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good morning gurus and welcome to another  episode i hope you're having a beautiful   day or night wherever you are in the world we're  going to look at the price of bitcoin i'm going   to show you where it's going to go and where i  would open along right now and then i'm going   to show you an oak coin that i believe is going  to go on a mega run i'm currently i just left   the amani hotel i'm at a femex conference here  with a lot of crypto youtubers from in this one   is much more international than the bibit one  the baby was a little bit like a young um fun   uh international crowd but that we all knew each  other the the femex event is um people from south   korea from japan and they're just amazing amazing  people very interesting characters that i'm going   to interview and get you to meet as well so make  sure you hit the subscribe button the bell the   thumbs up and down there is my um instagram  page check out my instagram so you can follow   all the stories as i travel around and do all  these events and all this kind of cool stuff   yesterday i met the ceo of femex a future in my  opinion one of the richest people in the world   um and he's just building something amazing  so let's jump into the charts for bitcoin now so now we're in the charts i'm going to show  you also bnb i think is about to go on a mega   run but first we're going to bitcoin as we  always do and see what's going to happen to   bitcoin congratulations everyone who opened those  longs with me on bitcoin where are we there we are   bitcoin dominance is getting pretty strong at the  moment i also bought a lot of facebook yesterday   bitcoin now at 62 600 so if you followed my  live trades yesterday i got a little bit of   negativity because people like oh no the trade  dropped a little bit but my goal is still that   sixty eight thousand dollar beautiful target  and once we get there i'm still projecting   the ninety two thousand dollars for bitcoin so do  not sell early remember what i've been saying for   the last few weeks we're gonna get to ninety two  thousand we're gonna that's when you want to start   exiting don't get too greedy we're gonna spike  up past 92 000 my opinion we're going to go up   to around 110 but very quick spikes and then we're  going to drop back down to the 70 000

we're going   to then bounce and then we're going to go down to  the 30 40 000 we're going to spend quite a bit of   time there so at the 92 000 don't get too greedy  start exiting so on bitcoin on the four hourly we   had this let's start off on the daily so we can  get the overall view actually let's go back more   just to show you how much more we can run on  the weekly charts so each of these candles are   one week and as you can see here bitcoin is just  skyrocketed out of these giant symmetric worlds   pressure builds pressure symmetric wedge  and explodes to the direction of the trend   to the base of the wedge and that takes us to  92 000 we have a lot of volume coming in always   remember volume predicts price we have the rsi  and the stochastic not overbought the stochastic   yes but the rsi no heading up quite strongly  with volume above the ema ribbons above the   um ma cross so we're good to go for a lot  of power in bitcoin's movements right now   the target is on this movement 68 000 but the  overall target is the base of this wedge this   distance here which takes us to the 92 000 for  bitcoin and again when you get there don't get too   greedy everyone that's huge gains for us you're  all probably millionaires if not already by now   um so don't get too greedy up there let's go into  the daily candles now we zoom in on the daily the   rs and the stochastic are overbought but heading  up strongly we have a lot of volume we broke out   of this giant bull flag look at this bull flag  this is a bull flag x pull giant flag and then   we should move to the distance of the pole and  that distance is what takes us to the 68 000   and it's going to make you even more rich  we hit that target that i had yesterday   62 425 which is beautiful let's remove that next  one is 63 876 to break through on the four hourly   rsi stochastic not overbought squeeze more  building pressure for a large movement turning up   so we're getting this big move my target is the  68 000 we got to break through that all-time high   and it'll be a new all-time high for bitcoin which  is going to be amazing on the on the hourly um we   broke out of that symmetrical wedge this is when  i made the train trade yesterday i told everyone   this is symmetric wedge that should break out to  the 63 000 bitcoin dropped a little bit here and   i got a lot of heat people were spitting at me but  again um they were wrong and bitcoin is going to   where i'm predicting that symmetrical wedge and  it almost hit that target but this tag will be 63   870 on the hourly rsi and stochastic heading up  on the 15 minutes so what's going to happen for   the next few hours um we are looking bullish  volume coming in we are going to that 63   876 i'm going to show you where i  would open a trade on bitcoin right now   um but first let me show you some of my trades  on buy bit i got some good amount of money in   here 20 almost 23 000 in this buy bit account um  we've got a bunch of trades open on bitcoin one   thousand dollars up on that trade if you followed  just a few uh two days ago up 73 percent which is   beautiful cool 1 000 the reason i'm showing you  these small trades is because i want if you have   a lot of capital um if you have if you have a lot  of capital dca and bitcoin ethereum b b makes you   super rich easily but if you have small amounts  if you have 200 dollars to your name that's why   i show you these trades because with two hundred  dollars making a thousand dollars in a day is   really nice um bitcoin here up 73 977 this trade  from the earlier trade up bitcoin up 221 percent   5 244 us dollars which is nice and on binance  i have a bunch of trades open as well i have on   many exchanges um binance radium is up now it was  in the negative yesterday but again up 25 129 b b   in my opinion bnb is going to go on a mega run  up 72 500 and what's important that's 500 and   488 dollars in profit with my i only risked 633  dollars but i'm already profiting 489 that's what   i'm talking about this radium trade i was only  risking 484 dollars but it's already profiting   125 dollars um adam is down currently 800 but i  will hold on to adam i'm going to add more to my   position because in my opinion adam is going to go  to 61 which is going to be 30 with this leverage   20x leverage so it's going to be a huge trade  that's looking at a few thousand dollars   bitcoin is up 218 on this trade 4 188 and crv is  down around 94 but i believe crv will also go on   a mega run if you want to open trades like you're  seeing here you can follow all my live trades in   the description and the ping comment down below  you can click the join button if you click that   join button you get notified of my daily trades  as i make them in bitcoin and crypto in stocks i   bought a huge amount of stocks yesterday i bought  a huge position in facebook which was beautiful it   went up after i bought it um bitcoin and all coin  exchange the best bitcoin in all coin exchange in   my opinion is by bit and now because i was at the  bib conference and i talked with the um the heads   of the bible community we get three thousand  dollars if you use my link down below and you   deposit um to start trading you get three thousand  dollars there is some deposit requirements but if   you deposit him by using my link down below  you get three thousand sign up dollars bonus   used to be six hundred now we talked to him  now three thousand dollars which is beautiful   buy a bit bitcoin trading tutorial where i teach  you how to do all of this from your mobile phone   i'm doing all of this from my mobile phone i'm in  the taxi right now doing this so if you use that   buy bit link you get three thousand bonuses use  the buy bitcoin trading tutorial to know how to   do it use nordvpn if you have restrictions and  to learn everything you're seeing here you can   join i have now more than 3500 students taking my  courses the link down below and i've gathered a   group of some of the best traders in the world we  have a discord with nearly 5 000 people in there   500 of them online at any one time you can join  that discord down below and follow those amazing   traders the links down below and follow me on  instagram so you see my travels as i'm in dubai   meeting the ceos and et cetera this is our discord  it's got more than 5000 people in it now which is   beautiful this is big ethereum on all exchanges as  you can see it's nearing all-time lows on ethereum   on exchange reserves meaning it's going to cause a  squeeze that's going to send ethereum skyrocketing   i was at the dubai expo yesterday which was uh  the day before which was very beautiful for crypto   expo this was me on the super yacht with chris  mm crypto um dd ronnie all the crypto influences   which is very nice uh this is um bitcoin on all  exchanges and as you can see bitcoin is nearing   an all-time low on exchanges meaning there's no  bitcoin left people are buying up bitcoin which   means that soon it's going to run out and when  that happens supply and demand when you have a   lot of demand and not enough supply it's going to  skyrocket if you think we're on a run right now   watch what's going to happen everyone um this  was a comment from yesterday wow you made just   made me plenty you're worth every penny james this  was some of my my students gained yesterday up 61   this student up the 300 we have a chat room where  you share your results everyone if you're in my   discord share your results with everyone else  um crypto genius up 30 350 this student up 46   this student up 52 this student up 61 um this  student up 80 165 on his trade think about   that everyone 865 percent the best investors in  the world in the stock market get seven to ten   percent per year this was in some of these trades  or in one day 865 and we've been doing this all   year this is not new for us if you join my discord  marcel is in there he's up 300 000 on his trades   which is beautiful this is happening all the time  in my in my discord this is why i'm buying a lot   of adam in my opinion adam is going to go to 62  i'm gonna add more to my position this student   was up two thousand two hundred dollars on doge  which is beautiful this student up one thousand   one hundred and twenty five percent um and this  was me speaking on a panel yesterday with um femex   and the femixio and alex and this is the femex  ceo jack he's a great guy um he's going to be a   future one of the richest people in the world as  well so i'm getting to just talk with him this was   pomp sharing something very important interactive  brokers one of the biggest brokers in the world   announced they will empower registered investment  advisors so they're empowering investment advisors   across the united states to invest in bitcoin and  cryptos this means hundreds of billions of dollars   can now enter the market more easily this was  yesterday i was at the atmosphere club in dubai   uh at the top of the virtually but it's powerful  the moon in the image restaurant alex chilling   this was a student comment yesterday analysis  saves many people from losing their money which   is beautiful global cryptocurrency market cap it's  2

6 trillion dollars returning to all-time high   so congratulations all of you you all deserve it  and we're all doing amazing and i just wanted to   um congratulate you and remember this industry  is just getting started a lot of people like oh   i'm too late no you're not too late the stock  markets are 87 trillion dollars crypto markets   just hit 26 trillion 87 trillion 26 trillion but  the amount of money moving the stock markets is   four trillion dollars the amount of money moving  per month in the crypto markets is two trillion   dollars this market is about to 40x everyone pay  attention to this space if you're new to this if   you don't know what this is take my cryptocurrency  mass course with my 3 500 other students and   learn what this technology is and why it's so  revolutionary why it's so powerful and the best   alt in my opinion to start buying is um b and b is  about to go on a mega run i'll show you uh whereas   let's just look at b and b at b and b is about to  go on a mega run everyone so pay attention to b b   i'm going to spot long more bnb it's it's coming  up to a resistance once it breaks that resistance   it can go on a huge run bnb look at this  symmetrical wedge my targets for b and b in this   wedge is 924 we're currently sitting at 495 it's  gonna be a huge potential trade so pay attention   to b and b i'm going to spot long more of it and  now i'm going to show you how i would open bitcoin   trade right now um and i i'm going to also spot  long after this video i'm going to buy a lot of   bnb but if i was to open a bitcoin trade right now  i would open the bitcoin trade here i'm going to   show you so this is bitcoin usdt so on the hourly  we're going to go into the hourly charts and again   i would open the trade using this buybit link down  below this one here and again if you deposit in   the um trade with buy bit you get three thousand  dollars of bonuses and buy it is the best exchange   the reason is the best exchange they don't have  these giant weeks whenever something happens in   the market so you don't just get liquidated for  no reason now where i would open the trade on   bitcoin right now is here so you can see here  we've got this the wedge has kind of extended out   it's already fired but in my opinion we've  got a lot to go to that 68 000 so we're   already fired so that's a little that's a  little mini wedge on the one hourly candles   so the base of the wedge is the distance that  we're going to be going this distance here   and that's going to send us to this target  of 68 63 800 so i would actually go long   on bitcoin right now i would put out open along  on bitcoin here i would put my stop loss below   these major supports here so the stop-loss we  risk 1400 1414 to make a potential reward of um six thousand two hundred and seventy three  dollars that's a four point four four ratio trade   that means every dollar you're risking your  potential reward is four dollars forty four   so our stop-loss will risk one thousand one four  hundred dollars and our potential reward is six   thousand two hundred dollars unleveraged everyone  on leverage if you use buy bid and if you have a   stop loss you're only risking one thousand  four hundred dollars but if you use bibim   use 10x leverage that six thousand two hundred  and seventy dollars will be sixty two thousand   dollars of profits if you use a hundred x leverage  that six thousand two hundred dollars will be six   hundred and twenty thousand dollars of profits and  that's what i'm teaching that's why i'm teaching   it's so powerful but you've got to take you  stop tight stop losses and don't use higher   leverage unless you've taken my cryptocurrency  masterclass and you know what you're doing   but that's the trade that i would set up  for bitcoin 6200 on leverage 10x 62 000   of profit 100x 620 000 profits and that's how it  would go along bitcoin and bnb is just looking   ready for some mega movements what we need what  i would wait for bnb to open i'm going to in my   opinion it's going to just break through but  what you could do is wait till it hits 500   gets rejected creates a cup and handle  and then open the trade to explode up   so i know that was a lot of information everyone  was kind of a rampage thank you for watching um   remember don't give anyone your seed phrases when  you create a bitcoin wallet don't get everyone   don't give anyone your seed phrases and if you're  not good security if you're not good if you're not   a security expert in the crypto space i recommend  using the big exchanges finance buy bit femex   use two-factor authentication keep your money  on there don't create your own wallets where   it can get stolen if you don't know how to  protect your own passwords and stuff like this   do not give anyone your seed phrase do not give  anyone access to your computer or your phone   make sure it's got locks on it use two-factor  authentication don't give anyone any crypt i never   there's millions there's so many accounts of that  are being created of me fake accounts and people   messaging other people do not i'm never going to  ask you for bitcoin or for you to send me bitcoin   no famous person is going to ask you to send them  bitcoin for more bitcoin it's a scam stay away   from them and use the big exchanges finance buy  femax the links down below never give anyone your   bitcoin collect bitcoin as much as you can thank  you for watching this is james from stockroo hit   the subscribe button the bell the thumbs up let's  smash up this like button spread this message of   security get thousands of people to like this  video get all your friends and family to like   this video let's spread this message this is james  from stockroom and i'll see you all again tomorrow