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Bagaimana Sih Cara Mendapatkan Bitcoin?

Hi, meet again with me Nu, at Nous ID In the previous episode we already discussed what is Bitcoin and how it works Well if you have not watched the episodes you can check his url in the description section or click the icon in the top right corner of the screen And on this episode we will ngebahas how the miners can earn from Bitcoin! No more pretenses, let's look at this episode! When we enroll in the Bitcoin network then we must create a digital wallet called a wallet to save our Bitcoin At the time of making the wallet then Bitcoin system will automatically give two kinds of identity code to our wallet ie personal code and public code This wallet identity code will be used in every transaction process Well, after we have a wallet then we must find balance or balance to fill our wallet Can by way of buying through cryptocurrency exchanger or we can also get Bitcoin through the mining process When we do a transaction for example we buy fashion products contemporary by using Bitcoin then the transaction data in the form of our wallet identity in the form of personal wallet code, and transaction nominal will be sent to the seller's wallet address But, the seller will not get our payment before all the data is verified Well at the same time public data in the form of our wallet public code and the seller's wallet as well as the public encryption key of both wallets will be sent to the Bitcoin network to be verified or validated, and recorded in the network Before going through the verification circuit our transaction data will be placed in a queue called a pool Our transaction data is already encrypted or so-called hashes will be processed by the peer network in the queue order And this is where the miners or miners in action These people usually have a special computer that is used to process Bitcoin hashes automatically Miner computers connected to the transaction queue pool will process a series of mathematical formulas called the hash function to determine whether the hash code that is in the queue, matches the transaction data we send If it turns out to be suitable then the transaction data will be entered into the arrangement of transaction records called blocks Each block of notes, will be connected to each other and after one block is verified there will be no way to change the block and the previous block This is what makes Bitcoin very safe because the accounting records can not be modified When the verification process is complete then the verification status will be sent to each person who transacted so that the seller of any T-shirts can get payment from us But, not only that you know miner that successfully completes a block of transactions will be rewarded with bitcoin Some new bitcoin will be generated by the peer to peer bitcoin network and automatically inserted into the wallet miner This is why they are called miners or miners because these people we can disown as a gold miner The difference is that gold miners use their ax to break the stone blocks to find gold grains bitcoin miners use their computers to process transaction hashes verify the transaction, record it and get the new bitcoin in return But make no mistake, performing hash calculations requires a much more powerful computing ability than just watching youtube litter in social media or dota toys and clones

When the computer tries to complete the hash calculation supposing they again work hard work bone and electricity consumption is very high This is why the miners set aside some of their income to pay utility bills that are quite fantastic Furthermore, the bitcoin miner can exchange the bitcoin they get through a cryptocurrency exchanger receiving bitcoin into real currency exchange rates From here the miners will earn their income Well besides miners and money changer bitcoin can also sell their bitcoin stock to other users who buy bitcoin with real currency So people who do not want tired-tired mining and just want to use Bitcoin do not need to bother to get Bitcoinnya dapetin Just buy it via money changer or miner-miner Bitcoin of course with higher exchange rates This is why miners have a very important role in the Bitcoin peer-to-peer network Because in addition to processing and recording all Bitcoin transactions they also keep the Bitcoin network operating properly Well, the topic of discussion Nous ID this time is quite interesting right? Oh yeah, are there any friends who've ever bought something with Bitcoin? Or maybe even already nyoba nikah Bitcoin nambang? Let's write your experience in Comments Column! I Nu thank you for watching the episode of Nous ID this time do not forget to like, comment, share, then subscribe to Nous ID! And see you in the next episode!