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Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is august the 26th 2020 strong hand long-term thinking buy and hold don't scam yourself buying over crying personal responsibilities new counter culture we'll talk about all those three of those topics uh five digit realm value your wealth and bitcoin i am offended by selling don't fomo on all coins even if some bitcoin guy is uh promoting it i guess is that what we're gonna talk about is everyone gonna be a yenta today yeah it's time to crypto yente it up a little bit uh but we'll get a good lesson out of it hello my elite friends i know you're not yentas uh you're here for the uh the information the insider information remember if you've questions i have answers you guys are all unique beasts yes and uh just type in bitcoinmeister or you can do a super chat get my attention and uh someone asked about the uh was that a serious question jay parr i will answer it if that was a serious question what you said before the show started but i don't know if you were really serious about that so tell me in the uh get my attention tell me you're serious uh this is my 1800 eight one thousand eight hundredths show eighteen hundred shows on disrupt meister dot com now so check out disrupt meister calm for the archives i've been doing this for for some time uh you can learn you can learn a lot i i think uh i'm glad i'm glad i've chronicled all this now you definitely you can get the history of freaking bitcoin on here baby pound that like button and you can see what uh the very definition the very definition of conviction is all these shows i keep on going i'm like the energizer bunny baby uh and yeah so i'm on twitter i'm tech ball t-e-c-h-b-a-l-t let's start with some hyperbole okay i mean this ended up being hyperbole i don't know what he meant it to be here bitstein you gotta be careful of stuff like this he says the the monetization of bitcoin is arguably the most important event in human history and we get to experience it amazing okay he's saying that the monetization of bitcoin is the most important event in human in human history you know it i i think the the growth of bitcoin the wealth that will be created uh through the the strong hands saving hang on is there is there an audio issue on my end is anyone else having a problem with the audio here give me a uh give me a confirmation of audio real quick guys real quick all right now uh so if someone's having problems though it's not me with the audio issue here now what was i saying yeah so i i think the the wealth created through bitcoin through saving to being a long-term thinker it's going to allow bitcoiners to be involved with some of the most important events in human history guy life extension space travel colonization of faraway places in the solar system and beyond those are those uh events are more important than uh bitcoin okay the bitcoin can lead to those events happening but uh life extension technology true life extension technology that that's like when you say one of the most important events in human history there you go i don't think there's an argument about that people can all of a sudden live to be 200 instead of 85 that's bigger than bitcoin i got to tell you the truth guys this just should i mean you can get carried away with the bitcoin hyperbole and you gotta bitcoin's huge and it will allow people to to get the wealth to get into those uh life-changing life-altering human history altering uh projects okay so don't go too wild and hey it's great to be a fan it's great to be getting excited about bitcoin it really is great but sometimes you gotta just understand that some of this is hyperbole even if they didn't mean it that way all right audio is fine very good dudes and jay parr all right j part did not okay so i guess it wasn't a serious question and uh yeah now next uh next topic we're getting closer to the yenta inx stuff oh how did this become a topic remember people retweet this right now spread the word i just gave you a link to retweet it i can do two things at once here unbelievable now uh next thing complexity worship before we get to the enthus in x drama before we get there i just lost my place sorry this is from arjun who's been on the show he works out in san francisco silicon valley area i've talked about how people over there have a different look different take on defy and ethereum so i'm going to give you some uh d5 buzzword complexity worship type of talk here and i'll break it down this is what arjun said in a tweet and it's linked to below everything i talk about is linked to below so you can see these references are legit as defy on ethereum matures developer shelling points have begun emerging around contracts like compounds governance module and synthetics mentor contract this lowers the barrier to implement staking or governments and or governments and to support new projects similar to the erc20 standard now did anyone understand what i just said at all no seriously did you you have to read that quite a few times and know about this space to really get a taste of what he means there okay now there are plenty of people they hear that and they read that and they're like i'm not going to take the time to understand that that is filled with so much jargon and buzzwords clearly this ethereum thing is going to be huge clearly this deep i think is going to be huge this is silicon valley this is this is the new of the new the innovation of the innovation this uh what what arjun just put out there that i don't even understand so it's it's tweets like this and he works it for a company that uh you know has portfolios this that and the other so they got they got to complicate matters but this is where the big boys play so get used to this i like to keep it simple with bitcoin it's a new fangled savings account but there are so many people out there smart people people who want to think they're smart people who want to think they're on the technical cutting edge and people who want to be involved with the silicon valley latest hottest thing and it all gets mishmashed in there and so they talk with the mishmash words buzzwords uh comp and and they just worship the complexity right there everything that he just said is he doing that because he's a bad dude no he's living it he understood what he said he understood what he said but in the end of the day what is what the heck is all that going to bring you there it's good there's going to be a lot of speculation into the etherium and the deep eye it really should have a simpler explanation than that it really should if if it could be if it was better than bitcoin um you could explain it like bitcoin a newfangled savings account but it appears that you really it's you know you got to put in all these magical mystery words hey to each his own some of you love that stuff and i just wanted to read you out a statement you're going to see more and more of those so don't feel bad that you don't understand that the first time you hear it or the fifth time you read it and that's the way of the world and some people are hoping that you don't and you just buy it blindly and make yourself feel real smart pound that like button let me tell you how you feel smart okay you just you don't need that whole complex worship process i mean some people do but uh you really shouldn't you should understand what you're freaking buying okay so play this at 2x people if you're watching this tape you can understand me at 2x or 175 it saves so much time i watch all videos at 2x or 1

75x if they've got a really thick accent now or if it's later in the night i guess my brain is a little tired after 2 am now uh so let's talk about ethereum and uh this at this in x thing okay so there are these uh there are these guys out there in the space you know jameson lop and uh fluffy pony uh whale panda especially well and uh charlie lee i'm forgetting some names okay they're big fans of bitcoin now of course some of those names are also have been fans of all coins before too obviously uh charlie and uh fluffy pony but they could be pretty vicious some of these dudes in their their their twitter personas can be vicious and very orthodox when it comes to you know bitcoin or the highway okay way up and to take it to another level here let's they all have something in common and at times all of these guys have really ripped on ethereum i i believe and let's let's go to uh and your fluffy ponies he's ripped on dash as being a scam what's a scam this is a scam that's a scam uh you know the abuse of the word scam by all of these dudes i don't know about luck but by by those dudes they abuse the word scam they really do um bitconnect was a scam okay one coin was a scam aetherium is not a scam now well panda in his uh his persona he can be very obnoxious on uh on twitter and it's a lot a lot of what he spouts out can be garbage and crypto noise but there is some you can learn from whale panda also i mean this is the way i when i tell you guys about who to check out on crypto twitter qr bitcoin twitter i i say you know there's gonna be some trash sometimes there's gonna be some yenta stuff okay some gossip but there's gonna be hardcore stuff too but he we have panda of all these people he's engaged in the attacks on ethereum okay and on you know pushing it toward this corner where some people like to say it's a scam now tone has done that too but one thing with tone as does he buy ethereum does he get involved with projects that deal with ethereum does he change his mind about ethereum when people he's friends with associated with oh some of those guys he personally knows when they uh when they get involved with something like this in x which is a token on aetherium does he change his mind no he didn't you can watch the video of jimmy song and tone base talking about this it's like in the first 10 minutes or so it's linked to below they explained what this inx thing is it's i mean it's a way to ipo without ipoing okay and they're doing it on the ethereum blockchain and it get it'll get sec approval and hey they're they're starting an exchange or something and this is the way they're going to do it it's quite an innovation it's quite an innovation if you want to start an exchange and um you know follow sec rules and allow accredited investors to buy and be able to ipo without real they're revolutionary what the ipo is great compete don't complain that's awesome that they're doing that i mean that's not something i would do i would never buy such a project i mean it's very highly speculative i only buy bitcoin and but when it boils down to it some of these guys talk a really big game against ethereum and now they're using it and so it's hypocritical it's hypocritical against what these their personas were online okay so that's that's it i mean that's it they were hip some of them were hypocrites of what they said should you go crazy about it should you worry about it should you say oh i lost all respect for these dudes i had them on pedestals i worshiped them that you shouldn't put on pedestals anyway people people they're making money now have have they vilified other people's ways of making money before yes they have they're they're they're legitimately making money ethereum they have proven that ethereum is not a scam because what they're doing is it's a use case for ethereum if you want to follow sec rules and have an ipo without having an ipo and uh have accredited investors give you throw money at you this is what you do it's a real you you make a token called inx and you you get it and you sell it and then so it's not ethereum's not a scam it there is nowhere close to a scam a theory of something these men are using to become wealthy congrats and congratulations to them congrats so aetherium is the next aetherium uh so i i mean i'm into production i'm not into destruction have some of these guys talked about destruction of all coins and this i think they have uh no i'm not gonna lump them all together here again each one has a varying degree of what they scream about as a scam or what isn't a scam and you know and so there's this so out here in the world today you know tony and jimmy you gotta give they gave it legitimate criticism they put their faces out there i'm explaining it in my way i'm giving it legitimate criticism uh in terms of their personalities i mean what they were trying to convey to the general public beforehand especially whale panda uh is not exactly what is being done behind the scenes but they can change their minds about things there's nothing i mean you can change your mind in life all right but and alan silver has something to do with this but there's an old boys network in um in cryptocurrency even though it hasn't been around right that long there clearly is an old boys network because when some people do something when some people do something a bunch of people getting a herd and they form something called the uh bitcoin inquisition and they try to cancel that person they try to destroy that person but when you're in the old boys network and you do something that some people would send to the bitcoin inquisition it's all right so you now udi is a guy i know in israel a great guy a a person who really dislikes ethereal i mean i i think you could say that he's uh definitely sent people to the inquisition in his own way uh he gives excuses for these guys he gives it and so this is he's and and he's a great guy but i'm just pointing it out i'm pointing it out you know you could take the tone of a's approach to it or you can like be like well these guys are my friends i don't want to rip them now convey they're his with friends but he's still ripped on them yeah so there are are you now you're hearing about this iron actually you're a lot of people are up in arms just screaming it's a scam it's a scamming scam okay dudes no it's not it's not a stab it's not it's a thing this is the way they're funding their project whatever but it's hypocritical of what they used to say but you don't have some of the big names out there that love to send people to the bitcoin inquisition they just get such pleasure out of doing it they don't do it with their buddies because there's an old boys network now this is the thing about it about the bitcoin okay cool there's an old boys network and you're probably not part of it that's life you can still do just as well as them it was in i think in the mainstream world today people go crazy like why is there an old boys network that that prevent uh certain people from from joining certain uh colleges in certain discs than the other and they cry and they scream and they this and they that and they so want to be part of that old boys network you start your own network start your own thing it it it reminds me of uh even my own people um in in the 50s and stuff they didn't like being excluded from the country clubs of of the uh the the gentiles the gentile country clubs okay and so some of them cried and screamed and had protests but some of them started their own country clubs and their own their own swim clubs and stuff and you just deal with it okay there's old boys that works that's great deal with it all right um so i want to point that out there but i mean anyway there's some people i'm just giving you the lay of the land out there this is where the big boys play deal with the old boys networks deal with some that people are going to change their minds deal with that you know just just deal with it ethereum's not a scam and the people um exactly you know you overuse that word scam quite a bit and i think this is the ultimate example of that right now so you can read the article uh and and for all the people out there like it's wrong that they want to make money it's not wrong if they want to be making trying to produce is great it's awesome it's the people who discourage people from producing this bad and those dudes have discouraged people from producing okay they have used words to discourage people from producing um so i i am only here uh to encourage everybody to compete not to complain to produce not to destroy uh there's always an option you can always outmaneuver an old boy network okay if you're creative and you're in motion and you're a freaking unique beast so uh and just don't you know don't get caught in this this drama this soap opera visienta stuff don't waste too much time on it um and of course just you know buy bitcoin and pound that like button right right here and now all right uh so that's enough of that remember this week of bitcoin we have boris guy and tommy on this friday of course there'll be another this week in bitcoin i don't know who's gonna be on exactly yet i'm working on some things behind the scenes and i'm just seeing if anyone had questions again if you you gotta type in bitcoinmeister i'm not gonna be able to see it or you do a super chat all right so this is this has been a lot of fun here today uh all right now and and and calling names the whole calling you know you're scamming it it's it's so childish it's it's not productive at all and maybe if you get angry once you can you can a few names you throw out there but the constant constantly constantly doing it is just i mean if you're adding garbage you're adding crypto noise but hey this is where big boys play you're welcome to uh add crypto noise you're welcome to do anything um i mean if you have a true strong hand and long-term thinking you don't let this noise distract you and you stay on target you stay with your system your bitcoin system and that's it uh and fidelity investments so here we go we're talking about accredited investors all this stuff that all the investments is filed for a new bitcoin index fund according to sec documents fidelity has it has been a consistent bitcoin watcher with investments around the globe the new fund would allow unlimited investments for accredited of the investors all right so is this exactly fidelity doing this new fund okay or is it a guy is it a spin-off of fidelity i don't know the exact bureaucracy behind it the exact specifics what i do know is this they're complicating their financial design financializing bitcoin you know a bitcoin index fund is not bitcoin but they're all these people that are accredited investors they they feel like you know they're special that their whole lives this is the way they've been or their whole financial lives this is what they invest in and you have to be approved and they they need the seal of approval of the government to tell me that hey this is an accredited investor type of material now i can get into bitcoin so cool compete don't complain if you want to create products that aren't really bitcoin that are for wealthy people great i think that's great for bitcoin it'll get more people are knowledgeable about bitcoin now just now fidelity is a big name obviously it's i'm glad they're getting deeper and deeper into it maybe it's not again maybe it's a subsidiary of theirs or just yeah i don't know again i'm not gonna get into the entire bureaucracy behind it but just because you know you got a big name out there doesn't mean you you don't have to diversify things you know you're like i just own boring bitcoin i should own uh the fake bitcoin too the gbtc bitcoin the fidelity no no no don't diversify for the sake of diversification okay they're all built on around that base layer of bitcoin that's the underlying asset you don't need a middleman you don't need to complicate things like we this whole show has been about complicating things whether they've been urging complicating what defy is whether it be the the fluffy pony dudes uh complicating the way to to raise funds and to get wealthy uh and now this just complicating uh owning bitcoin just keep it simple get rid of your middleman that's what bitcoin was you know it was created for you get the real thing okay it's not fancy it's just math it's 21 million and here we got a comment from young who i guess is in vietnam uh or maybe vietnamese it sounds like a vietnamese name hello meister how much bitcoin you have to own in 2024 to be the top 1 well i why don't we go back to my video i i'm gonna say i i gave that answer in a 2015 video that says you will be elite if you own 10 bitcoin if you buy 10 bitcoin now you will be elite so i'm gonna say this you uh in terms of uh bitcoin holders you'll be in the top of you'll be in a very very good shape if you own 10 bitcoin then the first goal is to get to one bitcoin you know in terms of being a one percent of the united states in in terms of overall wealth uh you know you might want to uh you see that you would have to be worth over 10 million dollars at that point um so there's a question for you all right here's here's if you really want to be a one percenter in terms of all americans in terms of the wealth they own um how many bitcoin do you need to uh have 10 million dollars worth of bitcoin in 2024 that's up to you to decide okay that's up to you to decide now i i've made that decision for myself personally and i'm pretty confident that my decision was correct um anyway so again uh just you know shoot to get that one first but you know refer to my other video if you want to be elite among bitcoin holders i mean they're so of all you know the individuals that are involved in the bitcoin space the individuals that are involved in there are the entities i forgot what the numbers are what percent of people of entities actually own 10 or more bitcoin it's very few i mean i don't think it's one i i i've done shows on this in the past so hey i just say uh i hope i hope people are watching in 2015 there are plenty of guys that we're watching in 2015 that did uh aim to get that that 10 bitcoin all right but very very good question very very good question indeed value your wealth in bitcoin now uh yeah top roller says 10 bitcoin is top 15 percent well in terms of uh in the bitcoin community among all bitcoin entities out there i i i forgot you know look at my there's so many old videos of mine out there where we covered this i think glass nodes had the chart that explained all this uh dude if you got 10 bitcoin you're in you're you're in mighty good shape okay and if you can hold on to it to like 2024 2028 yeah dude you're you're fine now uh we talked about fidelity and finally finally five digit realm people were in the five digital realm you freaks out there uh who worry about it now and let's continue that five digit round streak let's get it to 63 is that the end the number that we need to get it to the break the uh the pre watch yesterday's show that's what it was about scc's new accredited investor rules have changed so they've made it easier to be an accredited investor now i don't care about this i don't care at all okay uh what the government defines is a great that'll give me permission so now i could buy the next facebook pre-ipo why again we talked about my videos from 2015

go back to my video when i was in new zealand i i believe it just turned 2016 and i said that buying bitcoin is like getting in on a facebook pre-ipo we don't need permission to be defined as accredited investors we don't need to be tempted to get into those things to be tempted to be like oh wow now i can get into this company's pre-ipo thing there's no guarantee that uh that's the next tech company that has a pre-ipo that accredited investors can buy into uh then that'll be helpful bitcoin is the version of that for every person on this freaking planet okay it is a pre it is comparable getting into bitcoin is comparable to getting it on a pre-ipo especially when i made that video back then and i'm quite glad that i got in on that quote-unquote pre-ipo which was buying a bitcoin back then over and over again and then in 2016 more than that so uh yeah a lot of people are saying oh this is great news the sec i think it's going to tempt some wealthier bitcoiners to diversify into the sake of diversification now the way they ease the rules i don't know if it even makes that big of a difference okay i know i i don't and i don't i don't give a darn i really don't give a darn about it i think that if it attempts people that were going to buy bitcoin but now think they they should buy into these uh pre-ipo type of things and and uh financial instruments that you can't buy into unless you're uh a credit investor i don't know don't go down that path don't go bitcoin is the best money out there best bitcoin is the best uh over the long term is the best stuff is the best out there so why why why do you need to even get into those accredited investor uh products okay that is the end of the show uh let me just again i'm seeing if there are any other questions no they're they're not oh i forgot to say tomorrow is gonna be the question and answer show ask me anything so we're gonna we're gonna experiment and try to make thursdays the ask me anything shows so have your topics ready do some thinking i'll probably do it right after brian the uk bitcoin master finishes his show and it'll be like a double header or something like that uh so thanks a lot guys uh remember you get a new show here every day we're trying something new tomorrow a thursday will become the question and answer day forever and ever no not forever never for the foreseeable future and thanks a lot for the support in the super chat and the uh chat today retweet it tech ball follow me it's this this bitcoinmeister ecosystem it's not just about the videos i tweet out all sorts of things uh and it'll uh you know get help keep your hands strong on the bitcoinmeister disrupt meister bang the bell button even though that probably even does nothing anymore with the youtube way they do things bye thanks