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if you know the following reasons for buy bitcoin, I tell you that I don't you're going to think twice about buying like this stay very good to all and welcome to a new video for the channel in this occasion I will tell you I will explain why you have to buy bitcoin is a must if a personal recommendation but in the end you are going to make your decision end in this video I just want provide reasons why to invest in cryptocurrencies especially in bitcoin it may be a good idea and not I say but many more say it people analysts traders investors so no I roll up more and let's go with him first reason of all point number one bitcoins are not so easily evaluated like traditional coins in this case for example with the co bit We have seen that the United States has printed a lot a lot of money in this case dollars to be able to fight a little with society's problems don't have money have to pay the bills you have to pay the rents etc etc

then they have printed more money so inflation is growing instead on the other hand we have the bitcoin the bitcoin has a quantity already stipulated 21 million bitcoin yes that is true that they have not all been done yet mined but we are close we are I think at 80 90 percent that's why that when all the bitcoins are already mined we will not be able to have more and the hunger games will begin because can not be printed anymore are not like the traditional currencies that are they print tickets and you have more in the victorense matters 21 million and will be a closed figure that is why the demand will go up since they will not there are more opportunities for power buy more bitcoin point number 2 you have total control of your money you have a bitcoin or you have taxis and that money will you have if for example You have a thousand euros, a thousand dollars, are you going to have in a bank most likely thing that if a bank has them, it is not money yours but it's from the bank but you when you need it you can claim it without any problem what happens that sometimes banks have two problems one that is quite common and one that could come to pass and is pretty pretty dangerous the first that they put restrictions on you when get the money that they tell you because I'm going to take it out by quantity You can only get it on these dates in particular that it is a big problem and then the next point to imagine that a bank fails well in this case your funds may not be recover one hundred percent if you have a thousand dollars to the best they keep 300 400 the figure is not really known since it would depend on the situation and the bank but it is important today with all technology we have and facilities to have access to your money whenever you want and be able to control it and do what you want and with bitcoin you can with euros with dollars to no be that you have it under the cushion gives me no but as you already know in point 1 that currencies with inflation You can evaluate in this case, I'll go to recommend before you invest money in the bitcoin or at least one small part to understand a little how it works if you are right now thinking then about buying crypto coins that are still missing enough reasons but you are already thinking of investing in kryptos or bitcoin I leave you a little card here where the you can buy safely in the best platform there is basically where I buy them in 'dancing motif number 3 commissions between crypto currencies they are super super low if we talk about by example bank transfers regional or international always they usually charge a commission other than that it takes days and then everything too everyone is always saved they know the movements that you are going to do in the bank in this case if you make a cryptocurrency transfer international for example they will charge pennies on the dollar or cents from euro nobody is going to find out and on top you can put the amount you want nobody will find out then they are advantages is privacy and I think it is something that more and more people we need reason number 4 security the block change makes almost almost one hundred percent is impossible more than one hundred for a hundred that it is impossible to know they can fake bitcoins in this case if we talk about euros or dollars, they can fake without so much complication that is, to this day we are seeing cases of counterfeits of tickets or you can in for example go to a store or supermarket what kind of store do you put a five euro bill and they won't review even to this day there are counterfeit bills that slip as real and that is why we are not interested in having one currency that can be counterfeited because that is harmful instead the bitcoin it's super complicated and it's super super sure if you have your cryptocurrencies it is very complicated that they can remove if you have them on a ticket in a purse unless you start applying phishing emails messages that you they send a little suspicious but if you do goodness doesn't have to happen to you absolutely nothing motivated number 5 the bitcoin the fifth coins are decentralized so the good thing is that anyone anyone I repeat the world can have access to them instead if for example we are talking about a fiat currency like euro the dollar in this case are coins that you have to have access to them now sometimes there are many countries at least developed that do not have access to places where they can get their money where they can use it and in this case the bitcoins that you join to be decentralized can be used everyone and this is a big plus since we encompass the global economy already that so anyone for more or less money you have you can use without a kind of problem as long as have internet connection then you can send and receive crypto currencies motif number 6 transitions are much faster with crypto currencies and we talk about seconds or less than a second instead when we talk about banks if we count business days are between two or three days and this really is quite annoying because sometimes we are in a hurry to get that money and if not we receive on time because we are not interested instead cryptocurrencies this no longer it will be a problem and we can do all the three dates we want in the smallest possible time reason number seven acceptance of bitcoin is in crescendo is growing there are more and more countries more governments more institutions more large investors who are believing in what would be the bid with bitcoin like a refuge value and also of use in this case I have here a report a recent report by the digitization observatory financial office where funcas and innovating says there are 92 countries in the world that consider valid the use of bit with and we say 92 countries but it is that there may still be many countries missing and about everything already when the governments that are going to put money in the bitcoin most likely the price will be shoot and so be something else stable and that we can all invest with more peace of mind knowing that there is governments already investing money in bitcoin today not transcribed coins and motif number 8 and it is for him that I'm really quite focus on the bitcoin I am very focused is on the high profitability that can reach have I have an example which is that in in 2010 the price of a bitcoin of a bitcoin unit was 0 with 39 cents on the dollar that is, it was almost almost nothing in this case the victor right now is at a total of 40 thousand dollars then in 2019 as a unit of virtual came to be worth 58 dollars so imagine saying the year 2010 you would have bought a billion for 390 dollars and you would have sold it in the highest point or one of the highest of the year 2019 Well now you would be more or less 13 million dollars would be crazy with the minimum investment you have made is for that right now today there is people who say that bitcoin can reach 100 thousand 200 thousand 500 thousand until I've seen people talking about a million dollars so the growth of the victory can still be very exponential there is much to gain and a little for lose so that's why I'm quite focused on the beat with and I also insist that you take a look around and do research to learn a lot more about so this is all me I say goodbye and see you later bye