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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the streets of LA fit to win on the streets of LA I guess that's what the show is called here you you've all heard that everybody in LA has to wear a mask now apparently no masks of me it's caught the by it's I'm not going to be a compliant boot licker most people are it's funny la says they care I guess about health they're worried about your health but here you can see there's just the ten homeless persons tent set up here we're right off the LaBrea right here fine I mean that doesn't bother me but this hasn't gone away at all from LA but now you've gotta wear a mask Scott we we care about your health we don't want anybody getting sick but hey if you're a homeless person you can set your set your tent up anywhere urinate out on the street or whatever and this is the person is in there they're cool with me whatever but I'm just giving you you know the hypocrisy that's that's definitely out there so let's talk about guilty until a lot of states right now they're guilty until you're proven you've got that disease unless you can prove you don't have that disease so since everyone must have the disease it's everybody must be guilty every one of us wear a mask everyone must obey the rules of a being a sick person you must quarantine yourself because you're guilty you're sick even though you're not sick we're gonna quarantine all the people who aren't sick because they really sick they're guilty guilty until proven as him and guilty until proven innocent is a sickening way to live that's not the way free countries were set up you're not free if you're living in the guilty until innocent paradigm but that's what we're living in in the United States right now so hey deal with it I guess or you can speak up against it you could be defiant like I am right here pal that freaking like button all right so each state is an experiment obviously here in California they're very strict when it comes to the virus but hey in other states they're letting they're letting up on the insanity that's been going on and that's great so you get to pick and choose which state is best for you but most people are locked into their state I'm forcing now I am getting the heck out of here okay they'd like the virus theater here is fires theater you know and people feel safe now that everyone else is forced to wear a mask I'm safe no you really aren't I mean if you're worried about catching something catching a cold catching scripter you know you stay inside like it was the old days okay but now people are like Adam you're not wearing a mask so I'm not safe so it's gonna make you feel better than see this is theater it's frickin theater that's gonna make more people feel confident that there there's the hey you know a mask is gonna save the day then I guess that's alright maybe they'll be more if the business has opened up again and all your business is just open up just just open up no one's they can't enforce it trust me they're no cut there the cops don't even want to enforce this type of thing but so I am NOT for the being forced to wear a mask okay and I'm not going alright but one there is a good point to it than some of these screaming Karen's out there will at least feel better Oh King Newsom now says we have to wear a mask or King Garcetti so it's safe I'll spend money again okay are you freakin full pound that like button now so I wonder us how many people from California are going to be moving to Texas once the salt is all over or Idaho I mean there's already been trend that that's been the trend for a while but I mean this is this this has gotten ridiculous now I mean some people the reaction online when the order came down you must wear a mask on the streets in LA I mean there are some people that are frustrated but so many people are locked in to their state because they own it own a house and we're going to get into that in a second how I don't own a house so I can go wherever I want to go now one thing that we've learned from this is that telecommunicator commute excuse me if if you work at an office you don't have to go off so that's that's a positive now it's some private industry she do you do have to meet eventually you do need a you do need a central office but let me tell you something the governments of every state of every country they should be building any new government buildings there is no reason that government workers need to go into some plush office somewhere okay alright so I hopefully will spend the the government's will save someone that not the government's are into saving money but you call out those hypocrites if they build some new luxury government office building one of these days say hey where's I can look back to 2020 you didn't need all your so-called workers were working from home not that they ever work or anything like that and by the way all you private industry people who are not and don't have jobs anymore shut down your jobs they didn't shut down the government jobs all the government jobs they're still getting paid now of course they do nothing I mean but they're still getting paid keep that in mind so possessions Elon Musk said possessions are an attack vector and of course I agree with that I live that if you have a house if you have a car if you've got a TV or whatever not said if you got a pet it's an attack vector it keeps you down also thank you in Los Angeles I'd leave my pet I don't wanna leave my big-screen TV I paid so much for it obviously I don't want to leave my house the house is the tech back doors you get sued on the house in the house I never had a TV so I'm free before all this nonsense came on and you could do it you could go to any country once they lift the restriction any state any city any any country of use at the spur of the moment and just start anew you got your big coin you take that's where your wealth is they can't that's not an attack that they can't take that from you okay that doesn't hold you down you take that from country to country state to state jurisdiction to jurisdiction it's not like having a dog or a car that you can't take you to grind you down that grounds you down whatever you want to say it is anyway so you say that's the way I you get rid of your possessions I mean I travel around with a suitcase of the backpack and you know just I've got some old stuff some records stored it some relatives houses and whatnot you could do that too but get rid of this stuff is an attack that their possessions are a tack vector once you've gotten rid of enough attack factors you're free and go from place to place like defiance on the streets about a freakin ass yeah boy all right Eugene so a lot of us know about Belarus because we heard we read articles in coin desk a few months ago a few weeks ago I forgot now about the leader of Belarus wanted to suggested using nuclear power plants to power big point mining what what is that all about was that just a gimmick her yeah the beginning of the answer is Belarus suffered everybody knows let's let me start with the next everybody announced the HBO TV series Chernobyl mm-hmm Chernobyl right yes these to be serious explains that catastrophe disaster happened when in 1980 86 in Soviet Union with Chernobyl nuclear station this station now it is situated it is close okay okay it's ciliated a little bit bit southern than belorus any crane in your Korean but belorus the former Republic batteries had suffered a lot of the most a lot a lot of comparing with other parts of Soviet Union and the nuclear for every Belarusian a verbal option Syrian means the very the most dangerous thing they ever had nuclear that's the best that's the starting point of the answer so the nice that Belarus started to build its own nuclear plant with a rushing money I need to mention that sounds like a crazy mess for example like for Japan to build another Fukushima after the crash of the Pharaoh the first one so why the president Lukashenko decided to do that I think two reasons first of all cheap energy because because of economical rational reasons cheap energy second one of Russia money so of the situation is the builders builders began to build nuclear plants it's only a third land bill Russia an atomic plant it might have called and the main consequence of this is this nuclear plant will produce a lot of energy and Belarusian economy will not consume even the one third part of this energy so we need to decide the problem were to utilize the energy and then mining comes into the realm of course Lucas yonke is not the stupid dictator he's politically clever dictator and he did I understand he do you understand what creature is he signed the decree of economic development in the December 2017 and Belarus had claimed that he would become the new Singapore increase rearm in Europe it was announced Tory so I cannot say that now now that Bill Russian nuclear plant it is not built yet it's it is being built right now but well it will be finished and building perhaps we will have or a hidden word now it may be official government mine plant supplied by the engineer of the Belarusian Nuclear Station that's that's the story it is continuing and we are observing all this iteration and I will infer me further about the details audacity so if this really gets pulled off Belarus could become a wealthy country I mean they could start mining Bitcoin right Eric do you think they're too inefficient that's a hypothesis as I mentioned earlier the Belarusian GDP is zero zero point seven and the world per person in the world GDP may be the main at the core of the industry right now in Belarus the currency was well and gas oil oil refining Russia supply builders with cheap definitely cheap oil and Belarus refine that and explore it expert reacts period of the oil production to the world market now when oil costs fifteen are even less fifteen dollars per barrel this economy the kinda part of the enemy will definitely will have shrink so belorus right now and the bellringer in very difficult that may be in the difficult the worst difficulty situation in his experience where to grow where to develop what part of the economy to take bail Russia has an IT segment it consists about 3 percent of GDP and maybe mining would have become the major part of the Belarusian economy in the next ten years I will not reject this situation but we will see right now it is not so it is still in very beginning in talking and conversation how long do you think the leader can hold on to power for he's done since the 1994 that's a long time did you see there's any chance of him going away any anytime soon you know let's remember the most long-stay dictators and were Fidel Castro in Cuba and maybe Muammar Gaddafi in Libya yeah wrecked more than we're in Oh gypped more than 40 40 45 years old each Lukashenko now having staying only 26 years in power it's a crazy mess I think this scenario looks like well in 1960s British Empire had gone from Africa and the majority of African countries had declared their independence they quickly became dictatorship countries that's the scenario we did see in after the crash of Soviet Union we are like in like in Africa but more than in the north of the planet Earth so I don't even try to predict how long he will be staying but oh that's that's a pain question it all depends from from their eastern side the main quit and the most part equation how Putin Vladimir Putin will be staying at the power I may be the answer the correct answer will be when Putin will came out of power Lukashenko will came out of power quickly while putting is staying on the power Lukashenko will be singing barbecue how long will it last nobody else nobody else that's really that's a really good answer that's a guy as long as Putin's there look your gear leaders gonna be there perhaps but in the day the Putin goes away it's gonna change over there too so very good so finally again I did this all right is anybody scared of the virus there I mean it's just people just walking around doing business as usual right yes in kind of say in in folk paddling for folk that German will folk and personal and personal opinion everybody of course everybody's talking thing everybody's not forgetting about the virus but we're in Valerie's we were in a much worse situation we're in Soviet Union we're installing when collectivization in famine and the Second World War 25 persons Belarusian Bella rations were killed in the Second World War the one one the quarter population so any viruses we don't scare about anywhere Isis that's that's the default default old story I'm joking of course I'm joking of course but the story nobody is scared it's so scary that he sees in home and it's not walking anywhere everybody works everybody guys oh well like everybody goes and shopping I think it's like it's a good attitude to have you know we we've see it you're saying we've seen a lot worse than this we're living our lives we're doing our thing and we're not hiding and I think I think that's I think it's a great way of handling this situation so it is a realistic realistic approach really virus doesn't stop the life here oh good no and more people should know about what's going on with everyday people like you there that you're just living their life because when people read these stories about the virus of Belarus they see a picture of your leader like playing ice hockey and I mean their lobster play hockey he loves to he loves to play any sport and allows some more other things I the media tries to portray it more as like a joke I mean but it's not a joke there's real people living their lives there yeah you guys it's not a wealthy country they got it they got to keep the I mean you said it previously you got to keep the economy going if if they shut down if they took the precautions that these other countries are taking the whole country would fall apart I mean you your economy would be destroyed it would be destroying you and the leader does not want that he does not Edwards you lose power at the Econo cost so I mean he has his own reasons but in the long run his reasons are they're good for the people because least the people could be productive in the and they don't have to they're not hiding and they don't want to so good good I'm like that the Belarus attitude and I really thank you for all this insight and I hope people out there really uh you know we've heard about Belarus now now you're really I heard it from the horse's mouth right there so Eugene found that like button dude thank thanks a lot for being on again and see you guys later alright this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister look at this pig covered by this is what ever tell you about this is the future the golden age right there that is awesome that is the delivery know what is anyone monitoring AP pinnacles the reason i'm doing this video is this isn't I'm out here being defiant in Los Angeles and there's Pink's from the background how to be defiant don't be compliant dudes I'm excited here on the streets of LA baby defiance baby get out there like I in here traffic is picking up