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The Beyond Bitcoin Show- Episode 72- Success shaming, 20%er pride! Silent majority, UBI, Boise

Hello everyone this is Adam Meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister welcome to the beyond bitcoin show today is August the 24th 2019 strong hand on kompis capable bitcoin is the next bitcoin personal responsibility is the new counterculture deferral gratification conviction golden age strive for greatness ambition avoid mediocrity principles over practicality oh yeah we're gonna go way beyond bitcoin but if you want to hear about bitcoin check out disrupt meister calm over 1400 shows there check out yesterday's this week in bitcoin show Alex and Anders were on oh my oh my it was great I tweeted all it out on tech vault-tec HB alt you better be following me on tech ball te CH be alt on Twitter because hey man that's that's where you get the entire bitcoinmeister ecosystems the podcast the tweets the flashbacks the videos it's all there but Alex and handers yesterday what a show what a show I had two guests back on you know working with the technology here but yeah you know you might not know who they aren't you shouldn't know who they that's the thing that's why it's insider information here I don't have to bring you all the biggest names in the space I do sometimes I'm bringing you smartest freakin names in the space ok yeah Alex Anders Jeet people like that these guys are the guys you should be following on Twitter and you can learn a lot from that video ok enough let's just get into beyond Bitcoin because that's where you that's why you're here today you don't want to hear about Bitcoin you want to hear about beyond Bitcoin ben shapiro he came up he brought up a term called surrender culture yeah that pretty much sums up mainstream tremendous aspect the mainstream culture today okay you people just surrender to political correctness they're they're too scared to give out differing opinions that are different than the mainstream narrative and if they do if they do get the guts to speak against the mainstream most of the time wasn't when they get a piled on by the mainstream they will just surrender they'll be like I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean what I say I'm sorry I surrender don't hurt me but the thing is when they're surrendering like that they just get pounded in more and more for ever daring to go against the mainstream mob so do not be part of surrender culture who cares about fitting in people who cares about fitting in if you're gonna make a statement if you're gonna make a bold statement that is where you're not gonna fit in stick with it have some conviction okay because if you surrender it gets it gets much worse than like saying nothing hey if you said something and then you surrender it's worse than saying nothing okay all right moving on do MERS the do MERS of the world say that oh we're about they be saying this for so long but worldwide recession United States recession is coming oh woe is me you know what I say to that well most of you know what I say I say who cares I mean first of all they've been saying that for a while but even if there weren't work if there is to be a recession okay we've all lived through recessions before but believe it in her believe it or not you've lived through a recession before and is it the end of the world no will you make it a personal recession no it just because there's a worldwide recession or United States recession or whatever country you're in is having a recession then argue does that mean you're having a personal recession and doing nothing and just saying woe is me and just just continuing to do the same things that got you into your personal recession relying on the government relying on others or are you gonna be in moshi are you gonna learn are you due to switch things up okay that's uh and so you will not who cares if there's a nation by recession that's going on you are an individual that can thrive under all sorts of circumstances okay so it doesn't matter who gives a darn if there's a recession in the United States people are still gonna be making money you are an individual you do what you can do to thrive I know you could do you've got a brain use that brain to thrive under all sorts of circumstances so don't let do not let you not go into a panic prison because of the recession talk it's not it doesn't have to be a personal recession pound that like button so let's talk about some more collective panic here okay this is the if Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away today let's say if she passed away all the Sun I mean how would your life as an individual change and I think thing about that why do why are so many people I understand many people spaz out at the mere mention of what would happen if she passed away I mean they are that they are collectivist that much of collectivists that if they spaz because it would be a win for Trump and and that would person that would hurt them if Trump wouldn't win first of all it isn't it's not a win for Trump okay hey and who cares it's it's all a soap opera it's a soap opera when you're putting so much of your personal time and value it just Supreme Court someone who's owns the Supreme Court or someone is present United States her her passing way makes no difference in an individual life in like what would if she passed away today how would your life be different on my on Monday or Sunday would you would you be paralyzed would you could you not continue would you not be able to do what you could do the day before when she was still no just break this down into your everyday life you're putting these people on pedestals when they don't affect your everyday life at all it's it's all a time wasting excuse okay putting all this drama into Ruth Bader Ginsberg and something that's people most people want to do that they just want to come up with excuses and they don't want to change their own lives so they they put all their faith in one person if that person disappears then like what was me the world is oh is over now my life is ending but no the Supreme Court does not own you unless you allow them to the president doesn't own you unless you allow them to and so many people whether they hate the president or like the president they've let the president owing them and control them and and take up huge chunks of their time so now there's I it's unfortunate when a person passes away from cancer that's that happens but it's not gonna I'm still gonna be able to be Adam Meister I'm still gonna be able to follow my system a new show every day pal that like button it shouldn't affect you either okay mmm Namibia I'm thinking of Namibia again lately I was in the middie I in 2016 I've mentioned this I think on my regular show but he danced on because the Libyan dollar there they just print something called in the million dollar and they say this is worth one South African Rand and it is it just is now you can't use them in the million dollar outside of Namibia you can trade it in in South Africa I think for like 75 percent of a Rand but and then you can't use anywhere else but it is amazing that people how a country can so easily create value out of thin air now again they think the people are docile the people just accept it they accept their lot in life they're like okay they can our government could keep on printing this stuff as long as they take care of us it's worth what it's worth we believe the story we can't use this thing outside our country but it's worth what it's worth here and it is a very interest I talked about in another show because tether which is a cryptocurrency that people use that people say is worth $1 people ask well why is it worth $1 it's baseball nothing and people say well the tether has a bank account well really don't know if they have a bank account or not but it shows you I mean if a country can pull this off with a useless fiat currency surely a cryptocurrency can pull this off and it has a use case if it allows people to that's it's it's ridiculous it allows people to trade Bitcoin easier how about that we'll leave we'll leave tethers definition at that but but again III will I long for the day and it will be soon when the when crypto Gert when corporations will be getting on board this same train of printing their own money just like the midea does and giving it and saying how much it's worth and giving people more freedom to you know you can there's many different economic and economic systems you can be a part of and Alex actually talked about this there's the there's there going to be the corporate coins the Bitcoin you're like totally you're you're pretty much corrupt country coins and then you're not so corrupt country coins and so yeah it just it is amazing Bitcoin could free up so many people in the midea from that situation that they're in where their country can just print at will and they have to and they have to deal with it but a man but they accept that they are the ones that are accepting it if I was in the Midianite in the Bitcoin that you don't have to worry about that all right government is good for not very much but let me tell you what government's like to do in countries like South Africa I don't know if this has happened yet the stories actually from 2018 late 2018 and so you'll have to update me if you're in Port Elizabeth now I want to say something Port Elizabeth was a peak I was there in 2016 a beautiful city on the Indian Ocean and what is I've something written down here about okay doesn't matter anyway uh the this article that I'm not getting to Port Elizabeth is getting a name change here are three popular options they would Africa the government you know they've got all sorts of lovely issues in south africaís what the government thinking a pressing issue is to change the name of a city from Port Elizabeth that's the Old South in Africa we want to just change the name I mean what difference is that going to make okay now I know the government should be interfering government is a huge waste of money but figure I spend money instead of renaming why don't they fix you know the physical infrastructure of the roads that are falling apart and then they can give those roads names okay new names and that could be their naming thing yeah again this this naming renaming stuff just appeals to the 80 percenters so much it looks good on paper it accomplishes nothing its feelings over facts the country still crime rate I was again I remember was a I believe was Halloween I made it a month before Halloween whatever when I was there and it's 5:30 and it's light outside and I'm running all of a sudden I hear a woman screaming and the next thing I know I didn't see I never saw the woman it's a broad daylight and these two young guys come poking just right past me one arms got like a purple person his hand and another one's got a knife in his hand and again so he's renaming Port Elizabeth going to fix this this issue no no it's not it's not going to take government's saw that issue that I just brought up you know kids mugging women that is definitely a personal responsibility type of thing it they're not doing it because it's called Port Elizabeth they're not doing it because whoever is the Prime Minister people have to take force most bullying no you know that is not that's not a good thing to do you know the parents that raised them there may be some issues there I guess but and maybe in this probably envy you know they date they they value their wealth and stuff and so they want more stuff so they have to rob a woman in broad daylight by the way so yeah after I saw those guys run by me I got I you know I kept on jogging doing it was in the middle of a run and then I you know I ran back to my air B&B how's the end of my that's the end of my time out I think I'm gonna cut the run a little short but anyway I I do wonder but again I want to point out so much potential in Port Elizabeth I mean there there's definitely some ghetto aspects to it one of which I just mentioned the waterfront some of it is like some of the beach is beautiful but then there's some industrial park that's yet it just could have so much redevelopment if it was just you know if you let the private industry take over and so the the government having so much power there and were the government worrying about renaming cities instead of making any incoming the potential of that city the only beautiful Indian Ocean you guys that's what I want to say you guys go back to the archives disrupt meister calm October of October of 2016 I actually did a show outside on the beach there at one point so maybe I'll link to that below I'll have to find that I do link to everything I've talked about this video is linked below and i link to that article it talks about them wanting to change the name of Port Elizabeth and so I don't and one of the names is they renamed the region already uh Nelson Mandela Bay that that's been the name of the region for a while and so they one option is the calling like Nelson Mandela City or something like that yet history says he what he is own he only visited Port Elizabeth like twice which is ridiculous so ridiculous it's such a way but again that's what governments good for that's what governments good all right so let's talk about this Atlantic his article from the Atlantic how life became an endless terrible competition meritocracy prizes achievement above all else making everyone even the rich miserable maybe there's a way out oh my god meritocracy oh it's so horrible so let's go back to before I review this article let's go back to the your moral base there is nothing wrong with being elite and I'm gonna say shoutouts to all my elite friends that are watching this if you value your off the Bitcoin if you if you're trying to get your first pick on your second your fourth content whatever you are elite if you know this is the home of insider information you really you're an elite holder if you were if you again if you don't if you don't trade and flip and do all these ridiculous if you've long-term thinking you're not impulsive your elite already okay so there's nothing wrong with success success shaming is envy but success shaming that's what mainstream culture is about today success so this guy who's a professor somewhere I think a gale he's into he's writing something all about success shaming here now there are some interesting takeaways from all this okay what fitting in is overrated that is true and so if you are just if you're pushing your kids to get into the best schools and putting so much pressure on them to get good grades and so that they become the lawyer you wish you were it's just so you could brag to your friends and so they can brag to their friends in the future and they get convinced that this is the only way to success in life these these great colleges and great great you know high status job supposedly like being a lawyer then yeah if and you're not doing it because you like it then hard work is easy it's it that is you don't work hard just to fit in okay that that that is that's the overrated aspect so I can see why if you've got a whole society of people even smart people even people who compete really hard whose end goal is just to fit in yeah those super rich lawyers there aren't gonna be happy they are going to be they are gonna be stressful that what you have you have to take a few steps back here in in order to be elite okay you can be successful in all sorts of things you don't have to go to these traditional raps at all you don't have to be the richest lawyer working his butt off just to get that tremendous house to impress all his friends men being the best you can be in a field that makes you happy that is great there's always going to be inequality in any free area of life though that's what people there's another thing people have to realize whatever you're going to get into get into something that makes you happy but even in Bitcoin even getting in the Bitcoin there is there are going to be people who got it into it and went gung-ho into it because they believed in it they worked hard to learn as much as they could about it to make them confident enough to get to make a plan to make a smart plan to get a lot of it okay so there's going to be an uneven distribution in Bitcoin there's going to be an uneven distribution in so many different fields you have to get used to that base and life okay but you do the best you can for yourself okay if others did this guy's complain about how so many people are doing so super well and there and but he doesn't feel bad for them he he mentions in the article you shouldn't feel bad for the rich you shouldn't feel bad for the rich which again he feels bad for the poor so he divided he devised all these plans all these ways around the natural 80% 20% system of life that they're 20% of people are gonna produce 80% of the wealth okay in 80% of success in any field now again you don't have to be in that field you can go you can find your niche in life where you're going to be that 20% where you're gonna produce 80% where you're gonna be way ahead of the curve so the this you know shaming meritocracy that's not the way to go on this okay there's a meritocracy you it isn't about destroying yourself okay it can be if you are in something where the hardest-working people are going to be rewarded but you're not it's not something you're happy about it's not something that you really want but you do have the abilities to work real hard yeah the merit a meritocracy you're forcing yourself into a meritocracy that you shouldn't be okay you shouldn't be in that rat race get into get into another again to another field where the where you love the competition and where you will strive and there is no shame there's no shame in being elite and for all the success shamers out there yeah you people doing what you're doing I'm gonna be in the big point overlay enjoying my success and not and not having to worry about thing in to your your mainstream culture so okay and just remember what you do with it would and I've said this before what you do with what's in your head is what brings you success okay so if you magically gave everyone a degree if everyone was allowed into Harvard all of a sudden and they got a magical piece of paper that said they they have a Harvard degree no that wouldn't automatically confer success upon them okay it's going to take but using what's in your head and so some work through that through what you have in your head to achieve success there are no there are no magical simple answers in life you know I think a lot of people don't understand that that that stuff has to be produced by someone okay there are producer in life and you'd be a complainer in life you could be a hater in life but it's the producers that everyone society as a whole has a never-ending desire for more more more okay and so you're all producers are always going to be unnecessary so there's it's not there's not a limit out there to the amount of producers that are that are possible you just have to be willing to to be a producer and and to find your little niche there okay so always you can be ahead of the pack you could whatever but you just got to pick a pack that you are comfortable okay don't let me stream Society define what is your success you know being the Hollywood star that's that's what success is being a big-time lawyer being a big-time doctor no that's nothing that choose your own way define your own success being a big coin holder that's how I define success right there and it does again this is it just assets get assets in life get it it's not about impressing other people with stuff it's about assets real assets where there be you know your assets for your brain knowledge is an asset wisdom people do not people value youth over wisdom a lot of time we'll get into that and another thing wisdom is something that comes with experience and that's why you know we're always gonna have the youth making their impulsive decisions which is great they're you so many people start out 80 percenters they become 20 percenters the youth are mostly 80% sorry moving on town that like button and check out is event horizon which is a psifas it's a space channel okay very interesting character that was on the show talking about genetically modifying humans to be able to live on Mars and thus and we're going to have a technology one day there's right now if you're a human and they dropped you on you would die I'm not obviously country but if you were human and you're giving me a shelter there and spacesuit you also would eventually get cancer and die hard with that at this point but one day they're going to be able to modify genetically modify people before they're born most likely – maybe you don't need lungs or something like that and so you will be able to literally belt the technology will come about and I know this sounds scary but to change humans so much that they could walk around on Mars so that you know it would be negative eighty degrees and they would be fine they would be fine and I never really thought of it that way that that's a solution to getting a mental Mars by creating Martians out of us now this this brings up some it brings up some issues to say the least but first there would be animal experimentation that would lead scientists to on a path where they they knew they would be able to do this correctly I mean I'm not saying this is gonna happen tomorrow but this is something that we can see we could definitely see in this century I guess and you know just the way things are progressing something like that although controversial does excite me because I think expanding era and again if we got Martian humans there then they would thrive and maybe figure out a way to get real humans there eventually who knows I am definitely into getting human beings off of this rock one way or the other now again people would just say well then they wouldn't really be humans anymore would they and that that is an interesting question right there but the I'm just saying check out the video I like stuff like that that's way beyond Bitcoin it made me think follow me on Twitter attack vault-tec HB alt remember that I don't tweet much out off about space mode it's most of it's about Bitcoin but you never know ah what else do we have all right socialism is for those who want to cruise through life I think I'm getting this from here on Brooke I think I'm sorry I don't want to misquote but socialism is is for those who want to cruise through life who want others to make decisions for them who want others to think for them thinking is the new counterculture people basically again can you blame a childish mind someone just to just it's easier to be a collectivist that's the default you're born a child individualism is the accomplishment so yeah socially if you want to cruise your life you want someone else to take care of you someone else to make the city that is easy for someone to take you to charity so we know when I was a kid it was life is pretty darn easy you know my parents drove me places my parents you know decided where I was gonna go to school my parents sick decide what I was gonna eat it was really easy and then I just felt it my parents paid for my clothes took me places and the rest of the day you know I played around watched TV did all these things what a life that is and some people don't want to leave that like okay they want the government to be their parents but again so it but it becomes a sickness you know they they don't want to think okay and so maybe as a kid that can be cool but as an adult I cannot imagine not wanting to think controlling your own destiny is is a great glorious feeling being an individual is great it's great that's that's a path I go on but if you want to get hit first responsibility is a new counterculture if you would put your faith in the government and ever take care of you from cradle to grave be my guest you know you know if you get if you get sick and then you rely totally on them to take care of you good luck that's uh I don't think that's – pretty of a situation of it all right what do we and again we live in a hey those people don't value success at all they're either the socialism that's in the success shaming success shaming right there don't need to don't need to work hard you know just things should come natural from the sky the government will provide any people I have no I'm not gonna be that if you want to do that you can do that I don't think anyone should be forced into any system so if someone were to force me into that system I would be very unhappy but now is forced me into that system and I'm not forcing anyone in their mind into my system I'm not forcing anyone to watch this show with my views so if you don't like the views you can turn it off that's the beauty of the free market okay now what's this thing I have here well in this world that we in this country that we live in when we have that passed far ports and green cards and the problem with it the immigration problem in the United States the oil Iran brought brought this up it's really a welfare system problem okay if we didn't have if the United States was not such a generous welfare state if we didn't have all this free stuff then the people who would come here would want to work and would want to produce and wouldn't want to live off of others okay all right sis that's that's if you're a person that's into the wall and all that stuff and the border instead I say take it make sure you're set up first okay as an individual first of all are you successful because it's not going to make you successful in life by worrying about these national issues but if you're already successful in life and you wouldn't worry about a national issue then worry about then be an activist I guess on the the the the welfare state of the United States because again if there was no real for a state here we wouldn't need a wall we wouldn't do the poor P people could come and go as they please people had no problems at all no they they would people would not want to come lit there would be nothing to live off they would have to produce for themselves and the more producers the better that is great and is that that's great again there's an unlimited need in society for more more more so the more producers we get the better the better there we know that we know welfare state at all so you're on Brooke brought that up so but again it looks to me that we're not uh we're not anywhere close to getting rid of the welfare state so how about this if you were to be a citizen of the country and you're here illegally then you have to pay a passport tax you can buy make make there be a huge tax on passport in order to get a United States passport here are united to becoming a citizen let's call it a citizen tax okay all right you pay the fee instead of and so that contributes to the welfare state let the new people contribute to the welfare state instead of the people who are already here who have no choice in the matter okay they didn't have to come the people running across the border illegally everything they didn't have to come they thought they're gonna get a UH you know some freebies and stuff well okay you catch them and you say here's the deal you're gonna you're gonna pay you work this is gonna cost you now okay make it some huge again I mean what we have right now is the people stuck here have to play you know pay tremendous uh health care tax health care does the health care system is you know controlled by the government now it's basically a the price is uh is a tax on the people so instead of the the people that were here originally having to pay for the newbies have the newbies you pay for themselves give you know give them the option give that but throw that on the table as a possible solution okay III think some people might be into that if you want to come here you need to help fund the social welfare state okay they cannot we can't take in freeloaders okay we so again be some people gonna say Adam we're never gonna raise a social welfare state okay we're never getting rid of the social welfare so great great so then my net my next thing would say let let all the illegal it look the illegal immigrants pay for not me let the illegal immigrants pay for it and and then if they can't then you know send them back at that point alright but give them the option and you know give him some payment plans even maybe get him on some people's payrolls and say okay you were paying this student under table now you're on the payroll now they're they've got a temporary visa we're taking this much out of their pay their their paycheck every month that's it alright and they won't pay their way into the United States and and then someone will be like oh that's up there well then they can go back all right so that's that's my little table man don't worry about it too much I didn't I just you know I hear talk about it I just thought instead of our taxes going up why don't we you have some some immigrant taxes alright so but again people it's it's not the problem is not gonna get solved illegal immigration is not going to solve the welfare state isn't gonna get solved so as an individual what do you do what do you do because what I just talked about was national policy there and I'm not too many as an individual though what do you do you have real assets you have real assets like Bitcoin okay so that if you ever got uncomfortable wherever you are you could take your real asset with you and start anew in a better environment and again all of this social welfare obviously immigration is paid for by the US dollar by printing the US dollars so if you have no real assets you have no hedge against the US dollar okay you are totally reliant on the US dollar so if your salary stays the same and they keep on printing money and the NSA's keys for printing money to pay for all this and you are paying for this okay you are paying you are really paying for this but if you have real assets that can't be wealth taxed base again real estate is wealth taxed but still real estate is better than having no asset at all if you have real assets and you you are protected again how all this is going to get paid for and it will continue people let go of the system can't continue it's all going to know the system can't continue because the 80 percenters love stuff they love the welfare dollar and they don't realize that they're getting poorer and poorer and poorer when they have no assets so as long as you have assets if you have the best asset which is a big point you're you're fine you that's how you really fight against these in Justices that the government has come up with the illegal immigration and the big welfare system you have real assets you will be fine much better off than the people with no assets move it what's this Twitter thing here why do people spend money to lose weight okay this is from I left them I don't know who this is but this link to the law why do people spend money to lose weight it's inherently a free thing literally don't eat for a few hours you don't need a special low calorie snack drink water I have read several wrong answers below the only right one is lack of discipline okay so that was a person Percy suggested that and then people try to make up excuses and then that person said no it's just a lack of discipline okay you do not have to pay to to lose weight you just need discipline stop eating just don't need for a while just drink water don't drink soda it's discipline is free people discipline is free you just have to conjure it up okay and that's if again if you're able to hold a Bitcoin if you if you've held a Bitcoin until passed the 20/20 having if you made a plan you know in 2016 I'm getting Bitcoin I'm not touching it tilt you have discipline you should be able to lose weight easily long term thinking the furrow of gratification but some people will never get it cuz they're still living a child's life uh was this the term silent majority was popularized by Nixon then it meant then it meant people who were silent because they didn't care enough about politics to speak out it's pretty chilling that it can now be used to mean people who are afraid to express their opinions lest a mob come after them that is a very interesting part of surrender culture okay they again the silent majority out there they are scared then a mob is going to come after them so that is why they remain silent that's how they surrender now some of them actually do speak up but then they say they are sorry and then that's that's a worst form surrender but I do think yeah we have a new definition of the silent majority now just people who who want to fit in so much and are scared of a social media mob taking them down there again fitting in is overrated let that I've had people criticize me before it just makes it makes you a stronger person you got a stand for something people you got a stamp or something now again again not everyone is meant to speak up not everyone but if it's like literally hurting you to to fit in you've definitely gone the wrong way you're fitting in is overrated so if you're getting sick to your stomach because you're keeping in what you really believe you should change your ways this fitting is they're not your real friends if you have to if you get sick you know making up excuses why you can't really talk the way you want in front of them alright what is this del Ana Luka says this is this isn't just don't make you think values are short-term cost with long-term benefits okay short-term costs if you have values you have some short car but over the long run those values are gonna pay off sometimes we forget that these costs are worth paying so sometimes people have no values then we begin to decay as we do not reap any long-term benefits so again you have no value you didn't pay the short-term price of standing for something so you stand for nothing over the long term you're not getting any benefits for standing for anything you're just falling apart over the long term it's important to create systems to remind ourselves that values are cost worth paying they are they are it is worth it to stand for something because in the long term you're going to be a healthier and happier individual okay if you you know you're just going with the crowd going with the flow yeah the short term that's fun that might be fun but over the long term you're gonna be worthless you're gonna be sick you gotta you gotta stand for something in life all right so and that again is throughout from I did not come up with that tweet it's a good one you can link to it's Luke tipple Odelle Anna Luca Iran Brooke has a video is linked to below he talks about his his thoughts on Andrew yang and you bi universal basic income and again he points out that you know Yang's got a solution for everything and yang basically feels the government should have a solution for everything guys he's very well-meaning Andrew yang you should have come on your own solutions for your own problems okay now one thing that is a little confusing about Yang is that I think on the website his website it does say that he wants to get rid of it all welfare and replace it with ubi if he but he did then he doesn't really say that or there's some ambiguity about the whole situation and you're on Brooke agrees he says if you be I replaced all welfare all welfare okay everything that would be better because there would be no because so much maintenance costs for the various where welfare systems that are out there you know section eight cost money to maintain food stamps cost money mainly all sorts of stuff cost money if it was just like you get a ubi check every month that's that's not much of a maintenance cost right there but and I agree with you Ronald Brooklyn this if you're if you're just going to maintain the old welfare system and create a value-added tax of every transaction in America to fund a ubi that is horrible like this just it's it's a much worse situation it's a much worse tax situation a much worse social welfare situation because you're gonna have the old to old horrible welfare system and then a new one it'll attempt even more people to come into their country they'll be even more of you it just they'll be more again now taxes on transactions I'd like value-added I like the 80 over income tax but that's not what they're suggesting they're suggesting will still have the income tax and we'll have a v18 navi 80 again did that that hurts the offenders more than the savers which is great that's fine again I don't believe in any taxes if if I had my choice just like Iran said I would pick dat over income tax and anything but it appears gang wants to have income tax wants to have the DAT wants to have the social welfare system continue and have ubi which is just a again had Bitcoin had Bitcoin you'll have to worry about that stuff James clear wealth is a game that compounds health is a game that plateaus and then declines as we age we should spend more time staying fit and less time making money increasingly working to ward off the effects of aging and allowing the effects of compounding to take over so there again it when you're young you know when you're under 50 years old and stuff and who knows what it is I don't know now with technologies with definition of young is but when you're still naturally healthy and everything you did you're as productive as possible and you set up a system where you you get assets that make you money so you don't need to work anymore so that when you do become older when you do when your health does start to naturally decline you do become older you don't have to worry about making money anymore because your assets are making money for you and you can focus on doing special things that make you healthy okay you don't want to be worrying about you know when you're 62 years old oh man how I'm going to find this job oh I got to work I got to work 50 hours a week 80 hours a week or whatever but then you have no time to take care of your health to ward off the effects of aging this is very important this is a long-term concept people this is a deferral of gratification concept all right so work hard when you're young and set up a system where your assets will be able to take care of you in the future and make money and so then in the future when you're hurt you can focus in on your health instead of worrying about worrying about you where I'm gonna get my next job you should after a certain age that should not be a worried all your assets should be compounding and should be making you money all right so again I'll repeat this mmt reparations whatever it is whatever comes down the pipe the next big 80% are theory that might be incorporated by the government in some way get what protects you against this is real assets that cannot be wealth taxed bitcoin is the best one okay bitcoin so again you could throw up your hands in the air and be like oh my god mmm tea doesn't work oh my god reparations shouldn't happen and you can just scream or you can prepare it just be typically alright but I've said that a few times in this show palette like button one thing I was uh I I have no car so wherever I travel I'm in Tel Aviv now I mean I was in LA beforehand I see the city from a completely different view then the masses who all have cars that have to drive I'd have to deal with all of that drama so you know to meet so many people compare complain about LA now that reasons to complain about LA but stop so much that the traffic the traffic the traffic was nothing to me I walked everywhere I ran everywhere I never had to my car never got broken into it was I have a car I never had to pay five guys for gas because I never had a car it's it's awesome you see cities in a completely different light if you don't have a car and Boise Idaho – I've heard people complain about it they they're like oh it's so hard to commute in from the valley and the traffic's just as bad as hell when I was in Boise I ran everywhere it seems like just a beautiful downtown and kind of quaint you know it's so up-and-coming everything very safe so like right when I'm running around Boise or running around Tel Aviv – I see how safe it is I just love it and I'm not distracted by all the car people the car people get into a mentality where they have to deal with all the car drama so you just live a completely different life when you don't have to deal with the car drama and so that's the benefit of being in shape people right there when you can walk everywhere where you can run everywhere like I can and where you know where you work for yourself and you don't have to commute okay or maybe you work for something figure out a situation where you do if you do work for someone else where you can walk okay in a city where you deal again the non-car culture I find it to be quite liberating and I just I see life and cities completely different so I don't know if anyone else Washington this video has experienced that shoutout to Boise though Boise I'll end it with a shout left to them I haven't been there for well now little over a year and again it is the up-and-coming city in the United States of America the city of the 2020s already people from California are flocking there which a lot of people don't like in Boise but it is you know there probably was a time you know Denver was thought of as some like backwoods place and you know first the insiders knew about how beautiful day and now Denver is the huge big tremendous capital of the Mountain West okay you know sports teams galore it's trendy as anything it's and the Denver has its problems so I've seen Boise well one I don't know boys that would ever get that big okay but it is it'll be important like one day it'll definitely be Portland like one day okay in terms of trendiness and people just realizing how healthy and and a nice of an area it is a beautiful and safe city in again it'll become less safe probably over time but I mean it's not gonna become Baltimore anything like that I'm saying it's the city of the 2020 okay and I invite you all to visit as I did and they've got a great big point community that you should move there if you're unhappy with a live in the United States you know if you're in some Baltimore type of situation where you're talking about like again if you were to live in a city not live in a suburb okay you Boise is Boise's where it's at but here I linked to an article about it below that I found fascinating that I did not even know this fact about Boise when I visited there the times I've been there Boise is home to the largest concentration of Basque people outside of Spain I had no interesting yeah apparently they they came to America and that part of the country you know they could herd sheep up there they could do a few things they could do back in Spain back in Basque Country and Boise was it very convenient for this so that's that's where they went it's very very interesting and that's I'm always learning I'm always a getting interesting tidbits out there and I do like to travel I like to see things in person and I like to like to see what the like to make predictions about what's completed the next week cities in the United States and you know for you real estate Speculator I'm not I'm not telling you my real estate there I'm telling you it's a it's a very you can tell if you go there in person and you don't have to commute from their suburbs so that I am short commuting from their suburbs to the center of Boise isn't too fun if you know if you don't have to do that you will see like this is this this is what this is where the hipsters are gonna be soon enough 2020s Boise I'm sure you guys did voice you better be pounding that like button because I just gave you guys huge shoutouts and yes PO can too but probably Boise will be bigger will be more successful than Spokane okay i'm adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember subscribe channel like this video and you check out the links below town that like button and yeah man i hope to visit Boise in 2020 or or 2021 see you guys later