Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is Canada Day July the first 2020 strong hair long term thinking bitcoin is the next bitcoin I'm confiscating all value your wealth and bitcoin I'm offended by selling be a unique beast hello my elite friends check out all the links below everything I talk about in this video is linked to below of course this week in Bitcoin with great we're coming up on Friday again at noon Baltimore time this weekend bit Bitcoin on Friday less than 48 hours JW weather men will be on who knows who else will be on remember subscribe to the backup channel you get a get shows there every day also and on Saturday it is the beyond Bitcoin show at the back up channel always good to be subscribe to the backup channel just in case something goes wrong and that's the way you get to watch the be on Bitcoin show and we'll talk a little beyond Bitcoin today also in during this show so remember to play this a to X people if you're if you're watching this tape disrupt meister comm over 1700 videos that i've been in at disrupt meister calm that's the archives if it ever just check it out through alright so here is a tweet from bit stein and it's it's inspirational tweet that's why i'm starting with you now if i was some click Bader try and get the 80 percenters i would make this the title but that's not what this is about pal bad like button just remember buying bitcoin at $100,000 means you're still early I like that one I I like that it's a great that's a great way of looking at things you you can say hey who knows what it's going to be a hundred thousand dollars when it's going to hit that six digit realm but even then it will be still early so if then if the future is still early and some of you are watching this in the future and you're loving life but if that's early then what's it make it now that it's $9,000 and then $9,000 realm so think of it that way people in the future will be Stillson $100,000 and it's still early so look at the opportunity you have now okay so I find this tweet from ripple I don't even know I noticed someone must have retweeted something by ripple and I see in their symbol has been turned into a ripple symbol but his rainbow colored now oh that's that's very interesting I thought maybe this has something to do with the in June in many cities in America when things are normal when people aren't if they're big pride parties including in Baltimore and I've actually talked about the the the opportunity for straight men during the the pride party so there's two meet ladies actually but that that was on a past video find it in the archive somewhere now and the success that I actually had during that at red maple once in in Baltimore during the the Pride celebration I met a young lady so but going back side letter what does this have to do with pride does this have to do it's very interesting that a cryptocurrency it gives uh opinions about pride is that everyone not everybody supports pride not everyone so I check out this tweet now I check out their thread and then I scroll down a little bit and I see sure enough happy pride from the ripple team we wrapped up our week with a virtual Pride celebration ripple is dedicated to continuing to foster a workplace that is inclusive for all and we love to have you join our team well ripple that's great but you know that shows the tremendous – tremendous difference between ripple and Bitcoin okay there there are no opinions like in Bitcoin Bitcoin this issue SJW press releases like that there is no there is no company that controls Bitcoin like there is with ripple obviously this they said there they're hiring and they'd love to have you join the team I mean this this tweet speaks volumes about about there's just a tremendous difference between the two and that they can have opinions they can take sides there are no size in Bitcoin your worst enemy can be here and that's great it helps you there is no sjw I mean you can have a CW's buy Bitcoin but there could be the opposite of there could be a defiant people defiance over compliance people keep it up down that like button but I thought they the tweet was very interesting very telling and there were some people that are like how could you some people never like this is awesome tweet and then some people like why why are you tweeting this out well what is it there with Bitcoin is neutral obviously ripple not so neutral there they had they stated their opinion on something that's a controversial out there so just one you can check it out it's linked to below now there's a guy out there his initials are DK I'm not gonna say his name I think he's the smart he can be really he's got a high IQ probably uh and he he used to do a lot of Bitcoin tweeting and then he joined the bsv cult he joined that bsv situation and he liked faked Satoshi well all of a sudden his Twitter feed is filled with ripping on on fake Satoshi should I give the guy credit uh he he realized he was wrong now you have to wonder what what is what is I to really a measurement up that a guy that's was such a high IQ could believe in the fake Toshi cult but he's out he's out of it he's out of it dude so I link to his feed below I'm not into all that Yenta gossip stuff but I thought I just point that out it was floating around sumit and people are making all sorts of jokes about I'm not gonna get hey by the way speaking about Twitter I joined parlor and tone vases on there and Alistair Milne is on there but that's about it in Bitcoin Weiland but I'm bitcoinmeister on there it's linked to below if your own parlor follow me there a lot of apparently people have been using it more often in the mainstream world and so hey why not why not join it was easy to join I'll parlay some stuff out I guess I don't know what they call it I put something out there so I'll try to be a little active on there never hurts to be on more than one a social media platform they have some backups don't learn it the hard way of course I'm gonna bitch shoot also everything I'm on is linked to below Doug 209 says all these companies compulsively virtue signal now yes so ripple is no different all the companies out there the fortune 500 company then regular all these fearful companies now but there that doesn't exist in Bitcoin Bitcoin doesn't have to worry about people's feelings pound that light and that's the bottom line that's that's how I should have summed it up Bitcoin doesn't care about your feelings ripple does care about with you alright alright any more questions out there all right oh you you need peace I'm still checking out you can type in bitcoinmeister or you can do a super chat and I will I will yeah answer your question so moving on we talked about JW's gonna be on the show on Friday who else oh here's a reminder about gold debasement we talked about the fake gold the other day on the show check it out it's linked to below the great commenter in the comments section always leave your comments people SS m59 says and this guy has experience in life we have to remember that the current Fiat system is the result this is good it's a good comment that's why I'm reading the current Fiat system is a result of the failure of the previous gold standard member that reinstatement of a new gold standard will be plagued by the same problems of central bolting and debasement that all previous gold standards experienced bitcoin is the only scarce verifiable and easily transferable asset in the history of mankind as such it defines a new plane of human existence oh dude that is inspirational there there very important that remember that all the golden holders out there this is taking it to a new level and your gold can be debased we learned how that they have a day they got away with it for a little while please and yeah it's you don't have to worry about vaulting it a tresor is a much much easier vault than Fort Knox or whatever okay and remember all you people that are in the Bitcoin now watching this on July the 1st 2020 all you Canadians you are elite you're elite and it's a darn shame darn ridiculous shame that the Toronto Blue Jays who I do not like it all was on the blog memorial fan aren't there at the SkyDome and I know you're not don't call it that anymore wearing their Maple Leaf hats playing a baseball game today which they should be doing right now they usually do play a game there today so hey that's just the way of the world all these compliance cities compliant people defiance – defiance be an independent thinker individualism that's the accomplishment collectivism the default is the default unfortunately that is that's what people default to that's what people run to that's sort of you've got to become you got to teach yourself to be an individual it is an accomplishment you should be proud be a proud person I'm proud of this channel best freaking guest in the space you know it alright alright now this serve and you get unique stories here you don't get the 80% of stories here is I love this coming out of the United Kingdom only a few smart people are tweeting about this now Nick Carter being one of them Zach Valle being another one they were the only ones that I saw tweet about this it's a great survey out of the United Kingdom by the financial conduct authority who sounds like a horrible government institution I'm sure it is crypto asset consumer research 2020 they might be a terrible government institution is a good freaking report though we look over the entire thing if you need fancy sets and graphics they got nice graphs there too let's sum it all up for you I link to it below here's some of their findings that I found interesting we estimate that 386 percent of the general population currently own crypto currencies this amounts to approximately 1
9 million adults with within the United if the United Kingdom population over 18 is approximately 50 million people all right so three point eight six percent of adults in the United Kingdom on cryptocurrency or have them do there we go currently on cryptocurrency that's a pretty high number again it's the adult population so that's that's that boosts the number up sometimes we hear these estimates of what percentage of a population owns Bitcoin and it takes into account the entire population the under-18 now there are a few people that are between under 18 that actually own it but alright but going back to the cool facts seventy five percent of consumers who own cryptocurrency hold under a thousand British pounds of it whoa and this is again in in the United Kingdom in the United Kingdom so if you're in the United Kingdom if you're UK Bitcoin master you're pretty elite if you uh if you own over a thousand pounds of cryptocurrency now consumers appear increasingly aware of crypto currencies as twenty-seven percent have never heard of cryptocurrencies this year compared to 58% last year so good for you United Kingdom so why had people United Kingdom all of a sudden now only 27 percent haven't heard of it while last year 58 percent hadn't heard hmm I wonder what would have been in News and I think this figure to crypto currencies more than ten percent of respondents had heard of so let's I think this is very revealing here this point seventy-eight percent of respondents have heard of Bitcoin and this is again assuming this is of the number of people who know what cryptocurrency is it take taking away the people that don't know what cryptochrome did haven't heard of cryptocurrency but seventy eight percent have heard a Bitcoin 22 percent Libre that's the second one that they name okay so first it's Bitcoin then a huge drop-off 22 percent to Libre twenty percent the be cash seventeen percent have heard of etherium 12 percent bsv 12 percent litecoin now I assume the BS V&B cash is that high because some of the people just stay here Bitcoin and they think yeah I've heard of that before Big B cash bsv I've heard it's big Bitcoin you know that that type of thing but I if there's a Bitcoin bias basically now but Lee and good Bitcoin is that powerful of a brand that when other coins use it in their name if they're very recognizable to people it's hey whatever hey this is where the big boys play a lot of people complain oh why is be gold use the Bitcoin name you don't have to call it bitcoins you can call it be gold you go up be cash but it's beneficial it's it's beneficial in terms of terms of name recognition and marketing and by the way this report goes into advertising and marketing to people have heard advertisements for cryptocurrency homes before and seeing it but Libre has gotten a lot of free marketing there is no doubt about it if 22 per if it's the second most known crypto currency in Britain okay and it doesn't even exist yet maybe they're sleeping it's a sleeping giant even if it actually comes out for all the people that say it's gonna fail this that and the other it's already the second most known crypto currency in Britain that's a that's a pretty big accomplishment there yeah I mean is it kenka there's a survey a hundred percent angry no I mean there's a margin marriage that it's but I doubt it's up there the people named it okay they know what it is that's good news for Mark Zuckerberg trying to become the wealthiest man in the history of mankind that's probably gonna help them out there and this was a big boys play I have no problem with uh because I know that the Libre people will be brought there'll be a segment of them that will be brought to Bitcoin but it's it's really a fascinating survey good job financial conduct conduct at the party okay and something else has been floating around the newly released free float supply data seeks to help investors apply a more precise definition of asset supply we talked about this two months ago though and I actually linked to the Nick Carter tweet I talked about this on this very show that the free what's it what's a copy the free float supply a Bitcoin that it's not as much as people think you know you think there's eighteen million out there there's only winner and then there's a calculation to figure it out and it shows how these other you know that you think there's 18 million be gold out there it really there there there aren't that many because people have never claimed it that's what the free float supply day that is all about now did they did they give out more data today like specifics I don't know but that that measurement we talked about it two months ago so it's it's it's weird that it has a lot of coverage over the last two days oh well now I want to follow up something I said yesterday at the band's youtuber that we talked about yesterday and I use his name on my if you're listening this on the podcast or on bitch shoot I I list his name there but here he'd since he's banned but better safe than sorry right and and I'll talk about I use his name on to be on Bitcoin show on the backup channel of course of course but this is not the back of Jenna but I talked about how is the donations that people have sent him since his banning there were like five pages of Bitcoin donations 3b cash donations and to aetherium ones well after I have looked at that data some be cashiers and you gotta hand it to them three be cashiers sent him large amounts of be cash okay and sixty thousand dollars worth of it I don't even know the numbers still and he inspired other people and it got the cash in the news they wrote about it here on this article that I linked to below so in terms of the amount of wealth he got through all this he might actually gotten more beat ash but he's he's fake I mean now it's like eight pages of Bitcoin and 15b cash donations still the the point I was making yesterday is that people in the all corn community say that bitcoin is not used to give you know medium to small transactions this is slow and it's expensive which is not and plenty of people did it so many more people sent Bitcoin then sent the other ones and that that's still true but I wanted to put that out there that some be cash people did I guess he's got some fans in the be cash community and you probably could figure out who they are but but there it is so and I want to point out something from corn Telegraph coin Telegraph wrote this also that he got over $100,000 in cryptocurrency donations all right any and that is a lot for like two or three days or whatever it's been that that helps that's helps in plenty I'm sure but to show you just how lame the mainstream crypto media is and at corn Telegraph is they called the dude and I link to the video I link to the article they call them all sorts of names and they're falling into the trap okay the you're not using your head by calling in these names okay you're not using that there's nuance here okay I'm not the biggest fan of his you don't have to call him the names that you were calling you and you just you're definitely taking a side in the situation ok coin Telegraph is showing their bias toward toward censorship I would say okay toward saying no this person isn't allowed to talk we're gonna call him a horrible name so you ignore him and he's kicked off of all the platforms course so you could look at the coin Telegraph article where the numerous times they call him some names that he's not that he he's not it is no there's no point but hey they can do that I just want to point that out that's just shows you how lame coin Telegraph is in these Main Street they're just parroting the mainstream media talking points ok that's that's all it is they're not being unique piece they're not using their heads alright what do we have here alright we got people all right all right ok keep on keep on people ask some ask some questions I know we got that the usuals over there we're almost we're making progress almost there I can go running we just had a downpour here in Asheville North Carolina and I yesterday have a song about giving you tips about respecting respecting the money that that was a nice way of saying it never be in a situation where you're paying interest okay be in situations where you're getting interest this is just this is this real life a lot of people get into these situations when they have car payments ok you're paying interest there a lot of people get into a horrible mortgage debt own a freaking mortgage on a house you sold ok how about that how about that you sell a house and now and that's hard to do I'm not recommending that for people that are novices ok yeah you got to know what you're doing a little bit but be it all these people talking about paying mortgage how about the people that were receiving mortgage payments because you know because they could defer gratification you could do you sell your house you can can you defer some of the gratification get was there plenty of people that are willing for you to hold the mortgage ok so and get yourself into a minimalist a minimum mindset okay I didn't use the world word minimalist yesterday and you get more minimalist information on my backup channel which is linked to below no pets no unplanned kids it saves you a lot of money dudes it's a and it's the those are attack vectors and they also anchor you down when you have a pet when you have an unplanned kid or plant king when you you people again people wonder how do you do it how do you do it I don't have those type of expenses a kid people spend more on their kid then I spend on myself a lot more okay put that in the perspective there the minimalist perspective and don't be afraid to get a good deal okay don't be afraid to be careful and save a dollar or two here and there getting everything getting everything into one suitcase okay that saves me a lot of money when I'm traveling by plane okay some people they add that to Sookie that's like me it cost money to have extra suitcase on all served and Southwest you can have two right but no I mean that that's just a tip that's your that's your a minimalist tip of the day get it all get it all the ones walk places walk places instead of ubering like I don't use uber I don't know Hoover I don't have a Hoover account once I had to use it I had to get a relative of mine did like to set the whole darn thing up through their uh their phone okay because I don't have a phone don't have a phone and also something that I like to do my biggest expense is my my rental expenses because I go around Airbnb all over and it's a it's a great feeling to paid in advance do is such a good feeling to know that your greatest expense it's taken care of until September 15th you don't have to make another big expect it's just you see what you have in the bank it's it's such a good feeling you're like oh wow this kid this can last longer than beyond the Bitcoin handling of 2024 alright just want to bring that up Hong Kongers because we talked about it a little bit yesterday and that's the kind of stuff you get on the beyond Bitcoin show which is on the backup channel link to below Hong Kong police make first arrest under the new national security law detaining a man who carried the independence flag it's disgraceful I was there exactly two years exactly three years ago I was there with July first the seventh during their rainy season and it's it's sad that it's come to this and it's a reminder the bitcoiners that your country can change and that you might have to move eventually and it's good the value of that wealth and bitcoin and haven't have you know have a stash ready to get out of there to start a new and a new in a new country because right now it looks like that Hong Kongers that appreciate freedom they're gonna have to move and start I mean it's becoming more China I mean I get China doesn't own it but they weren't supposed to do this and so yeah Bitcoin helps you start anew for those of you that are just gonna who knows the next level of authoritarianism that they could get you where it'll be hard to get out of there at least now it's easy to get it out there you could start anew with your Bitcoin that's it but this is a lesson that Bitcoin is all over the world if it happened in Hong Kong you better believe it's gonna happen in other countries it has happened in other countries and here's some reading recommendations real quick first edition of this month in Bitcoin privacy newsletter I link to it below the words Bitcoin journal for June 2020 is out I link to that below there's some repeat articles in there that I bought that I've we've already read but whatever and this is for big readers I know a lot of people out there don't have reading comprehension or have the time to actually read anything they need videos and fancy assistive graphics or whatever it's out there and here's another one there's a a twitter feed called bc bt c transcripts and it's written out transcripts of bitcoin presentations that have been made at various events so that's so it's all documented and out there and some people perform prefer reading i think i'm gonna have on the beyond bitcoin show I'm in the middle of reading a book now that's something I haven't read a fiction book in quite some time I'm in the middle of reading one now because this house has some fiction books in it I got this one I've heard of for various reasons gonna read it I've almost done it and I'll talk about it I think I'll be guided by Saturday so I'll talk about it I'll leave you in suspense and the book I with the title is with you you have to tune into the backup channel on Saturday to find that out so I so I I'm a big fan of reading for internet articles but I haven't read a fiction book and sometimes it changing things up a little bit doesn't hurt its exercises your brain ok dudes I'm out of here I'm going running baby i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video share those with you check out the links below pound that like button disrupt meister calm and I'll see you tomorrow around the same time thanks a lot to you
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