what is going on everyone welcome back my name is joe and this is crypto insight today we're going to be going over a cloud mining service that's been around for a few years it's called hash shinny and if that sounds interesting please i really appreciate all the support and how fast this channel's been growing recently hit the subscribe button like and comment down below and i have an announcement that i'm gonna make at the end of the video uh so yeah let's i'm not going to waste your guys time we're just going to jump right into it so this is hash shinny it is a cloud mining service that you're able to buy contracts for bitcoin and z cash and here actually jump over to the hash rates and i'll show you guys um there's bitcoin there's aetherium there's zcash dcr dash and litecoin not really going to get into the fees or any of those contracts but they do have two-year contracts on all these different cryptos and they all cost different i'm only going to focus on bitcoin because if you guys follow the channel at all i'm a little bit of a bitcoin maximalist so yeah all right so as you guys can see i'm about to show you my second withdrawal for anybody that wants to say that this website is not legit they have been in business for over two years i've been with them i believe for a year a little over a year somewhere right around there uh so as you guys can see on the 20th i withdrew zero zero five three six zero four zero btc and i do believe there was a little bit of a fee uh it's not so bad a lot of these websites do cause cost you a fee to be able to withdraw which is pretty normal like i said a lot of these websites do that and then you can jump over to coinbase now i do want to say that about a year or so ago whenever i withdrew for the first time i put my coinbase address on here and that's why i withdrew with my coinbase again because it was already on file for my account if you follow the channel at all you know that i don't like coinbase uh gemini is where i like to take my business and where i like to hold my coins so i'll put the link for shinny down below and i'll also put my link for gemini down below and i believe if you buy ten dollars no if you buy a hundred dollars worth of cryptocurrency or sell a hundred dollars they're giving ten dollars worth of bitcoin right now so it's a pretty sweet deal and i always appreciate the support going through the links for me but either way so as you can see here on jan on the 21st i got the payment for point zero zero five three six btc and i was for right now it's valued at about 186 dollars and 82 cents so they were super super quick with the withdrawal um there's no lagging there's no waiting there's no anything i believe i clicked the withdrawal button i withdrew it they sent me a link maybe a few minutes later i clicked it and i was able to confirm it and boom within 24 hours it was available in my coinbase account and i was able to move that out of my coinbase account into my ledger for safe storage so they are a really good company they've been in business for a long time their contracts are for two years that seems to be a question that i get quite frequently is how long do their contracts last um there is no less time that you can do it for it's got to be for two years um as you guys can see my hash rates i bought them there they're good until uh 2022 so it's really good i don't have any other i'm like i said bitcoin maximalist so it's all i like to do uh if you guys have any questions about this website please feel free to put those down below i try my best to answer i know this channel focuses primarily on crypto tab um if you're interested in that please check out some of my other videos and if you're looking for a better tutorial on how to use this website i do have other videos showing contracts and other things like that so yeah i hope i proved to some of you guys and cleared up some of the doubt that if this website is a scam or legit it is legit and they do pay now i do have an announcement to make about six months or so ago when i was trying to get this channel up and going i was doing giveaways every week and somebody was taking advantage of the situation and from now on i would like to get back to doing a giveaway of some sort maybe not every week maybe at least every month so if you guys think that's a good idea let me know down below and um i will ask you to verify yourself on another social media platform i'm not quite sure how that's going to work yet but i will figure that out i have a friend that does giveaways online and that's what he does so i'm going to ask him how he does it and we'll probably do it the same way so yeah please feel free to keep supporting the channel and follow all of my links down below i got my crypto tab link my gemini link and there's some other links down there with some other good websites if you guys are looking to uh invest or looking to earn some passive income for crypto once again not a financial advisor do your own research before you invest any money and guys this is crypto this is a wild ride and it can go to zero but we can go to a million so i i personally believe we're going to a million sooner rather than later so buckle up guys and get ready for one bumpy ride now i will see you later everyone stay safe peace
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