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Hello All Coach In The Fight here with for another one of these old cloudy day videos

yup you're looking at Shadow Man which means that the Sun is popping out and this may be one of the last videos we get to put out in this format we'll jump back over on our old computer and put texts and Bible scriptures up on the screen for you guys to look at so you can follow along in the scriptures as we give these classes but we're going to take advantage of this one here since it's late in the day and we won't be able to produce a video with the computer for tomorrow anyway

we'll go ahead and put one out maybe this is the last one maybe it's not but this one is going to be on the Mark of the Beast The question is it possible that this coronavirus that's taken over the world now, this pandemic, that is running running rampant through the United States and the rest of the world, is it possible that it can have something to do with the Mark of the Beast now my answer is "yes

" and I'm gonna give you some reasons why I think that so now one of the things Before we jump into it we have to understand what the beast is if we want to talk about the mark of the beast we have to know who is the Beast what is the Beast? and for that you would have to go in and look at the Book of Daniel Daniel is who tells us first of all who the Beast is

now we've come these days and when we hear the word Beast it sounds like something really scary whereas in Daniel and in other parts of the Bible the word beast just means animal that's all that it means is an animal any animal can be referred to as a beast whether it be a cow or a horse or a dog or anything like that

and what Daniel was talking about when he talks about the beast is how in his night visions he was given dreams him nebuchadnezzar and some other people were given visions and dreams and the government systems were portrayed as beasts or animals and one point they were portrayed as a lion and another point they were a ram and then a goat and I believe it was a bear at some point They were described as different animals but the my point is that when we talk about beasts and when we get to revelations and we hear the word "beast" what that is referring to is our kings our governments

those people who run this world are considered the beasts so when you think of the mark of the beast what you're thinking about is the mark of the government in some way now before I go further I want to point out the fact that there are many people out here who are studying what the mark of the beast is there are a lot of people who are doing a lot of research and you have to give these guys credit because they're spending a lot of time and resources trying to come up with this information for us and a lot of time we take them for granted especially when they don't quite get every thing right

but we we still could get information from what they talk about Now understand that there is a couple of camps out there on what the mark of the beast is now the first camp are studying on the mark of the beast and how the government systems, particularly the papal government systems have changed the calendar and changed the holy feast days and even changed the Sabbath day now just to briefly talk on that the reason why they are making the connection between the changing of the Sabbath day, the changing of the feast days and the mark of the beast is because when you look in books like Deuteronomy and in Exodus and in other places it describes the Sabbath day and the feast days particularly unleavened bread as the mark of the Father or the sign of the Father or the Token given by our Father

and so it's pretty easy to see how they make a connection If the feast days and the Sabbath days are the mark of the father then changing those and doing them on different days or not keeping them would be the mark of the beast so after you finish this video and you are doing research on the mark of the beast go ahead and check out those guys because it is a very legitimate argument what they're making there but in this video we're going to focus more on that the material manifestation of what the mark of the beast is now in that camp they believe it has something to do with the modern technologies

there are three of them that people are starting to realize could wind up to be the mark of the beast the one is Bitcoin and all of these crypto currencies and how the world is changing over to cryptocurrency and the reason why they're talking about that one is because of the whole buying and selling aspect of of the mark of the beast if we all change over to cryptocurrency it will be just like money is now just like cash now you can't buy or sell without a dollar bill here in the United States well if we all switch over to Bitcoin it will be the same way now what they're adding to that is the RFID chips in the hand

that's where they're getting this thing about putting the mark in the hand and in the forehead but you understand that there's a lot of people around the world who are getting these RFID chips already and they're not putting together that it could be related to the mark of the beast because it has nothing to do with buying and selling well of course if we go to Bitcoin or something like that where you have to have computers in order to run that stuff they're going to somehow tie it in to a microchip that's already under your skin anyway and then you add that to the 5g technology when you put the 5g technology together with the other two it kind of paints a picture of how these bankers these governments these beast systems, if they ever get those three in place where you have a chip under your hand that's ran by 5g technology with your Bitcoin information in it you can very well see how that's going to be preventing you from buying or selling or doing just about anything in the economic systems of the world

the government's will be able to control us track us and even a lot of other things when you get into some of that other 5g technology and RFID stuff and what they what they plan to do with it but you say well how can this coronavirus, how can it actually promote that how can this coronavirus bring all of that into effect well you think about what was going on with this corona virus and how it's bringing out our dependencies on the government systems there's a lot of people who are going hungry there's a lot of people who are out of work there's a lot of people who are having to depend on the government system way more than we did even a year ago now that we're in this pandemic and people are having to stay home and not be able to go to work and not able to go to school and different stuff we're starting to realize how dependent we are on the system and that dependency seems to be growing everyday we're becoming more dependent on the Beast system every day you think of the beast, the government system it has everything to do with civilization which comes by way of the government systems you can't name any place in the world that has things like running water or security or education without there being some type of government attached to and that's what's going on that's why we are so dependent on the government for those things but the thing about this is pandemic it's bringing out those dependencies and making us more dependent on those government systems so I think it's easy to see how as we get further along there's more people out of work the virus spreads or whatever you can see how big government agencies like FEMA will start to gain more and more control maybe even the military by way of the National Guard will start to get more and more control on us and then if we ever have to depend on fema and fema camps to take care of us well of course we're gonna have to obey and listen to what they say do and if they tell us that we're gonna have to get a microchip or something like that under our hands in order to eat then there's a lot of people that's going to line up to get that kind of stuff [to get chipped] they're not going to hesitate to go ahead and get whatever it is that's required of them to get in order to feed their children when you take food off the table and get people hungry a lot of things that seem to be important to them in their life kind of goes away they change their perspective on things when people start to get hungry it kind of changes the way we act or whatever and so you know I believe with that we can see how it is that you know this coronavirus could actually cause us to head in that direction

all right guys I'm gonna go ahead and wrap this video up like I said this is one of our cloudy day videos if we get some feedback on it we may go ahead and do some type of follow-up video on this where we will add verses to what we're talking about and that kind of thing so subscribe and go ahead and hit the like button if you got something out of this hit the dislike button if you didn't but leave us a comment either way and Shalom