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The Beyond Bitcoin Show- Episode 11

Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond bitcoin show today is June the 17th early in the morning 2018 strong hand conviction alright we had an extra show yesterday some of you saw that by the pool this show should have been a little bit toward last night some more but we're having a special one this morning so we're gonna jump right into it remember to have that conviction people be don't give up and whatever you believe in and that's that's who wins the day conviction always wins a day so let's talk about the war on competency again this is a beyond Bitcoin shoulder so we're going to total without other subject matters beyond Bitcoin and cryptocurrency I know we're gonna talk about health in a second so just want to if anyone's new to this so there is a war on competency in the general population now when you opt into the Bitcoin overlay we treasure competency here but within the world of the a deeper the dot the eighty percent dominated world all disparity equals discrimination it seems like people try to say it a disparity and outcome someone must be discriminated against you know and so if a certain a certain group of people succeed in a certain field then another group of people is being discriminated against it's and and thus discrimination by some mysterious force or it's it's not taking for no personal responsibility is the bottom line here personal responsibility is a new counterculture the the prevalent mainstream culture in the war on competency is excuse making and scapegoating just trying to blame others for your groups lack of accomplishment in a specific field when you have to do is take personal responsibility of your destiny if you're in a group that is supposedly being discriminated against Ferrand in whatever field instead of taking a collective mentality and saying your group is being kept down you as an individual need to say hey I'm going to be successful sure many around me are doing horrible they're making up a figure they're using excuses they're saying they're being it's racism and that it's anti this is anti that but I is an individual I'm going to be successful I'm going to experiment I'm gonna pick a field where I know I'm gonna study I'm gonna work hard I'm gonna have commitment and conviction and so it's not or you can do nothing and complain and be part of this collective that just complains and complains about your overall group and how you're being held down by the man so I mean we can look back to the 1950s when Jewish people like me were I mean they weren't allowed into certain country clubs or they weren't in the allowed into certain businesses so they made their own businesses up they weren't allowed to be a doctor at Johns Hopkins only let in a certain amount of doctors they went to another school or maybe they didn't become a doctor maybe they have to give that dream up in the bay they own the store they became the dentist maybe who knows now with the I mentioned the we weren't let into certain country clubs then we made our own country clubs now eventually again I don't agree with for if people didn't want us in their country clubs you shouldn't force them to let us in there Eric hunt in their Country Club some of it eventually you know there was all sorts of forced people were forced to associate with people they did not want to associate with and I feel personally if you don't want to associate with Jewish people like me you don't have to associate with you that's great we'll just do it on our own but-but-but-but get the – my point – my point again if you were an individual and you didn't like that hey they they're not let me into their country club because I'm Jewish we're going to start our own Country Club and and actually that happened a lot in the Baltimore area there was there were swimming clubs and such and eventually I I was not around to all the old days there but but I was I did go to a there was something called silver silver birch silver birch was a I was as great swim we'd go swimming at the pool and everything and silver birch I I didn't know as a youth but it was like was a hundred percent Jewish it is because it originated way back in the day when they didn't let us into those clubs and it was a lovely experience and it's kind of sad that once people were forced to integrate us in over time silver bursary to disappear anyway but memories of the old there's a little personal story there that went off hey pound that like button if you like Adams personal stories but again but the thing is is to take personal responsibility and never force to do force other people to accept you your group because I mean just you you're gonna take control of your own destiny alright and be be something awesome where do we go here oh yeah I'm gonna speak in Philadelphia crypto coin con-com August 18th I'll be promoting that a lot Ken Bozak will also be speaking there crypto queen con calm it is listed below okay there's an amazing lack of economic understanding when III I think Ben Shapiro brought this up people are complaining about early was a mommy a woman on CNN mention this complaining that why do I don't wear women athletes paid as much as men athletes and you know they should try to even the playing field it's it's quite people watch the mail Apple athletes they pay a lot more money to watch male leagues and males play I mean then females NBA to WNBA think about it think about the amount so there's just not as much money to pay the winning okay they're not getting that I vert izing it's a lack of economic understanding it's just like they think the money just drops from the air and then you distribute it between the men and the women no it's not that simple and again you can sit there and complain and try to force people to redistribute their their money for sports watching or you can take personal responsibility actually go out there pay money to watch the women support the women if you think women's sports are great go out there pay money to watch the women and if you want to pay them more give them more money give them say you know what I paid $20 for this ticket I think I should have paid 50 I'll give them 50 yeah make up clubs around women's sports try to get into the women's a sports promotional field you can be a marketer but but anyway most people are just going to complain and say women are paid as much as men in sports okay so I mean there's a reason for it because you'd rather go see the the men's sports many more people let's face it men like to watch sports more than women like if you can't admit there's differences between sexes what they like to do then yeah you're part of a you're part of the base through society yeah you know enjoy your collectivism curiously enjoy your collectivism do what you're gonna do don't don't force me to pay you to complain all right so what are we here's a great video from me Tao money and action steps to your fu money let me tell you this video linked to below of course always check out the links below you can watch this week in Bitcoin the the special show I did yesterday all my shows but anyway make town money it's he sounds like Adam Meister some of the things that he's saying there some of some of his advice so here's another example of why you do not want to be part of this 80% mindless tyranny of mainstream society why you want to opt into the Bitcoin overlay which I really still have to do a complete show on what the Bitcoin overlay is and my theory around it but anyway this there's only so much time during a day but here is the the headline poll number one issue for Maryland em and again I am NOT in the politics at all there's a reason you shouldn't be in the politics poll number one issue for Maryland Democrats is removing Donald Trump from office and there's a link to the Baltimore Sun article 46% of Maryland Democrats say that most the most important issue for them in the primary elect election is removing Donald Trump from office even though that is beyond the power of Maryland's governor the other the other top issues for Democrats were public education 26 percent the economy 10 percent and public safety 8 percent the state of Maryland has an election in a week or so over two weeks whatever it is they're electing a next governor of Maryland that's a state in the United States it's where I'm from all right it has no heat the governor mary could do nothing to remove the President of the United States has nothing to do with it okay yet the number one issue in the election for most Maryland Democrats is removing Donald Trump from office so the number one issue in this election for governor has nothing to do with the election for governor and only ten percent that people care about the economy which the governor does have some unfortunately the governor has some say over the Maryland economy because the the economy is in in the United States are so state oriented that the governors do have say over the economy which is a very unfortunate thing but I'm look how that the 80 percenters of the world just money I guess watch mindlessly watch TV and follow the talking points of their party to a point where they're not thinking at all and that they don't even know what the real issues are in the elections because removing Donald Trump from office I mean you could be passionate about that I don't give a darn but it's not an elected you with selecting the governor of Maryland he cannot do a thing to remove Donald Trump from office or any president from office so that is an amazing statistic and it should it shows you you don't want to waste a second on politics you don't want to be involved with voters that that democracy is is is tyranny with a suit on I mean mob rule with a suit on excuse me mob rule with a suit on tyranny of the majority it's it's unbelievable so you know I've already wasted too much time on it but for me it's an 80% 20% point that I'd like to point out obviously I'd be willing to bet that the 40% 46% of Maryland Democrats who see the most important issue for them is removing Donald Trump from office I have not nothing to do with Bitcoin or cryptocurrency pound that like button people all right so Jonah Goldberg was on the bench of Heroes Show last Sunday I link to it below it was great guests I've really never listened to the dude before and he talks about self discipline cell versus self expression and how his version what he defines romanticism as has maybe started the decline of Western society or gotten us into this position where everybody's a virtue singer but I want to I want to go into self discipline verse self expression because I'm a person that talks about long term thinking not being impulsive and that is self discipline right there you gotta have self difficult discipline you can't be a hundred percent self expression I mean it's but at the same time it is important to be able to express yourself and be yourself and not let a government not let an entity define who you are but again you can't be just some wild man on the street that's just taking off your clothes snoring everything off the ground you know for the sake of being an artist of like this is I'm expressing myself here by by you know interfering with other people by destruction I'm you know I'm break into your house that's my way of suffix so or I'm blowing my whole wad of money here and I'm blaming you no there's got to be some type of self-discipline some type of personal responsibility in your self-expression so there's a balance between the two but I did I think there's there's two extra and again I guess there's this probably too much self-discipline to where you're just like I can't be around any disease I'm locking myself in a room forever you know that there's there's a point where self discipline becomes paralysis I guess but let so there's a balance you gotta for me lean toward well no I don't know I know what you're gonna lean toward but just don't be impulsive whatever allows you not to be impulsive and not to make insane financial mistakes take it slow all right people somebody asked recently what type of shoes do I wear when I run actually let me show you I wasn't actually planning on showing them but uh these are a sick so people think I'm cheap and I do like to save money obviously um you know how safe you know III don't I've never spent a Bitcoin I live a frugal lifestyle I don't eat out but here is my shoe it's an Asics GEL Nimbus okay I have worn this type of shoe over and over again I mean I think for ten years fifty I don't even know as long as I've been running okay well not as it's not was I did wearing Nikes when I was really young but these are the best they cost the most they do cost the most they are Asics best new ones can cost over $150 or $200 I get mine on eBay so there I get the older models and don't they're new they're not used don't find use shoes these ones are really worn down I'm getting when I get back to Baltimore there's a new pair waiting for me there so I I'm really i order some from ebay so you can get some discounts on eBay but again if you're gonna be a runner you do not want to mess your feet up you do not want to mess your knees up because it can be hard on your knees and it's harder on certain people's bodies and others too you want the best shoes it's harder on women's bodies too sometimes I've known women that have had to retire because they've run too much beautiful women without the less state they've had to think of a friend of mine from college she was a wreck she ran a marathon then afterwards she decided not to run again a beautiful one she's very thin and I tried but I failed in attaining her I wasted some time on that but we became friends is everything okay I do not value a value or wealth in Bitcoin but yes I hear Asics GEL Nimbus that's Adams recommendation for the day seer seriously sometimes you can't be you can't sheep out on shoes although you can again if you use eBay you can get a discount and yet I knew a guy who owned a shoe store who uh-huh he no longer owns a running shoe ste the guy on the Falls Road running store the guy's some of you guys know him Jim Jim Adams um if you're from Baltimore watching this he he was not a fan of uh he was being taxed for selling shoes but when you're online you're not being cat and it was putting him out of business and he actually gave up the visit father of running store is still there so he was no fan of buying your shoes online because of tax purposes because of the tax system that we have but again as a consumer yeah we're going toward buying shoes online like totally because people know what shoes fit them they don't have to go to the shoe store anymore so but yeah shout out the Falls Road running store Jim Adams uh you know he created something awesome back in the day and it was a great service to a community I guess it still is off a Falls Road if you ever watched that Barry Levinson movie I forgot which one it was now he talks about how Falls Road in the 50s was the dividing line between the Jewish area the non-jewish area the the Gentile area which I guess you know you can kind of see it well if you know the history I guess it was there were a lot of a lot of dividing lines in Baltimore I'm talking about Baltimore further anyway okay we what movie was that I like that Avalon I think it was it have a lot the Barry Levinson has some good movies because they're about Baltimore they have about Jewish people and stuff and again in that Barry Levinson movie I think was a belong that they're protesting in front of the the Gentile Country Club to let the Jews in and there's a sign that says no Jews blacks or dogs and whatever they had their sign and I mean it wasn't a nice side but they shouldn't have had to be forced to let us in there it's not the Gentiles should have kept their they a nice cup I've been to some of these Gentile country clubs now that they've integrated yeah I can see why they didn't want us there we kind of loud yeah yeah all right so let's say don't want to say all of you might like force ourselves if I'm not gonna date but yeah I gotta tell you all that you know these are the supposedly awkward clubs I know some upper crust uh white Gentile types from Baltimore they're always nice to be out of cab they talk behind my back and say that Jew or whatever they're really nice to me they I get what you do in your own house is your perfect that's your personal business I mean I'm not into like forcing people to think a certain way it's amazing okay so let's we've lost track here talking about Barry Levinson alright flaw here in Florida yeah it's just funny you know you're these different Country Club yeah I guess Silver Birch way it was kind of louder and it was at these Gentile ones we talked and talked so there's a huge Florida his fruit mangoes growing on the trees and little dates and they're edible so when you're indeed try the street food I say I haven't gotten sick yet I hate some mangoes it's amazing you can get free food it's falling from the trees here in Florida the beats were really small but they were they tasted like regular dates they were good they were good all right so there's a typically one yet when you're in somehow warm location trying to get food from the UH then you can't get that much true food even when I was in Namibia I pick I pick mulberries in win hook Namibia in 2016 okay it's amazing the free food you can find and again we look Namibia that's not a wealthy place again I recommend you you seem we're going to Windhoek Namibia it is an interesting they speak those some of the white people that will have lived there for a very long time they speak German still because the Germans are colonized up I guess was called Southwest Africa back then and then South Africa Namibia was a colony of South Africa it was called Southwest Africa right I don't mess up the name of this um but anyway that's enough namibia talk I didn't find any Bitcoin people in the midea although I met a Namibian at the last South African conference when I was in Johannesburg with Jason Jason was is in Pretoria watching this right now I saw him in the chat beforehand but there was a guy from Namibia and then we talked over email then we lost track of each other come on namibians could wake up to Bitcoin you need it all so this this show is really getting out of control isn't it all right no no Mill that's why it's beyond Bitcoin no nobility in poverty people there is no nobility in poverty you have to have that attitude or else you're gonna do nothing there's no again you gotta be in motion there's no nobility and not being in motion and just complaining and and being a troublemaker just just keep that in your mind no nobility in poverty because it'll keep you it'll get you in the right mindset and here's an article from Bloomberg millionaires now control half of the world's personal wealth so if you think there's no building in poverty you're gonna say that's unfair that's unfair we have to change things but if you understand that there is no nobility in poverty you're gonna aim to be one of those millionaires you're gonna eat and that's what I encourage people to do millionaires now now control half of the world's personal wealth how do I become a millionaire how do I help become part of this group of small group of people that control have to have the personal wealth of the world there you go getting the big one just being motion people so here here I forgot who said this now this was on I think Ben Shapiro shows somebody said it politics are being lifestyle down politics it's a fax with a fashion choice your politics is your fashion in the old days it was people were complaining about a lifestyle your lifestyle was being politicized but now politics are being life styled I like that and it's a fashion choice now you know oh look I'm a anti trooper ha ha look how cool I am I'm into this group this is part of my lifestyle yeah I'm wasting so much time on this don't waste any time on that stop people be productive all right except for some reason I I was looking at Fox News calm occasionally they have some headlines that make me think and I'm not even linking to this article that it was an article about this SOT mark mostly the Satmar Hasidic sect in New York State in New Jersey yeah and they titled the article they used the word acid to describe the group of Jewish people and indeed the Satmar are a type of Hasidic group but if you say the hassid's or doing this that and the other in New York you're generalizing about its there are many different type of Hasidic groups Satmar I am no fan of Satmar Satmar or anti Zionist they should be ashamed of themselves for that it's a disgrace the way they carry themselves the Satmar in Williamsburg in Brooklyn how they carry on you know they they should all move to Israel's what they should do they shouldn't be living in New York living off for the welfare state and so this is what the article was about about Satmar and probably some other Satmar related Hasidic groups living off of the welfare state in New York and New Jersey they are a politicized group corrupt politicians go to them and make them give them more welfare so they all vote for them because they all have ten kids but to say it's huh SIDS acids to generalize Hasidic people in this way is a disgrace because the Habad acetic acidic people are not welfare hounds okay the Habad Pacific people support the Land of Israel soul of the Jewish people all Jews that's the Habad are the are the greatest Jewish people in this planet right now I would say are some of the greatest Jewish people in this planet they if you're Jewish you know they reach out there in every city and they try to be in every city in the world so that if you're a Jewish person you know visiting like a city in India you could go hang out with your your Chabad Hasidic person they're very nice again so these articles and again I'm not linking this you gotta be careful when you read some of these mainstream articles that are talking about the Costas constant viscosity but there are many different types of Hasidic people Satmar is a term if you live in New York and New Jersey you see these guys with the black hats and now they're not talking to you they're in their own little world they have ten kids and again they can do what they want to do but when they're living off of a state is a disgrace it's a disgrace that they hate on their own people in a very public manner and you just–just–just conventions against Israel I mean the most ridiculous things you've ever seen in your in your life the Satmar do so yeah and I've had friends say like oh look at all the hostages in Williamsburg no those are sot mark let's call them Satmar they are Satmar that is what they are they are soft and where they got a long history and I do not they don't reach out to me I mean they don't talk they speak freaking Yiddish still they speak a gutter let and it is a gutter language now there's no reason for Jewish people to speak Yiddish when they're not being oppressed in in fricking Eastern Europe in Europe anymore okay it's a it's a gutter German language it's a it's a complete whatever it is we don't need to speak German anymore okay some gutter version of German we speak the language of this country we're in which is English or you should be ki brew that's the language of the Jews okay so I've gone on about this appropriate but my point is for all you Gentiles out there if you're reading these articles about classes and you're seeing these crazy YouTube videos with costumes in them their sock mark okay and they don't like their oh they don't even like their own people it's a disgrace when a Jew does not like the Land of Israel and does not respect his does not like his own cuz I I mean I wanna on a basic level I like this I mean I'm sure they're good sought more people I think it's their politics it is disgraceful what they instill in their own people but they have ten kids and they get them on welfare in New Jersey in New York and then they hate on Israel move to freaking Israel you should be kicked out of this country and go to Israel that is what you should do I think that's great I should be kicked out of the United States sent me to Israel to for God's sake I mean it's gonna happen eventually I gotta be careful to say things like that but none I mean no they kick I shouldn't say k doubt let's not get into that now if you're gonna kick out somewhere then you're gonna kick out me too yeah that's true but then let's leave it at that if you're gonna kick out I'm going you know if you're kicking out the Jews were all Jews together um but but Satmar should rush and move to Israel they should not be living off in New York and New Jersey live off of Israel okay it will figure it out there I'll prep we'll figure out our problems there all right so uh what else do we have here oh that again Mike my great host here in South Florida it's been awesome I actually hung out with Jason yesterday who helped make the event possible in South Florida awesome dude showed me the beach showed me around Delray Beach here I was up in West Palm Beach the other day I'll be in Puerto Rico in San Juan on the 20th so again this week of Bitcoin check out the archive Saturday show was a test show of mine I'm practicing for something was about crypto dividends check that out yesterday I'm at delayed this show obviously a thawing on tech Balt and on twitter steam it everyone get on steam it if you've got content because you can made cryptocurrency that way i'm bitcoin meister on there follow the intellectual bitcoin elite that are on my this week in bitcoin show that are on the world crypt of network you know learn about don't go follow these mindless people out there i mean be able to differentiate between the pump and dump errs get-rich-quick people and the intellectual bitcoin elite the intellectual bitcoin elite are a diverse group of people they're 20 percenters and if you can't handle being a 20% or then i guess yeah just stick with the 80% okay what else oh yeah here you sausalito summer nights by diesel this is a song from the early 80s I think the first 15 seconds are just an amazing opening riff yeah I think I might have mentioned this on another show a long time ago I'll link to it below and again you can see all my old shows at disrupt meister comm and again tech vault-tec HB alt on twitter then and you notice the sheer nature of numbers people remember they're going to be so many more 80 percenters than 20 percenters so you are going to be told all the time that you can't does 80 percenters tell you that you can't just remember this so you got to be strong you can't give him that you can't give him this shame and embarrassment they're gonna tell you you suck and this other mindless dribble you gotta be strong against them again it's the nature of the the numbers 80 percenters way out number 20 percenters vocal 80 percenters probably out number 20 percenters also so you gotta have conviction and what you believe in and stick with not being impulsive and not fitting in there is again shame is powerful shame is how they beat you have no shame have a strong hand and again assigning fault is not productive to assign fault is not a productive endeavor don't waste time assigning fault to others just keep moving on again don't say this group is keeping me down don't say this this person has trapped me in the situation get out of the situation get alice situation don't don't try to find the person own assign fault don't assign blame it's not productive just move on I know it's hard to do sometimes but you gotta be as productive as an efficient as possible and I'll leave you with ant extra 300 he left this some message a long time ago but I love it still financial sovereignty gives you freedom of geography and Association so again opt-in to the Bitcoin overlay you're gonna be able to associate with anyone you want to you're going to be able to live and be wherever you want to and not have to worry about mainstream society's rules i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like this video share this video check out the notes section below I will see you later bye bye