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The 1 Bitcoin Show- Insider info, gold, globalism, debt, altcoins, radical Vitalik? Q&A!

Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the one bitcoin show today is May the 22nd 2019 what does this shirt stay strong hand long term thinking offended by selling be a unique beast unconfident anywhere one bitcoin equals one bitcoin bitcoin is the next bit point personal responsibility is the new counterculture no fancy sets or graphics here no diversification for the sake of diversification hang on to that bitcoin alright everybody check out all the links below follow me on twitter at Tech ball te CH B alt if you have questions type in bitcoin meister and i will answer the questions in the chat we've been having a lot of fun with the questions lately remember tomorrow at 7 pm

i will be speaking in Long Beach I'll have a show before then so there'll be one more reminder Friday this week Bitcoin will be at noon Eastern Time Alex Lally will be on money Triggs will hopefully be on and someone else will be on well we're working on that a third person right there right now so yesterday I want to add something to yesterday's show I was talking about what newbies should know and what they can do to get Bitcoin charge people for bit charge people in Bitcoin for your services be be a consultant just collect Bitcoin as as income don't be afraid to ask for Bitcoin hey I did it I'll charge you 201 Bitcoin for this that's the way to get Bitcoin so yeah if I didn't have any Bitcoin I would I mean of course I have Bitcoin and I I mean if you want an appointment with Adam Meister I charge people in Bitcoin we can set that up email me at Adam at trey's or help calm but you can do that too so that that's another way to get Bitcoin and if you're a content creator go on the steam it and put your content on their urn steam turn me into bitcoins so that's another thing I would say to newbies because there's all sorts of different movies out there all right I can see someone in the super chat dying Cornelius Cornelius sent me a dollar and Don I got your message the DM he sent me another dollar and dude at the end of the show I am stay tuned for the end of the show people are going to share something that Don sent me he's trying to get everyone to value their wealth and Bitcoin gal your worth in Bitcoin found that like button okay I remember just because I talk about steam and steam it and yesterday yesterday's show check it out at disrupt meister comm you can watch all over 1300 on my shows at disrupt meister calm oh my lord but yeah i mentioned steam it that does not mean i'm saying by steam don't buy steam don't buy what you can get for free 80 percenters do that and that that's a big theme of this show but a lot of people they think because i mentioned a coin that i'm encouraging the by no I'm just mentioning it and passing earn it for free turning the Bitcoin don't don't buy something you get for free don't buy these cryptic I mean people buy be cash we got it for free why do something like that oh my god people people by bsv oh my lord well we'll talk about that in a second we'll talk about that in a sec alright so trending on Twitter is canceled my debt and this is like total 80% are type of stuff here don't end up like these helpless 80 percenters okay it's really pathetic it's just a reminder that you've got to learn how to defer gratification and not get in the debt like these people so I will share a tweet about this a funny tweet about this cancel my debt hashtag is from Mark dice he says it's amazing the people crying about canceling my debt can afford Starbucks every day eating out every night a quarter ounce of weed a week new clothes every month and a nice vacation every year and and what can you say there 80 percenters guys you won't end up in debt if you don't spend like a like those people do like a maniacs buy bitcoin don't don't value your wealth in these inconsequential things in you no don't don't you don't need the newest and greatest thing you don't need to signal to your friends that you're doing so well when you're not doing so well you know a Bitcoin do it do it quietly you don't have to tell the world be proud of yourself get get value from knowing that you can save and you you don't live in this hyper consumerism globalist world oh we're gonna get to the term globalist in a second because if there's a very interesting definition that I'd like but before Don Cornelius said five dollars and he says hashtag withdrawal BTC if you buy Bitcoin from at Cash app make sure to withdraw right away withdrawal hashtag withdrawal BTC get it trending all right Don that's really awesome that you pay me five bucks to or now pay me seven bucks to share that information that I was gonna share for free at the end of this gel anyway it's already linked to below his tweet so click on his tweet it says the same thing that he just shared but thanks for contributing to the show Don and hopefully yeah dudes if you're going to buy Bitcoin on something like cash app of course if you're gonna buy with coinbase get it off of there immediately don't keep your this is not about custodial accounts is not about third parties holding your big point if you buy Bitcoin you don't really own it unless you control your private key to keep it a cash app they own it all right so what else is tart trending on Twitter today I noticed it's Harvey Milk day and it would have been more appropriate if Harvey Milk day was yesterday the day that bsv was spiking because Harvey Milk the the mayor of the former mayor of San Francisco he was involved with Jim Jones in San Francisco and people don't talk about this does they focus on another aspect of Harvey Milk's life but like most politicians you know politicians they make deals with nasty people they want to get all sorts of constituencies so he made that he he was buds with Jim Jones in San Francisco and Jim Jones is famous for making people drink the kool-aid in South America so why do so of course yesterday yesterday today's pizza day yesterday should have been cool a day because you know Jim you know we were bsv spiked yesterday so it's unfortunate that Harvey Milk day was uh not yesterday so we could have brought up Jim Jones when talking about the BSB spike so I think I think you guys get the connection between the bsv and the Jim Jones a little bit thing ah because I bit people some people just love the being cults and uh they drink the kool-aid alright but what do we have here me and so here's a comment on the UH psv this is a tweet very interesting one nearly a billion dollars pumped into bsv marketplace due to his $85 copyright application Dworkin and he's talking about Jim Jones I mean enough fake toshi uh it's not difficult to understand why outsiders look at our space as a joke well yeah ok yeah it is funny it is interesting that nearly a billion dollars was pumped into the bsv market cap due to Jim Jones and his $85 mean fake Satoshi's $85 concrete application but and yeah Outsiders look at look at that as a joke because all coin trading is a joke alright so don't I know what you're trying to say but bitcoin is that's not big coin okay that's not Bitcoin you did $85 copyright stuff know that that effect that's how all if you're an altcoin gambler yeah you got a deal with when some cult leader Faiza pays eighty five dollars for a copyright thing it might spike your uh it might spike your the value of your altcoin so yeah people do get confused that the outsiders who look at the Bitcoin space get confused by this kind of stuff I don't want to participate in a financial instrument whereas if some wacko buys uh buys a copyright or whatever the heck you did files a copyright that he can spike the pret no that's not Bitcoin don't work and anyway that's all coin gambling is about in impulsivity if you're gonna get if you're gonna consider our space if you're gonna consider the Bitcoin space you got to be a long term thinker because they were all there will be crazy days it goes up by a thousand down by a thousand we've mentioned it before anyway so yeah it is Bitcoin Pizza date I really don't care that much about that the only the thing that I'm that I enjoy about Bitcoin pizza day I am offended by selling so if those of you who think about how someone spent their precious Bitcoin a lot of precious Bitcoin on pizza maybe that will make you think how you shouldn't be selling even in today's world you shouldn't be selling your precious Bitcoin on anything it is the ultimate reminder of deferral of gratification that that person instead of getting a pizza he should at the furthest gratification and it held his tens of thousands of Bitcoin and but you know back then it was people didn't fully understand what was about to happen no excuse now about the furrow of gratification so I see all these pictures of people eating pizza carbs bad Adam Meister never gonna have another pizza in my life I haven't had a pizza I think in ten years or something like that I don't even know but yeah that's the other thing I don't like about pizza day it encourages people to eat carbs that is very unhealthy their pizza is very very unhealthy and people's all just once Adam it's funny I guess just I I I'm the conviction guy I'm the one who's just hardcore focus I don't I don't fall off the wagon at all when you and they're just just just like with Bitcoin I say not gonna sell before 2020 that's yeah that's the rule right they're not gonna eat a pizza not gonna eat a pizza but yeah it is offended but by selling you look back to that you'll be offended by selling also and of course again just for the weak handed people out there to like to misinterpret my words just because I won't just cause he the 2020 having's gonna happen I still hopefully will not have to sell any Bitcoin but again the earliest time that I would ever sell a Bitcoin would be after the 2020 heaven which by the way guys less than a year away I went to a having clock below so check that out I was gonna mention that a little bit later the having show who is clearly in Norway because he sends me again 20 Norwegian kroner having hype one year plus one day or two a two hundred ten thousand blocks yeah I don't know it's something like a year away less than a year away whatever a year in a day in a way look at the clock it says 363 days away it changes I've been predicting that it will happen on Preakness day which i think is May the 16th 2020 which would be it's sad that might be the last Preakness ever in Baltimore but I'll remember it it was the day of the twenty20 having the last Preakness in Baltimore anyway thank you for the 20 Crona everybody check out that the having show he is into the having baby and now we're were less than a year away probably so people people ask me okay no one's had any questions today I don't think anyone's have any questions today no no questions today except the great contributions by Don Cornelius and having show so yeah dudes ask some questions they've been I mean I like them but people ask you the other day do I have any assets and again I would never own gold and here is a tweet that just reminds me of a reason not to own paper gold at lease this guy says custodial gold like how five people own the same else of gold on paper no thanks so yeah I'd also say yo thanks that's another reason I don't get the golden yeah some of you guys say but you they just buy real gold Adam yeah I guess you can just like real gold but again most people out there are getting your getting certificates if they say gold and then five people have think they say it's total nastiness but then some of you're saying oh wait a second they're gonna do that with Bitcoin too and you know what they are going to try to have paper for Bitcoin but there's a big difference you will be able to easily say well I want my dick and these these people who try to do that with biklen will be called out and they will they will fail but let them try let them try this is where the big boys play if you want to try to make paper Bitcoin and do the same thing with gold and again it's the fault the people out there they don't want to control their own private key that will not that refuse to understand that you can get the real asset they're the ones you're going to fall for that the paper bitcoin things so yeah for a while there might be some paper Bitcoin but it's not gonna get nasty like this paper gold thing has with it anyway gold even ignoring the whole paper gold thing it's it's so it's the past it's not digital we're living in the future now the young people we're gonna get that in in a second a guy talking about how he's just totally giving up on gold and yeah I know I sound down on gold I'm down on gold and I encourage any golden holder to just welcome to Bitcoin dude alright Jeff Van Drew who's been on my show before he says globalism globalism is an attempt to impose high time preference on everyone oh my god I like that I like that interpretation of globalism an attempt to impose high time preference on everyone so again if you're if you're one of those dudes there's do more so the globalism is destroy the world oh my god oh my god alright alright the way you do you still buy things do you still like can you not hold off on buying things you just have to get the latest and greatest car I mean then you're you're like you're feeding the beast you're feeding this beast that you're so scared of so it's an attempt to impose high time preference on everyone so what is the opposite of that what is low time preference Bitcoin so there you go you can complain about globalism and it's uh and again yeah there's some aspects of globalization I mean it is the you know you can interpret it in other ways that it is the evolution of business and that the whole world is interconnected but you know there are negative aspects and that is the hyper consumer aspect that Jeff is focusing on here the attempt to so yeah there's definitely by huge businesses use the huge businesses that are global businesses they want you to constantly spend and the constantly wants a new thing and you can easily ignore that by just fine Bitcoin and being and deferring gratification I mean what's the big deal so yeah this is where the big boys played the globalist want to play in Bitcoin whatever I'm not gonna be convinced to blow my Bitcoin on whatever they're trying to sell so yeah yeah so or you can just complain and make up conspiracies about globalism bla bla bla bla and never buy Bitcoin and just be a Doomer your whole life but hey it's your choice personal responsibility is the new counterculture here is a quote from Bitcoin magazine bitcoin is here to delete custodial trust and provide a new circular economy that Bitcoin era log said that yeah it is here to delete custodial trusts and provide a new circular economy but so many people are don't think of it that way and they're not deleting their custodial trust whatsoever and not everyone is playing with Bitcoin that way to say the least they are still relying on custodians be coinbase be it in the future fidelity there's all sorts of people out there that are just begging for other people to hold their big coin oh and to lend their Bitcoin to other people and no that's again Bitcoin it's here to delete custodial trust put people not everyone is jumping onto that that aspect of it too bad for them personal responsibility is a new counterculture and that's the beauty of Bitcoin not everyone has to use Bitcoin in the way that well in the best way and not everyone has to hold their Bitcoin well think that the Bitcoin at they own their holding because your own you only really own your Bitcoin when you are controlling your private key ok so you know one thing I'm learning about these written Wimble the the all coin that's being distributed to Bitcoin holders it's a crypt of dividend it's a crypt you know everyone saying this memorable technology he's so great grim and beam so here we go we got a guy Chris who created a version of that and he's giving it away to all us big coin holders and that is awesome but you know hearing that uh well first of all and not everybody knows about this people who follow this channel know about it so you've got insider information about getting this crypto dividend and it is a it's out there it's anyone can get it but but some people they want to just see that fancy sets and graphics they want to learn about the hottest the greatest altcoin that they should give up their Bitcoin for and those shows are you know those are those are very popular shows are very popular articles out there about that kind of thing or you can get insider this is truly insider information now because few people know about air drops like this they don't they don't know about this nobody who knows about this now who knows it a Andy you got a Andy's the marketer Baha I did so it's his responsibility to spread the word about it but still it's insider information so when you hear that you got you got to think to yourself right now this is great insider information it's a way to get this to sign up you get you get this coin you turn the Bitcoin all of a sudden you get a crypto dividend it's unbelievable you get a return on holding that Bitcoin it is it's the inside and information that crypto dividends is pure insider information because so many people in this space do not understand that better that Bitcoin holding your Bitcoin you get interest on it you you have to be proactive at times jus to get the fork to get the encrypted to get the airdrop but still it's still now there is a hole speaking of it nothing so some people they love insider information like this they love it so much that they take it to another level they like there are people out there and again they have arranged it to sell the rights of the big coin it's a you can't clean and I mean you can sign up for the member wynnmalone air drum now okay but you actually can't get it but some people have it set up so that they're selling their future NWC okay they're they're selling that future member when will coin now they're saying you know I own I own 50 Bitcoin and I will sell the rights to whatever remember when will corn I get with each Bitcoin and people are paying for it unbelievable so I mean there is a freak out coin world out there that people want to get this and again I do not advise doing anything like that at all it's it's tough but people are doing it and it's just it yeah I see these people they they again they want super insider information they want to play they want to get a hold of something before anyone can get a hold of it that's yeah that's valid in your wealth and all coins first of all so but there it so there's a freak altcoin world out there that I don't write I don't have anything a big I don't want to be part of it at all I just would be my simple Bitcoin my simple big boy world when I get my crypt of dividends I turn into more Bitcoin okay but there is so there are some people that want to get into things very early out there and they by this I mean the stuff I've heard now but from talking to certain people it is amazing you think you you hear about these things like who would be interested in something like this there are people I don't know if they're from and it is you I don't know where the heck they are they're willing to spend their precious Bitcoin like on anything on anything to make to get in there to be the first in line for basically anything I mean I CEOs all this madness it they haven't been cured of this mentality they it must be first they must have the uber insider information with some ludicrous stuff out there so this just fuels the whole cycle of people creating all sorts of wacky things out there again I'm not one of those people that wants to be first in line to give up my Bitcoin I just want to have my Bitcoin and get all these things that wackos are willing to pay money for for free and then turn it into the market so it's it's a wild wacky altcoin world that's my commentary on it right now now big Leopold said bitcoinmeister I'm a newbie how does the register work for mmm WC what does register mean do they get access to my Bitcoin no they get no access to your Bitcoin or or do they get my blockchain info that I have Bitcoin to get did dude I linked to the I link to the site below it is all explained there in videos and they take you step-by-step through the process I am doing it it is totally safe and if you're still confused after looking at the MWC dot MW is linked up below you just know confused after that you can actually email the guy chris or you can send him a DM on twitter and he will answer it he's watching right now probably or he'll be watching at one point he's they're very proactive their customer friendly customer service friendly so don't be afraid if you don't understand it after you know going through the site you know ask chris somebody in the comment section yesterday had a question for me like well what if why do I have to sign this way I said after Chris I mean I'm not I don't work for them at all I I just collect the crypt of dividends dude I love signing up for things where I can get my my crypto dividends and turn them into big points so ask Chris he's the mastermind behind the whole thing but again the site is is self-explanatory it's a good site it's linked to below all right moving on cetera we were talking about centralized figureheads beforehand now metallic is no Jim Johnson a little early let me let me clear that out real quick here I mean some people might try there might be some people who try to build a cult around with Vitalik but no but one thing about metallic that is disturbing and that was just mentioned inna I think a coin desk article and other people have mentioned it he is into this radical Mart market stuff this is a it's a radical economic movement by people who are trying to completely redefine what property is people who are so obsessed with in income inequality people who are so obsessed with income inequality who have envy I mean well who understand who I can add to the envy that people have over because these some of the people who have come up with this radical markets idea they're not poor people I know they're not envious of other people's incomes I don't think they are but they're they're adding to it okay and first of all with freedom there's gonna be inequality if any equality equals force okay equals slavery if everyone is equal that means they've been forced to be equal that there's strict rules when there's inequality there's freedom they just just the way the world people if there's freedom some people gonna do well some people aren't gonna do well some people gonna do super well you shouldn't envy other people you shouldn't envy their I don't believe it in enough income inequality you make your own income if someone's doing a lot better than you then great that's great you shouldn't be envious of them but this radical market stuff it really is fixated on that because they believe property is monopoly property is monopoly they have this whole they redefine property under their system that really wouldn't be private property anymore and so Vitalik is participating in this type of stuff he participated in a conference which discussed this stuff and I think he's written about it before again and so a theory this is the guy behind a theory so when you have someone like this if people discover this and understand now again this isn't going to catch on and I kind of give the guys credit for coming up with this wacky idea that is sure to show some creativity I link to it below but what is is vitalik gonna give up all his property is he gonna give up all his if the area under this and again it's a little bit more complex than that like I'm not going to get into the whole thing but it's that the way we have private property now would not be the same under this system this radical market system that metallic is in – so is that a reflection upon a theory I'm probably not but again when you have a founder like that it's sort of is if so again this is the beauty of Bitcoin there are no central figurehead founders and Zhao yah-ha-ha says can CW use the copyright as leverage to to try and get ownership of Bitcoin org no and no like I doubt I doubt he's trying to do that again God we were it's he's it's all for attention it's all I mean people people worry about it way too much don't worry about it don't don't don't worry about it at all it is funny that with all coins that you know you can do things like that and it will pump your altcoin and so you got you gotta hand it to him he did a fake news pump he successfully pulled off a fake news pump next week is there uh is there convention in Toronto so they'll pump it some more yeah I mean this is a big boys play if people want to make up cults it may say make lies and do copyright things and have events with feminine Asian dudes then that's great that's that's great if people fall for that they fall for that if they drink the kool-aid they drink the kool-aid I mean personal responsibility is a new counterculture you don't have to drink kool-aid you don't have you should have been you should be you shouldn't be in the sugar again you should be in health healthy things fat all right so guy Bennett said bitcoinmeister when you claim your crypto to dividends do you convert it to Bitcoin right away or do you hold the dividend for a certain time frame before converting well you now make that decision for yourself then you're gonna make yourself again if it's if it's a Bitcoin if it's I mean if you think it's gonna dump real soon then yeah you should you should do it as soon as as possible again when I got that uh in the old days was the B cash we didn't know what the heck was going on and then I went out of the country so I could not convert it right away I could not and there was feet I mean no one knew they were all sorts of but in the arid ban like well if you if you don't move your be cash if you lose your Bitcoin or is just a big way to hack in the Bitcoin there was all these uncertainties back then so that there's a lot of delayed and I remember that but again I mean people got to make this decision on the free is free this I mean if you if you get a 1% return by doing a record way and then but if you waited a month and you only get a point 5 percent return oh wait you still got a return ok you still you still got something all right so that's up to the individual to and again can you with some of these Forks well again most of the force I haven't done a darn thing yet because it's not safe to do it's not it's you know alright in the position that I'm in it's not it's not safe to do okay you know there have to be a lot of moving a bitcoin around and node to claim your your lightning bitcoin or whatever ridiculous thing it's not you know to get the point ooo 1% return that's insane to mess with your Bitcoin like that all right moving on where we have here oh this is the well two more things yeah even what's this dude's name even vest says the stock decided to stop investing in gold and reduce a lot of my forex trading most of my time and resources will be going into Bitcoin from now on that is awesome he says like anyone cares right it's just the future yeah exactly others others are going to realize it and wake up that yeah it is just the future count that like button so good move getting away realizing what the future is now now is the time to get on the future train baby or you can you can stick on the past train with the come and ride that train with Peter Schiff you know back into the past you know let's see yes your choice I'm I can do that so I thought okay so I read Don Cornelius this thing beforehand but again he says and this is just a great lesson for anyone withdraw BTC hashtag withdraw BTC it's linked to below if you if you buy a Bitcoin from cash that make sure to withdraw it right away alright everybody i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister telling you so called insider information that everything everybody should know you know put your bitcoin on a trip or i didn't know that it's insider April yeah I mean again most people don't know about the having if that's insider information also so yeah your home of insider information it is it's great it's great that 20 percenters like ourselves know this kind of stuff it is it's great so and fellow world citizen says bitcoinmeister not a near-future problem but what do you think of internet loss issues when you for example are inside a bar when you want to pay with lightning i think by the time by the time we're buying beers in bars with lightning that the internet will be that much better and it'll be that less rare that the internet goes out i don't want it color worry about it i want to worry about it at all i think that's a really that's a nitpicky thing that funsters the might have gotten into your head there man III wouldn't worry about it all right i'ma do my sleuthing Clemens to disrobe maestro found out like mutton bang out dial button check out all the links below earlier show tomorrow and then I'll be speaking in Long Beach afterwards here let's see this shirt again alright strong hand see you later play