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The Beyond Bitcoin Show- Episode 3

Hello everyone this is Adam Meister the BitcoinMeister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond bitcoin show today is April the 21st 2018 strong hand long-term thinking deferral gratification alright everyone always check out the links section below yesterday we had a very interesting this week in Bitcoin Michael Krueger was on the show he's gonna be speaking with me in Denver on Wednesday April the 25th that's this windy Wednesday get your tickets below get your treasurer ledger nano all that stuff links below dis meister discount codes all of that good stuff but again all of my archives we've had some really good shows lately the tape Don Los Angeles speech is also linked to below so I'll always check out the archives and of course follow me on twitter at tech vault-tec HB alt so before we get into the beyond Bitcoin part of the show before we get beyond crypto currency because as you know the Saturday show is always about is for now on well for the time being at least this is the third one we're gonna talk about you know lifestyle how to become a better person be more confident healthy just be a go-getter don't just don't sit there don't be an 80% or that's what this show but before we get there let's talk about there's been some be cash news I just want to get that out of the way I'll talk about this tomorrow but I just wanted to get this off out there for some of you don't know about people are wondering why the heck was be cash surging and a lot of us were talking about while it was on CNBC and well here here a couple things real quick bear with me twit us so this guy on Twitter total buzz kit says riddle of the day why does be cash need big blocks when be cash supporters are destroying the goons that need to fill these blocks so there's a Facebook post about this some be cash investors may have noticed that aunt pol has recently began begun burning B cash by sending mining fees to a black hole address with each block mined 12% of the transaction fees earned by the mining pool are burnt alright so they're getting rid of B cash that's a simple way of saying it so that some people might have been like well wait a second there's gonna be less B cash out there than we previously thought you know we're talking supply and demand supply is going down here hey it this might be part of the reason people are buying into it it's something to consider in teresting that a miner has taken this approach to just getting destroying B cash destroying actual BS so there's less B cash who knows what the long-term effects of this will be will be I thought I'd bring it up I know be private actually wants to burn on the unclaimed be private so maybe this is something they can learn from if the amp will people continue to do this also and this is the biggest thing for the B cash price they have a may fifteenth hard for coming up okay and this might be the buy the rumor sell the news type of deal or maybe that's just going to be really pumped hard on the day on that may 15th date maybe they're gonna fixate on that date maybe that's something that's going to just get into the cryptocurrency community now and people are just gonna be looking forward to this may 15th hard fork will it help B cash I have no idea but this could be part of the reason that it's also pumping I usually don't care about the I don't care about the reasons of why Bitcoin pumps and dumps but for an altcoin like this that some of us have gotten for free you have to decide well when is it going to get back up to 20% so I can dump it or whatever it is that you know with that you you value your wealth and Bitcoin there'll be a point mode that where the B cash gets to a point in his terms of its value of Bitcoin where you want to dump it or maybe you won't I don't know but that's why I'm interested in these reasons and I'm also interested because this is a centralized coin the manipulative aspects if there are any manipulation aspects behind it but anyway another another thing is oh yes I linked to the heart I linked to their hard fork page below Bitcoin ABC org slash may 15 hard fork and also they have something called cached shuffle path shuffle comm which might anonymize be cash that's also coming out in May so all these things can be promoted by king of the trolls and all of them and that could be why you're seeing all this price rise okay got that out of the way let's talk about guilt okay guilt is emotion it is powerful bitcoin gets you away from emotion or I mean or should unless you're a part of the useless HR department type crew trying to micromanage everyone else's life by the way entire HR departments are complete waste you manage your own business and in a corporation you need like a very like a bare minimum skeleton HR crew maybe one person you if you have a huge bureaucracy yeah then you need a HR department but you don't need a huge bureaucracy you don't need that that that's just wasteful jobs and that's why HR is a joke um anyway uh the more the more waste the bigger the HR department I'm getting off on attention now but yeah guiltless Bitcoin who cares about who cares about the people who do get in early they had a chance don't let people guilt you into like well maybe this Bitcoin thing isn't good you know the know people had a chance to get in on this early they still have a chance the price has been cut in half been cut in the third from twenty thousand and you still have people complaining trying to guilt you trying to use emotion Bitcoin is numbers people there is no emotion here they had their chance personal responsibility is the new counterculture okay you can apply that this just everything in life so don't let people try to say well get asked do all these questions about Bitcoin why didn't XYZ have it why didn't this happen just using all this emotional stuff just okay then don't buy it dudes I bought it you know if you want to just keep on making excuses make your excuses and another thing I'm speaking about guilt new people are always you know what about the children what about the poor children of this world is Bitcoin gonna make them poorer and it maybe even beyond Bitcoin what would it you know you're rich now because a Bitcoin what about the poor kids is you know what about duty you know what you tell them I don't care say I don't care you know they're trying to virtue signal guilt you and this is so common in life today in society these are other people's children they they could take care of their own kids had nothing to do with you nothing at all why even you know when people try to guilt you into these discussions again say I don't care I have answered that to people recently people were like what about you know I had them you were born in the privilege as privileged what about the you know we're gonna have to help you're gonna have to pay your taxes you you should have to pay taxes to support other people's children and I just say I don't care about other people's children I don't care do you think I just dropped I magically dropped down into the suburbs then my parents and grandparents and great great care parents came from some you know Russia or whatever they're dirt poor just like all these other people were dirt poor now they work they took personal responsibility they made their lives better and now look we built up to where we are and I and you know all my family members continued to build upon ourselves and get better and learn we crave education we crave to be better personal responsibility okay so don't let people guilt me make you feel bad for saying I don't care about other people's kids you shouldn't care about others people's kids it's great not to be it's great to say I don't care because then maybe those people will gain personal responsibility and all of us in the twenty percent know what personal how great personal responsibility is because it's made us a bed a better person it creates generational injured generational wealth pound that frickin like button people if you like this kind of talk that has is beyond Bitcoin okay alright so last Saturday I forgot to list my all the foods that I eat people have asked me about this this is not all the foods these are some of my favorite foods out there avocados chicken nuts like I love uh what's a good one element almonds eggs salmon sardines and how about salmon we're talking about fish here salmon heads yeah some of you're like oh that's gorgeous North Americans Europeans are all that's so gross you yeah would would eat on the salmon head let me tell you that that just shows you how wasteful Western society is you learn a lot when you're in Asia and when you're in actually in in Asia they don't waste anything in very developed rich countries like Taiwan Hong Kong they don't they sell they sell fish heads all the time and the fish the sides were the what are they the collars they call them the collars those are the healthiest part of the salmon also I love it so you can I mean if you go to a place in America you probably can get the salmon head for free so don't try this tell me it's expensive to you know eat healthy here because Santa I mean I'm telling you it's worth your what looks there to lose you go to your salmon guy you go to the big fish market and you see them about to toss the salmon heads say hey man I'll give you a buck for that or something and he'll give it to you or just wait till he tosses it in the garbage and take it out of there you know the five-second rule whatever I don't know but let me tell you it just shows you the waste that that we are living in this time of the post-scarcity almost I mean and poor so-called poor people has a big-screen TVs we throw away the mote the healthiest parts of certain animals and anyway when I take that fish head I mean I eat every I mean you can get the cheeks are delicious on the salmon head in the inside of the you ripped that thing apart you the eyes I eat ever and these are healthy these are really healthy things so if you get your help hold of a salmon head go to town on that thing and just don't be grossed out about it I mean some people might be thing all it's gross I'm ripping up ahead you get used to it trust me it's it's you rip there's like hardly anything left you get like a little bit of step that's when you know and if it tastes great and it is the how it has the most omega-3 in at the head of the fish and we throw it away in America it's it's it's unbelievable there so let's talk about high omega-3 food by the way so eat those I linked to a link that lists some of them and I obviously just mentioned some examine sardines almonds today and there's other ones that I eat often but anyway it's linked to below eat those fish heads people seriously there's your tip oh you can get them for free if you want to I guess or for a dollar first of all you know it's um it's funny and you know in New York any other big cities I've been in you do go to international markets markets and they are selling the fish head but in like suburban that most of us do you do is watch this probably grew up in the suburbs or some big city no you can't they're not selling fish heads out there it'll gross out the the lady in her SUV anyway I hear is something speak about it ladies in their SUVs here is an ad and it's linked to below it's by it's from it was I was on like a sports site I was a checking a score okay and I said bait the Oriole score I was checking somewhere and they know you know these Google knows where you are at all times and it played it a targeted ad played a YouTube ad and it was for the governor of Maryland this woman named Krrish Krrish Vigna Rajah okay I couldn't believe what I was seeing first of all I added sociopathic you know bureaucrats that want to run for she says I am a mom I'm a woman and I want to be your next governor and it shows her breastfeeding her child such an emotional and a P an emotional appeal to women I mean and so should you vote for this person because she's breastfeeding and she's a woman and she I think she worked for Michelle Obama two or something I mean and this is who's supposed to make our decisions with my tax money I mean they just showed you how ludicrous the system had imagine a man doing something like this I mean with his penis or something I mean I'm not just a Magister this is how far down we've become this is what democracy has taken us to it is absolutely ridiculous that we're like that but so much power is in the hands of the government now that they can take so much from us and that in the end of the day the people right and it's probably more women vote than men she's doing a good I mean logically she's just this past is the test now in in politically correct world get as many women the bonus for you as possible who cares you know what money you got to steal from men or whatever if she's breastfeeding it's awesome yes everything will be all right she's breastfeeding on camera well we're so progressive this is why you need big coin people because she came that woman that's breastfeeding her baby who worked for Michelle Obama or whatever she can't steal your money if it's if you have big homes she can't take your Bitcoin it again if you get caught up in this election type of stuff you think they're gonna change things for the better they're not this is what it's turned into it's to watch that video and just then you're gonna want to buy some Bitcoin okay because you don't want to fuck you you're not gonna play this game any whitmore with Chris big now Raja jaja and her breastfeeding and then advertisement just you did that plays when I'm trying to find the Orioles for unbelievable but hey you can't take her Bitcoin I'm confiscating so I talk about the Pope one day we're gonna truly get to a post-scarcity world but with what with people like that woman whatever her name is in charge and and with the government's gaining more and more power and 80 percenters wanting simple answers wanting to just to take from the 20% wanting the guilt people wanting to use emotion it's going to slow down the 20 percenters okay what day if the 80 percenters were smart they would just let the 20 percenters do they had to do you know you guys we don't want to restrict you anymore we don't want to steal from you anymore we don't attacks from you anymore because the 20 percenters are gonna take this world and make it a post-scarcity world so all those 80 percenters can sit on their butt all day and do nothing and because there'll be no more there'll be no more scarcity and the real abundance abundance of everything and we're getting close to where there is again in the United States I mean the people welfare they live it they're quite an abundant lifestyle I mean they have big-screen TVs they have Obama phones they have everything great the great stuff but I mean it's it's not perfect again if they were just to say if they were to think long-term and just be like okay let's stop getting into these situations where we're shaving guilting slowing down taxing that the 80% the 20 percenters let them just produce let the smart people rule let the smart people do what they got to do and we will live in a post-scarcity society and those then zeta percentage can do what they want to do and us 20 percenters can go to the moon go to the mars go to Jupiter it'll be great but of course 80 percenters rate are gonna do what 80 percenters are gonna do these sociopathic politicians are gonna appeal to them with breastfeeding commercials and all right so here's another tip for yet for everyone out there but think about that think about a purse scarcity world and think about what would happen if the 20 percenters out there weren't being held back and you know it is about personal responsibility that's 20% us we gotta find ways around this we do but I'm just like I'm saying imagine the world where we wouldn't have to find where these obstacles did not exist that'd be that are out there because 80 percenters won't quick short-term solutions they're not thinking long long-term is a post-scarcity world we have amazing technology out there all right sell your car that's another adam meister tip to save money for those of you say oh i have no money you know where it's at sell your car I don't own a car I'm a nun car for a while now you find ways around you walk more you run more you live out your just healthier your just healthier speaking about healthy some people know I do a 72 hour that I've done quite a few 72 hour fast in my life you can do one a year or one every six months the reason you do a 72 hour or longer fast and again this is not for everyone it's they say it can reset your immune system so I'm not saying to try this but this is something I do and other people have asked me about this have I noticed my immune system being reset I don't know I mean I'm already do a lot of healthy things as you guys know so I I it I don't know what it I feel fine afterwards I do it doesn't really affect me um you know when I am I gonna get this something to do yes every everything it's great it's fine I think it think people who are unhealthy is who really see you've read about it google it and and just learn for yourself see if you're comfortable doing something like that again I fast twenty two hours every single day at least I do intermittent fasting check out a last week's video I talked about that but I do do I do on occasion you longer fast especially when I travel I do not like to eat when I'm about to go on a plane or when I am on a plane or what after I'm on a plane so they I had these lately I've been having these 48-hour fast when I'm traveling and I've been traveling a lot I will be trying I mean I'm going to Denver on was a Tuesday so again that'll be a 48 hour fast date when I got here to LA was a 48 hour fast anyway let's move on here from the fast stuff you guys google it I'm healthy uh you know you should trust your fingers I want to jinx anything like that and you know I I do want to say something I there are some big Bitcoin guys out there who are going through um health issues right now and I'm thinking that you guys I've really uh well someone's wife is having an issue right now and another guy is for having a very serious health issue I just wanted to tell those dudes I'm thinking about them out there and there's some times we can't you know sometimes there's just bad luck people so that's why you gotta maximize the time and if you can control your health and control as much as you can there's you know one day you might have some bad luck and it's gonna be all over so try to live the healthiest you can and that's when you get that bad luck it's not necessarily over by the way but it makes life a lot more difficult a lot more challenging and there's if there are some other fellow bitcoiners who go to this channel who I'm you know friends with and everything through the internet that are so let's think of those guys right now there they are they're going through some issues right now anyway um and I think about though I'm thinking about them so and I sent them some the best tips I could send them I try to help everyone but again I'm not an expert on certain serious conditions obviously and there comes a point when it gets super duper serious alright so uh and yes what and unplug one of our fellow bitcoiners out there does have brain cancer and it's uh I'm thinking I'm definitely thinking of him there's you know there's not he's doing what he needs to do so and uh anyway we're Google time I've gone off on a tangent right there but I did like if he's watching you run it you're gonna do good man you're gonna do great so uh they you know and when I was in st Louis this past weekend I was talking to a friend of mine and we were talking about how you can't look back on the past and say there's no shadow coulda woulda don't be a sugarcoat of what a person if you had a bad event don't say it oh I could have been different had I gonna let that bad a bit change your life and lead you down a good path bad things can lead you down they lead you down a different path make that a good path you know that's what I should have you know I should have bought Bitcoin right then no no it's taken to a path where you are today now you can buy Bitcoin don't have that mentality that shoulda coulda woulda mentality I I don't have it just just like the past of the past leave the past in the past you move on it put you on the path that you're on now make the most of that path that your own on right now seriously because a bad thing does lead to a good thing for positive people who make go their own way and you know take personal responsibility another tip and I'm not doing it right now but I do I stand most of the day I set up a standing desk um you could just put your computer on top of a box on top of a desk or whatever right now I am sitting down but I use I stand for so much standing is healthy is very healthy so try to stand as much as possible don't sit if you're gonna sit you know don't sit for more than a half an hour they say I I don't know how bad that is but they say like sitters are more prone to death but then aren't most people who sit overweight anyway and so what's causing the death of being overweight so if you don't have a standing desk or if you can't make this thing like this it's not the worst thing in the world but it's something to experiment with is something I do quite a bit I and you guys can tell when I'm standing and everything right again I'm sitting right this second but all right there's a guy this is a nice tweet em I can't pronounce his name he stays from Holland or something like that it's linked to below am less crowd a better goal is contentment the satisfying feeling that you're currently taking the best crack you can at a good life path that what you're working that what you're working on might prove to be a piece of an eventual puzzle you can feel really proud of okay so find meaning in your life people find meaning work on things that have meaning a goal to be your own personal contentment don't do it for someone else don't do it for your for your mom or for yours or your wife or for do it for yourself do it has meaning for you set goals that have meaning for you and that they give you a path but I think that a lot of people are just lost they have no goals they have no meaning and they're just they don't know what to do with their lives so they try to be contentment think of contentment being intense and but have a goal to get there to the you know I wanna in two years I want to be living I'm gonna be traveling the world so how do I get there Adam what steps do I need to take what do I need to sell what do i what healthy steps doing things like that something you can be proud of to take there's nothing weren't wrong with pride again people guilt you into not being proud anymore don't let no no you should be proud you should have goals you shouldn't want to be a victim this victimhood thing just there is no contentment in Vic monoid there is no meaning cuz you're just going down a drain and you're because you're becoming a cog in a machine and you get what are you what do you get from being a victim you get prizes from being sad you get people feeling bad for you that's such a negative a negative zone you want positive to positivity you want meaning strong hand pound that like bond people all right so here here's a deferral of gratification story for you people so of Sunday I was in the st

Louis Airport and I was I had already fasted for 26 hours since I was going on a plane I was not gonna eat on that plane it was gonna end up being a 47 hour fast or something like that so they make an announcement front tier airlines that my that my flight has been delayed three hours three more hours I gotta sit there now all right so about I haven't eaten for 26 hours but guess what they said guess what they said they said hey dude come up come up to the front we're gonna give you a 15 dollar feed voucher you can use it anywhere here at the look at these restaurants with the big TVs you know so I went up there I got my food voucher now what would you do what would you do at that point would you would you be like I'm hungry now I'm hungry I better go this isn't me I can't wait three more hours before I get on this big plane flight to the west coast I got to eat now or could you defer go could you be patient could you defer gratification you know what I did I went to a store in and I bought me a big 12 dollar pack oh it was good no it was yeah I was close to $50 with taxes it was like $14 pack of almonds almonds are so my favorite food so there I am got my almonds there okay and I'm sitting there and I know that I could add my fast right now couldn't I or am I gonna am I gonna do my original goal and wait you know the twenty more hours or whatever it was 17 more hours after a certain point could you resist it having you favorite food right there in front of you and then you're you're carrying around with you when you're on the plane when you're landing when all sorts of things so now of course I made my I did my fast of course I had a 47 hour fast because of this I was able to defer gratification oh and when I finally ate those healthy almonds it was worth it it was great so that's how you practice deferral gratification people you apply that to the rest of your life with Bitcoin that's how you say I'm gonna hold on to this Bitcoin if you're able to do something like that this is what I do my whole life it's all about the further gratification and it makes it so easy and for those of you that I've never sold a Bitcoin for fiat never i'm again i wait until at least after 2020 having and that's how you become a success in life if you're able to do things like that most people and i saw them they got their they got their voucher and they picked out at the fridays or whatever nonsense they were the gross cooked food and oh who knows what these people were eating I got the healthiest possible thing and I didn't even eat it till the next day alright so that and that's how hey man that's life that's how you become a success all those 80 percenters I mean what's gonna end up with them I mean they they were oh there's so many obese people it was gross and I I know it's is some people obesity it's up there's a problem it's a problem and I'm not calling people obese to put them down to shame them I want people to work away from that obesity but what I saw was people just stuffing their faces more so don't be one of those people be an almond guy defer gratification guy that's about it I'll add a vice through the thick oil I started this rotmeister leverage subscribe this channel like this for your shows when you check out the dose section below pound that like button and I will see you in the chat right now bye