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what's up guys yolo here today let's talk  about bitcoin how does bitcoin actually work   and why should you invest in bitcoin if  you bought 10 bitcoins today like i did   you need to have a long-term mindset you  gotta understand that your 1479 bitcoin   may fluctuate up and down and by the end of  this video you'll know exactly why your 4

65   bitcoin is a great guys what's going on bitcoin  is volatile you know what else is volatile   me in may 2010 a guy bought two pizzas for 10 000  bitcoins with the same amount of bitcoins he could   buy more than 1 million pizzas in 2021 during  the same period our us dollar inflated by 20   so now you actually have to pay more in 2021  for that one pizza that you could buy in 2010   our current monetary system is very flawed  you store all your life savings in the bank   and every time you want to buy something the  bank pays for your purchase using your own money   while taking transaction fees how would you  feel when you're trying to kiss your girlfriend   suddenly someone appears out of nowhere and says  hold on you kiss me and i'll kiss your girlfriend   for you and you know what just because you're  a nice guy i'm gonna give you another option   i kiss your girl now and you can repay  me with 12 foot massages what do you say okay so he kissed my girl and i'll have to give  him 12 foot massages yes and you wrote that script   yes i'll kill you bitcoin on the other hand  utilize a decentralized peer-to-peer system   for every transaction that you make you're  dealing directly with the person that you're   trading with it cuts out any middlemen like  your banks the government and any sort of   regulators when you trade your bitcoin to another  person you'll have to broadcast your transaction   on a ledger which can be viewed by everyone  else on the bitcoin network a miner then can   verify the ledger and create a new block which he  then broadcasts to everyone else as well forming   a blockchain you get it now so in the  bitcoin world it's something like this   guys i literally just kissed her yeah yeah i mean we did kiss but it was really mediocre   oh my god they just kissed if you heard they just  kissed all right guys can someone verify this kiss   for a special reward from the bitcoin god love  me to verify i'm the fastest miners around here his lips are wet his palms are sweaty knees  weak arms are heavy but on the surface he   looks calm and ready to drop bomb but he keeps  on forgetting what he wrote down the whole crowd goes loud verified in the grand scheme of the bitcoin network  there are miners from all over the world competing   with each other for verification spots they will  have to solve an insanely difficult math equation   using nothing but their time and luck whoever  solves the math problem first will get to verify   the transactions create a new block broadcast the  new block to everyone on the network and after all   of that the miner will receive a freshly generated  coin as a reward bitcoins utilize a decentralized   system which gives the power to the people  instead of the government or single institution   if one day the us government fails  or they suddenly freeze your account   your u

s currency will no longer hold any value if  the government decides to keep printing more money   and handed out like candies which is  exactly what's happening right now   that will cause inflation on the us dollar so  your money will no longer have the same purchasing   power as before and people start freaking out  because everything around them is getting more   expensive hello sir this is dominoes our  medium pizza is 5099 or 9599 if you order two   this is outrageous i mean i only received two  thousand dollars from the us government per month   for staying home now i can't even afford pizzas  we must demand for more free money from the   government we paid taxes so the government  should pay for us bitcoin on the other hand   is like the internet no one really owns the  internet not even the creator of the internet   it is rather a set of protocols or ideas  and as long as you follow the guidelines   you can use different software such as chrome  safari firefox or whichever is your preferred   method of internet the software you're using  does not affect the quality of your internet   in fact you can keep improving the  software to make your internet experience   a little bit better you can use internet  24 7 it never complains or closes down   you can also access your internet from all over  the world unless you're in a place where the   individual has absolute power and doesn't want  you to know anything about the outside world   and this is why bitcoin is so appealing to people  because batting your life savings on someone else   or another party is never a good idea with  bitcoins your investment is not being controlled   by anyone and no one has the power to freeze or  take away your bitcoins without your permission   unless they kidnap you and be the  crap out of you for your secret keys   but even then you can still negotiate if  you kill me now my secret key dies with me   and you will never get any bitcoins from my  account why don't you just take my credit   card and go buy some pizzas tapping works under  a hundred dollars you can even buy two pizzas for   9599 i heard dominoes is doing a promotion right  now you better hurry bitcoin was designed to mimic   gold reserves and gold has proven to retain value  throughout the history of mankind it has a maximum   capacity of 21 million coins once all bitcoins  have been mined which is going to be year 2140   miners will no longer receive rewards from mining  instead they will receive food massages for their   work since bitcoin has a finite number and new  coins are only being produced through hard work   and foot massages it is a deflationary currency  not only does it not lose value over time the   price of bitcoins increased by a whopping seven  thousand percent over the past five years and is   very likely to grow even more in the future now  that we talked about the benefit of the bitcoins   let's talk about some common concerns around  bitcoins bitcoin is hard to use and inconvenient   that's true right now you just can't buy a  cup of coffee with bitcoins it is indeed not   as convenient as your credit card at the moment  can i get a small latte with dairy-free cream   and a drop of honey i'm paying  with bitcoins sure absolutely   it's pending still pending aside from bitcoin having long validation time  online banking companies such as paypal and square   can already trade bitcoins on their platform and  big tech companies such as microsoft and tesla   are also accepting bitcoins as a payment method  as well so slowly bitcoin will be easier to trade   and it will be more relevant to our daily  lives bitcoin is too expensive i don't have   30k to invest that's not true you can invest  in bitcoin with just one dollar if you want to   you don't need to buy a whole coin you can  even buy 100 millionth of a bitcoin called   satoshi named after bitcoin's creator satoshi  nakamoto bitcoin is not safe well technically   it is actually way safer than your credit card due  to its blockchain property everyone is a regulator   for a hacker to successfully alter a block he will  have to hijack 50 percent of the miners computers   from all over the world at the same time  trying to solve insanely hard math equations   on those computers let's just say the hacker is  better off robbing a bank rather than hacking the   bitcoin server bitcoin is being used for crime  and scams so are guns and money don't blame the   tools teach people how they work and that's what  i'm doing bitcoin will never be the mainstream   that's what people say to internet in the 1990s  and bitcoin is literally the internet of money   maybe you can still live without internet to this  day but you're just turning a blind eye to the   future alright guys hopefully now you understood  bitcoin a little bit better that's it for today   hope you liked the video i'll be making more  videos on cryptocurrency and stocks in the future   if you enjoyed this video please like and  subscribe and i'll see you in the next video