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Hey yo! What is going on with the viewers of the tuuuuuuubeee 1st let me introduce myself as Tyler and I’m the host of the only crypto channel that believes government services should stop sugar coating things, and tell it like it is…you know how we automate

It’s time for Chico Crypto! Wow waw weee wawww…is all I have to say about the Bitcoin and crypto markets Pulling out Bitcoin’s 7 day chart…shabang

Solid upward bullish movements this entire weekand over the past 7 days up over 1600 dollars, or about 22 percent And of course, every other altcoin is following what BTC is doing

All coins seriously green over the past 7 days, and almost every coin green over the past 24 hours Annnnndd you know what the moonbois, are doing…saying Halving pump, we going to 10k & now use my Bybit leverage link PLEASE! Now I’m not saying we aren’t going to 10k, this is not the pre-halving Pump Because it actually is, but it’s built on, shadiness, and is not natural ONE freaking bit Which is sooo obvious to see when looking at the declining volumes, since the mid March Crash, especially with USD

It’s been deflating down, week after week, and as of yesterday we were just over 100 million in 24 hour USD volume Which is peanuts if you check out yesterday’s Tether volume, nearly 58 billion dollars And looking at the ole USDT, we need to looks at an exchange, which trades a good majority of these tokens…BINANCE

Their volume, is now over 80 percent USDT…and looking at Binance’s volume, which is 80 percent Tether, it has been declining too since March… Hmmmmmm, a declining volume overall and an increasing price That is weird wouldn’t you say!? You would think, with the pump over the past couple days, volume would at least get to half of what it was Mid March right? Well I’ll tell you exactly what is happening

Whales are in the process of liquidating BTC for straight up USD, most of the USD volume we are seeing is from those whales They are doing it undercover, manipulating the prices with Tether, most of that volume comes from them too, which gets the markets pumping, as they need FOMO & the crypto heads still involved to market buy their BTC they are slowly liquidating on the USD exchanges Soooowhere does Tether come from? The Tether Cartel, which consists of… Bitfinex and friends Soooo, let’s just go to their exchange cold wallet, for BTC since March and see what has happened We can dive into their public wallet…dang I love BTC and zoom into March As we can see, they dipped from over 176 thousand BTC March 1st, to just over 113 thousand as of yesterday

35 percent of the BTC from Bitfinex…is gone, or over 52 thousand BTC worth nearly half a billion dollars And in my opinion, this BTC was liquidated for USD across exchanges, while the markets were manipulated upwards with printed Tether Hard dumping their BTC, while printing USDT…i mean 1

2 billion of them were minted this month, April alone…and whoever is behind it all, is a criminal mastermind And speaking of criminal masterminds We gotta talk about a thug, who we all know is apart of the Tether cartel, as their exchange is providing over 16 billion dollars worth of USDT volume per day

That is Binance And we have shown the connections time and time again between Binance & Tether Let’s rewatch now… So obviously in my opinion, they are close But what does Binance receive for being a part of this operation? What do they get to do by being one of the exchanges, which recive a bulk of this tainted stablecoin? PUMP and dump their shatcoins

That is what The Binance listings and IEOs It’s the same sad story, for almost every single one Troy, great example, coins are listed and pumped with whale USDT volume But as time goes on, volume leaves, and price deflates down… Same with every coin, severity is sometimes more severe like perlin, sometimes not as severe like Kava

but overall the pattern is the samenever a win for long term holders, and consistently a long term loss Which isn’t good for a coin, looking for long term viability But those are the IEO listings, which are disgusting in their own form Binance also pulls the regular exchange listingand their most recent one, with Solana, of course is shrouded in controversy Solana, got the regular exchange listing earlier this month, and of course the coin pumped like a son of gun, April 10th everyone was covering it…but since then, it has been deflating downand so has the volume Well whaddayyagonnado, once the binance USDT whales get done with your coin? A project needs to “market make” aka get some freaking volume and coin movement themselves And like I said, once you go the way of the darkside of Binance there is no turning back Solana has quietly unlocked 11

3 million tokens, moved them for their “operations” which should have been locked for another 10 months Here is a reply from the team…they admit they are unlocked, on a loan to a market maker and out of the teams controlbut don’t worry, we are not profiting from it Which a dumpster fire, has started because of thisRyan Shea, team member as seen from their website, was on Telegram and he said to a member asking about the situation “thanks for your concern ko, we’re sorry for the miscommunication & apologize for misleading our community

Ouch, so investors, get lied to and just a sorry bud…well the community wanted more information regarding the tokensof which, communtity admin and manager Donton Wilfred, replied “Details as Such are confidential & under NDA” Well, who most likely got theeee tokens? BINANCE DID MY Friends, in my personal opinion, as they have the largest basket of Market Makers, in house & in their Binance market Maker program, released 7 months ago in September of 2019 Soooo, I’m just exposing what is going on people, this doesn't make me bearish, actually makes me bullish short term, as the regulators they have their hands full with everything going down right now, so guess what? They are going to play, and play hard…especially getting FOMO going for the BTC halving BUTTTTT long term, it isn’t good for the markets…I mean if this 2 person Chico Crypto team can figure it out, it won’t be long until the largest stablecoin & largest exchange, Tether and Binance have those (put in Regualtors)

mount up, right onto of them When will that be? Well, you never had a single look on crypto or Bitcoin, when Tether was just a tiny stablecoin, before the 2017 madnesses, with a market cap in the millions

in April of 2017, total USDT in circulation was under 60 millionbut in less than a year, by January 2018, it was over 2 billion That is when eyes started coming from places like the New York AG…2 billion, is a lot different than the millions…well now it’s neary 4x larger, almost 8 billion The higher that goes, the quicker regulators will zero in on it…

and I would put serious consequences to come for those involved…after the next massive RUN…just over a year and a half away Cheers, I’ll see you next time