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Bitcoin – Past and Future – Introduction

Hi and welcome this module on the Past and the Future of Bitcoin It’s been said that 6 months in crypto feels like 5 years… or something like that

The point of that saying is that things move extremely fast in the crypto space You could literally spend all day every day listening to bitcoin podcasts, reading news, and spending time in online chat rooms… and still not be on top of all the developments It can feel quite overwhelming But does that mean you should just give up and let this revolutionary innovation pass you by? Clearly not, or you wouldn’t have taken this course in the first place! In this module, we’ll provide you with a springboard into your lifelong learning pursuit of bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and the blockchain There are a ton of resources out there, but we’ll parse them down a bit and get you familiar with where to continue your bitcoin education

We’ll also take a look at some of the pressing and ongoing issues around crypto Is bitcoin a bubble? What is a fork? What is SegWit? And More Obviously this short course can’t touch on all topics And things will continue to change rapidly, right after I finish recording this video But hopefully through this course we have ignited a flame of interest and passion, which you can continue to develop through your own study and research