trump, confirmed August 1st 2019…the same goes for Roman Martinez… And trumps major bugaboo? The rates of the postal service…they are not charging enough right? Well the Postal Regulatory commision is the one who has power to do this…well 3 out of the 5 member leaders, are appointed by Trump…
Micheal appointed by Trump, Ann Fisher, appointed by Trump, and Ashley Polingappointed by Trump So what is going on? Well if things go the Donald’s way, it will be the end of the USPS, and the beginning of enterprises taking over the postal system, private entities are saddling up, and the public good of the postal service will be an afterthought of the past to an America run by corporations And the more you look into what this current administration is doing for the corporate world, while disregarding serving the public
you get, we are on the edge of a collapse But before we slide to the edge, it’s time for a sponsored segment of this video, being supported by our Friends over at Energi, and like always the full details of our agreement can be found down in the description So Energi, if you haven’t heard of them, they are a platform who took a different model than most
No ICO, as they airdropped their tokens to the community, with one of the most generous airdrops thus far in crypto history, called an earndrop They also took a unique model, to support ecosystem development Energi employed one of the most powerful treasury models in the space, where the funds are disbursed, allocated and voted on in a decentralized manner 3 out of the past 4 tracked months, energi has had a bigger treasury budget than even Dash…which is amazing because Energi has 1/11th the market cap of Dash
But we have learned about this before, it’s time to dive into the biggest update for Energi so far The launch of Energi Gen 3 which happened on March 10th If you didn’t know, Energi has evolved since its birth in the summer of 2017, when it started as a fork of dash and ran off of proof of work In April of 2019, Energi begin their blockchain migration, switching to a proof of stake chain, which laid the ground floor for generation 3 So what does Gen 3 bring to the table? Well it brings something, which I believe is a smart target move The entire basket of Ethereum smart contracts
Energi, is a functioning proof of stake blockchain, and it has the smart contract capabilities of the Ethereum virtual machine Plus it has all the previous capabilities of Gen2, which set it apart to begin with: on-chain governance, that self-funding treasury, plus their masternodes model, Defense, and community support capabilities And the migration to Gen3? Easy peasy lemon squeezy Their is no “deadline” for migration of coins, there is no handing over of private keys, and there is no sending your Energi anywhere They always stay with you throughout the entire migration process
I have included a link with the simple migration instructions in the description, if you haven’t done so yet So with these Smart contract capabilities, you gotta know the dAPPs are coming And that is true, MyEnergiWallet is launched, which is similar to myetherwallet or mycrypto, a webportal for wallet interaction Plus, Energi Nexus, the webportal for all things energi, the wallet, migration, masternodes, staking, with treasury and Energi Defense coming soon But the stronger the developer community, the stronger the dapps right? That is correct, and due to their treasury, they have built a strong contributing community
They have over 70 developer contributors now working on the codebase, or dapps So it’s only a matter of time, before the first wave of community dapps launch And this will be accelerated by the Energi Incubator program, which will focus on migrating existing dapps to Energi and advancing early-stage blockchain projects development on the platform These projects will have integral economic and business support from the Energi core team, including engineering support, identifying security issues and smart contract auditing services Catering to developers and early stage projects, is a solid move, but generation 3 also caters to the community with updates to their masternodes
In Gen 2, you needed 10,000 Energi to be a masternode A lot of coins, which gave you the benefits of validating transactions across the network, which meant more revenuegoing to masternode online stats, ROI is currently over 44 percent…
But rewards were just one piece of masternode benefits you were also able to participate in the onchain governance, voting and the allocation of treasury funds Well with Gen3, that collateral requirement has been lowered to 1000 Energi, a whole hell of a lot more affordable, which means more nodes, more votes, and more decentralization has begun, and will only accelerate with time
Now back to the edge of this thing we call the American Economy Like I was saying, Trump and his administration are catering to the top 1 percent like never before, and they cannot hide their disgusting moves in the face of the American people So Remember the 2 trillion dollar stimulus bill? Their is a thing in it, called the Paycheck Protection Program The PP……P So this program was meant to help the small businesses of America, as it’s from the US Small Business Administration, and their loan program 350 billion dollars has been allocated, and since early april Business’s have been applying Guess who is getting their application in first? HEDGE Funds as these loans, are served on a first come basis Since early April, law firms have hosted Webinars and accounting firms have reached out to clients, all with the goal of explaining how their company might be able to tap into the Paycheck Protection Program
They can navigate all the legal red tape first, and they have while restaruants, mom & pop shops, and local business’s don’t even know what to do yet! This article tell’s it like it is…”Facing 'Extinction-Level Event,' Small Businesses Urge Congress to Replace Disastrous Loan Program With Direct Payroll Grants” So literally that original 350 billion stimuls, was already sucked dry, by large entreprises, trading stonks, equites, and foreign investments…Why do you think, they already need to expand the program? Last week, Mnuchin Snoochin Boochin…asked Congress to swiftly add an additonal 250 billion to the prorgam, which is luckily being held up, as we freaking need oversight on where this money is going But it get’s even worse my friends
Because the goverment, specifcially the treasury was part of that stimuls I have explained this before, the treasuries exchange stabilization fund, the 500 billion dollar replinishment of it, and the creation of the newest FED special purpose vehicles SPVs, if your intersted in that, the content is included in the description as it’s a good primer But more detals are coming out regarding the SPVs and what the FED is doing First it was annouced that they would be able to buy junk bonds for the very first time in history Which people thought, ok not so bad, some companies like Macy’s and Ford, will be moved into the junk category, its ok for the FED to stimulate them, as to save jobs
They are buying High Yeild Corporate Debt ETFs… Guess who is managing the Feds Corporate Credit Facilitesn assets? Black Rock Inc…and gues who has the largest High Yeild ETF out there? Black Rock, through their iShares iBoxx High Yield Corporate Bond ETF…so this ETF will be getting money, I guaranteee it As of April 9th, the ETF had roughly one-third of its assets invested in single-B rated debt and 11
3% in securities rated triple-C or double-C Does that sound like crucial american firms who should be getting the bailouts? Well my friends, it’s a dark & dangerous world right now I wish I could tell you what is going ot happen in the short term, for both types of assets, tradtiional and not…but you know my thoughts in the long term VIVA LA CRYPTO
Cheers I’ll see you next time!
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