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those looking to hit it big in bitcoin bitcoin the  digital currency created a dozen years ago as an   alternative to cash is exploding in value will  it last i do think people get bought into these   manias who may not have as much money to spare  so i'm not uh bullish on bitcoin and you know   my general thought would be uh that you know if  you have less money than elon you should probably   uh watch out so what is bitcoin and will it reach  new heights of a hundred thousand three hundred   thousand or maybe even a million or will it just  crash well we're going to be going over that   plus if it's going to be regulated taxed or if  it's going to be the world reserve currency status   so if you're unfamiliar with what bitcoin is it  was created by an anonymous group or individual   under the name of satoshi nakamoto bitcoin was  then released in 2009 but then the source code   was handed off to a man named gavin anderson  which i thought was kind of suspicious and weird   but okay whatever so bitcoin is a peer-to-peer  network which uses a collection of computers   to mine codes or nodes which then stores that  information into what's called blockchain and   in each block is a number of transactions so as  you can see in this chart the more miners or nodes   in the system the more safer the blockchain or  bitcoin as a whole is except for the effect of   you know emp strikes or someone hacking your  codes or losing your codes just in general   you know whatever so one great advantage  of bitcoin versus like something like gold   is there is actually a cap of 21 million bitcoin  and the last bitcoin that is supposed to be mined   in circulation will be in 2140 and also to  point out there are fractions of bitcoin which   are called satoshi's and there are 100 million  satoshi's to one bitcoin now since bitcoin is   decentralized meaning there's no central power it  has become very popular for a way of transacting   and making it a currency now many people are  seeing bitcoins the store of value similar to   gold or some other kind of asset many people  like elon musk or top investors or some banks   are more so seeing as a speculation so it's  getting mistrued into this false sense of security   as some people pile in the bitcoin as it's going  to go to the moon or something like that which   is not really the case because it's not ready  for that at all because of the volatility it has   and if it is to be a currency it's  going to compete with the us dollar   and many other currencies around the world so  that's going to become a problem and that's   going to lead to regulation taxes and more issues  down the road and bitcoin may see a crash because   of that so since bitcoin is a speculative asset  it's only good when the people have faith in it   so if people don't have faith in it  obviously bitcoin price is going to fall   people are going to get scared afraid of losing  their money and they're going to back out   and if people get greedy and think it's going  to go to 1 million people are going to have more   faith in it and it's going to raise the bitcoin  price the problem with that is if that's to go to   a currency that's going to be extremely volatile  and it's not going to be stable to become a   currency so bitcoin may fail because of this and  the stock not the stock but the price of bitcoin   may crash so bitcoin is very volatile compared  to other currencies around the world such as the   us dollar which is around point five percent to  one percent average volatility rate and gold is   somewhere around one point two percent volatility  rate bitcoin is around five point five percent   on average of volatility in the last 30 days or  60 days and bitcoin has seen a volatility rate of   upwards of 15 percent i don't know about you  but i don't consider that a store of value   i consider bitcoin a real speculative asset  will it go to one million maybe it will maybe   but if it doesn't you have to assess that risk and  bitcoin to me is pretty risky so since bitcoin is   pushing its way to become a currency instead of  a speculative asset it needs to fight an upward   battle to become successful as a currency  against the government the fed regulations taxes   and it needs to fight its volatility problem  if it can do all that then maybe it will be   a world reserve currency or maybe it will  be more used by americans or even the world   but recently janet yellen just came out and  said bitcoin is an extremely inefficient way of   conducting transactions she has also demonized  bitcoin and said it's being used for illicit   finances and financial transactions it's  pretty ironic that she says that because   other currencies around the world are used for  illicit finances as well so that brings us on   to the next idea which is the digital  dollar that they're trying to push out   and they don't want bitcoin to be the world  reserve currency they want digital dollars instead   so central banks can control the financial  system so meanwhile janet yellen is pumping   out the treasury general account of 250 billion  per month until it's all gone and the fed is   still doing their quantitative easing in the  system which is 150 billion dollars a month   and one that that does is the tga the treasury  general account with the treasury of the united   states government what that does is that's  going to put money directly into the system   and the fed's quantitative easing is just to  liquidate the banks and make sure they have   money on their balance sheets as simple terms and  it's funny that she would say all this because   the us dollar is starting to fail as with other  currencies around the world that's due to living   beyond our means and quantitative easing and all  this mumbo-jumbo stuff so bitcoin will have to   compete with the fed the us government Janet  Yellen even and currencies around the world   as it moves on to try and replace currencies in  centralized banks and what will happen from this   is taxes will come regulation will come and  bitcoin will have to find a way through that   even if it does and if it does get through it  maybe it will be the world reserve currency maybe   but if it doesn't bitcoin will most likely crash  and people lose faith in bitcoin altogether   so not only that but bitcoin has another  problem and that's digital currencies   and they're being issued around the world  including china united states new Zealand   Sweden and more and china is even actually testing  this as we speak right now in their country and in   Africa so for those saying that bitcoin will be  the world reserve currency first need to look at   these digital dollar systems that are about to be  released and the competition they pose to bitcoin   because if people use a multitude of different  currencies around the world who's to say   they're going to use bitcoin first  and why would they they don't need to   so no one carries around you know bitcoin in their  wallet or their phone or whatever all the time   they're gonna have a bunch of other currencies  with them you could say the same thing about   gold but gold has a history and gold has actual  use bitcoin does not have a real use or physical   use it's just coding so it's not a matter  of if it's a matter of when digital currency   will come out and replace the dollar and replace  currencies around the world and when this happens   and it will happen bitcoin may not be  able to compete with that or just will be   used as a store of value similar to gold or  something like that after writing this video   and preparing for this video that you're watching  now jay Powell or papa Powell came out and said   that he's making digital currency his number  not number one priority but he's making it his   highest priority that they get this digital  currency under wraps and get it sent out so   they can get it legislated so Janet Yellen  wants to regulate bitcoin and this is some   evidence of that she was asked about potential  regulation of bitcoin and said it was important   to ensure that cryptocurrency is not used as  a vehicle for illicit transactions and that   there's protection for investors see that  keyword there protection for investors that   means regulation when the government wants  to protect you that means regulation or laws   and she also noted that she worries about  potential losses that investors can suffer   in that case that's volatility and the risk that  bitcoin has which is true but that means she wants   to regulate it and make sure there's more laws  for bitcoin or more taxes when I was researching   the title of this video i was looking to see how  many people were interested in a bitcoin crash   and it's interesting to see because as you  can see here there's no market volatility   really and then once you get the market as  volatile and you have these velocity of money   exchanging hands and people trying to find assets  to throw into you have people worried about a   bitcoin crash because it's in a bubble right  so bitcoin is most likely in a bubble because   people are obviously worried and stocks  and assets are psychological so if people   fear losing their money or say their bitcoins  they're gonna pull out and the bitcoin price   is going to crash so will bitcoin crash this  year with all my research and understanding   of bitcoin and the psychology of  investors bitcoin will most likely crash   to maybe 20 000 or even lower than that and the  reason for that is because people don't really   have faith in bitcoin as much as they could have  if it was a world reserve currency or a currency   like USD or you know any currency like that and  remember this is not investing advice this is for   entertainment purposes only so do what you want  with your own money and even though bitcoin can   be used as a currency it's not really a reliable  currency or an established currency system   and as people have faith in it it will remain  a currency as a way of transacting but is not   an established currency so is mostly a  speculative asset and should be treated as such   and with speculation there is risk and with risk  there is losses so make sure you do your research   and do your understanding of things you invest in  because if you don't you will lose your off okay   people are also worried about inflation  that's coming and they're worried about   where to put their money because of the velocity  of money that's going on and the inflation we're   having so they're just stockpiling into  anything that will earn them income and   you're seeing that with real estate you're saying  that with stocks you're seeing that with bitcoin   and you're not really seeing that with gold  and gold's actually kind of cheap right now   so if you enjoyed this video make sure to like and  subscribe i do videos every Friday about finance   real estate and anything related to investing  so I post them every Friday around 1pm and   I'm Travis Jacobs helping you be productive and  building wealth and I'll see you on the next video you