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▶️ Bitcoin, Bitcoin Mining, & More Bitcoin – Amateur Investing 12 | EP:420

Hey everyone I'm Scott Cunningham aka @scottcbusiness and today we're going to be going   through another episode of amateur investing where  i cover my dividends crypto earnings growth crypto   investments stock investments all that good stuff  so that you can see how my financial journey has   been going along on the way to retiring in less  than 10 years from when i started we are about   a year and a half in or so and uh things are  looking very good uh just i mean this is very   very convenient for me because just today we saw  a massive rise in bitcoin and we passed the 60 000   uh usd mark which has been a big milestone  psychologically um and we had the stimulus   passed so now everyone's throwing all their money  at bitcoin and we have a 48 billion dollar pledge   uh to buy bitcoin for i believe it's  the miami blockchain fund i'm not i   can't remember exactly sure but it's a very very  rich person from dubai who's pledged to buy 4

8   billion dollars worth of bitcoin we don't know  when that's gonna happen but if bitcoin raised   uh was raised 15 from tesla's 15 billion then  i cannot imagine what 48 billion is gonna do   all that being said um everything's looking  amazing i tracked this all originally and wrote it   down at the beginning of the month so everything  that you're seeing now is going to be a lot higher   than when i originally marked it regardless though  let's uh let's jump into all this just before we   get into the video though a word from my sponsor  a big thank you and shown it to my sponsors at   cakewallet which is an open source non-custodial  bitcoin and monero wallet that also has a built-in   exchange it's available on ios and android thanks  again to my sponsor now for the video uh we'll   start with my dividends as we usually do um my  total is now 559 dollars worth of dividends earned   last month was you know it was an okay month it  was 48 dollars so you know not amazing but um   you know there's different stocks that pay a  different time some are quarterly some are monthly   uh and it all kind of works out so as you can see  you know uh the actual line like this line here   is showing what i'm actually getting and the bar  graph is the projected income so you can see that   it does fluctuate a lot based on that trend and  you know when you get the quarterly payments it's   obviously going to go up a lot um and then  you know it differs from month to month so   you know it's up and down but generally trending  upwards so that's very very good to see uh i did   a crazy amount of rebalancing with my dividends  uh basically continuing to rebalance and shrink   it down i will get into all the individual  stock buys and all that good stuff very soon   but let's just get through all of the high level  stuff i've also uh if you i mean if you didn't   notice when we just started i have a new camera  angle over here so that's really great i mean   it's not necessarily a new angle but i got um  a mount so that i can kind of move it around   and do different things with it i've changed up  the background a little bit in the studio here   and i've also done a lot of new things for this uh  portfolio to visualize things better so you guys   i hope you appreciate all the work that i've put  into upgrading this you won't see that until i get   to the overall stock um the overall portfolio look  but it's going to be a lot better visual because   before i know it was very um bland when you're  just looking at spreadsheets so crypto income   not really very much last month because i stopped  doing my hive um my hive passive income i'm just   powering down all my hive and switching it  into ethereum i'm going all in on growth   crypto for bitcoin and ethereum for the next six  months because i really believe that we're gonna   see 200 to 300 000 for bitcoin i'm following the  stock to flow model and i've been saying for the   past four or five months that if we pass sixty  thousand dollars usd uh bitcoin before march   31st the stock to flow model is so accurate that  i'm 100 confident that we are going to reach 200   to 300 000 before the end of the year so i might  retire this year um anyways though a lot of the uh   new crypto passive earnings that i'm getting  are coming from mtr from den dot social because   unlike steam or hive i don't have to power it  up and lock it up for 13 weeks in like for the   power down instead on mtr it's completely liquid  but i still earn so at any time i could sell but   i'm still getting all the benefit of uh of the  curation rewards and that passive income just   from holding it so a lot of my passive income  is going to be coming from mtr going forward   really really cool platform and um a much better  way to passively earn because again you want it   to be liquid so that you can sell when you  need to because again i think everything   is going to skyrocket before the end of the  year and i got to sell most of my portfolio   and then buy back in on the crash to really like  that's the big difference right you five 10x   in the bull run you sell at the top and then you  do another 5x on the crash and then you try to get   another 10x on the next four years right so that's  kind of how you build it at least that's what   i'm trying to do so i actually sold out all of my  realty tokens not because i don't think it's great   i actually did an interview with them very  recently that you're going to see very soon   i think realty is awesome i promise i'm  probably going to be buying back into it   in 2022 for the bear run because passive income  is really good during the bear run but not so good   during a bull run and that's why i sold it i'm  going a hundred percent in a bitcoin and ethereum   i mean i have a little bit of other  things like dash bitcoin cash and lbc   but i'm really going all in on my gross stocks i'm  about 85 uh not gross stocks growth crypto and i'm   very very confident in it so you know we'll see  over the next few months how this plays out but   i i'm very very confident this is going to  work out very well um crypto appreciation   like i said i did this at the beginning of the  month so we are way beyond this now um but this   was what it was at the beginning of the month  i think it's important to just have one monthly   price update because the price goes way up and  then it goes way down it goes way up and if you   look at it day to day or week to week it's so  volatile and you're like man i don't know if i'm   going to gain money or if i'm going to lose money  but then you zoom out and you look month to month   um there's only one month where i  lost point 34 and every other month   has been uh almost uh almost every other month  has been double-digit gains except for september   which was just seven percent which  is still amazing for one month   um but then we've seen months  with like hundred percent gains so   you know it's pretty crazy um oh this should  actually be updated to the next value here   there we are um so 127 000 just completely  amazing you'll see the updated value when i   take a look at the uh total um portfolio but this  is just updates as i go through each month at the   beginning of the month so for my stocks um i also  recorded that it is it was slightly down because   i sold off all of my amd i sold off my my gold  stocks i sold off all of my growth stocks and i   put everything into bitcoin mining stocks because  again aligned with what i expected to happen which   is what is happening now is bitcoin is just  skyrocketing and naturally i expect bitcoin mining   stocks to do that as well and the only reason that  i invested in bitcoin mining stocks instead of   bitcoin directly was so that i could get exposure  to bitcoin and i think mining stocks are going to   go up more than just a bitcoin etf i want exposure  to bitcoin within my tax-free savings account   so that i can get that benefit from bitcoin all  those gains without having any concern about that   tax and just increasing the amount of money  within my tfsa without increasing my contributions   so that i have more money to work with  to build more dividends in the future   um i don't like normally investing in growth  stocks but i am so absolutely confident in bitcoin   that investing in bitcoin mining stocks uh  isn't a very hard you know rationalization   to make and with what we've seen with bitcoin uh  today i really expect this monday that bitcoin   mining stocks are just going to go crazy um and  i expect to cash out on those sooner than later   because it was just a short-term thing i don't  think i'm gonna wait till when i sell bitcoin to   sell my mining stocks uh because the stocks  was kind of just like a a short-term thing   i don't like doing growth stock investing it just  stresses me out i feel way more uh just safe and   and and risk free and just you know not stressed  out when everything is just in my dividends   and they're doing really well and they're  just you know getting me money and   performing really well um because if  we actually look at my dividends i'm up 1146 on my dividend stocks some of  these stocks are up upwards of like   50 percent um some of these bank  stocks here 67 39 49 got a bunch of um   etfs here look and here's the crazy thing right  these are just generic etfs that just hold   you know just a bunch of of stocks um in canada  and these etfs are up 30 30 20 38 30 that's why   i think it's a great idea to have you know a  decent chunk of your portfolio in etf so you   don't actually have to like keep up with all  the individual stocks and worry about all that   um my real estate is is still doing okay as well  um but most of it isn't you know crazy except for   this one retail reit that i have for grocery  uh grocery stores mainly otherwise i'm not   a big fan of any kind of commercial real  estate especially right now with everything   struggling to pay bills getting shut down all this  craziness everything switching online it's better   to just uh invest in residential real estate so  that's what i've been doing but my main focus has   been real estate insurance utilities and banking  so all the rebalancing that i did was just selling   off a lot of things like some of my consumer goods  all of my food and grocery i'm just i'm done with   that market um and i just went all in on banking  insurance real estate and a little bit more into   utilities so what the actual breakdown looks  like is this i really simplified the portfolio   and they usually say you shouldn't be more than 15  into any sector however i'm just really all in on   these three sectors mainly um and then utilities  is kind of like another safe sector but it's   a little more secondary and then i got about  almost 25 of my portfolio in just generic etfs   that are performing very very well part of what  i did with this rebalancing was also just selling   off all of my low yield stocks and moving into the  better yield stuff and it's not that you should   chase yields but if you've got stocks they're all  in the green uh you like both of them one pays   five percent one pays three percent you might as  well just go in all in on the five percent one but   it really depends right because usually ones that  are lower um tend to focus more on growth so you   might get more appreciation whereas the ones that  have a higher dividend usually tend to be putting   more of their money to that so less growth so it  really depends what you're aiming for personally   i would rather get more dividends uh than  growth but that's just me because i'm all   about passive income and compounding my  interest and then keep building that up um   but that's just generally my focus so you can see  on average i'm getting about 477 percent yield   the gen the general aim is five percent so 4

77  is perfectly fine uh and considering the whole you   know dividend stock portfolio investing overall  is up about three thousand dollars um you know   no complaints on buy-ins right so uh that's about  109 a a month oh like when you average it out over   the year um but do keep in mind i'm not getting  any more real t payments so you know that's gone   and so is my hive payments that's gone um so it  looks like i might be getting less but i'm really   getting like way more dividends than i used to  i think before it was like 70 something and now   it's 96 so you know a very very drastic difference  in how much i'm actually getting for my dividends   and then once all of my bitcoin mining  stocks play out i'm gonna sell all those   and just keep filling up my reits insurance and  banking stocks because this has been doing amazing   and compounding interest is a very powerful  financial tool i will be talking a little   bit more about compounding interest in  another episode very soon to kind of   visualize and go through a perfect example  of how much money you can make if you   if you try compounding interest and actually  showing what that would look like if you were   to give one thing up and then put that money into  that but we won't worry about that for now um so   my growth investments which is my ma which is just  bitcoin mining stocks right now i've mainly zeroed   in on hive dm and dm gi um the main reason is and  these are all canadian stocks the main reason that   they're down was just because i guess i messed up  and i bought it a little bit after that original   bump and then they went back down but now we are  in the territory of all time highs so even though   even though i'm down 29 which sounds  you know absolutely terrible uh 1500   definitely sucks but now that we're in this  crazy time for bitcoin given we don't see a   massive sell-off in the next two days i expect  that these are going to be well in the green and   i might sell off my original investment or maybe  like half or something because i also don't feel   super super good about these because of how  how much they've pulled back um but you know   at the end of the day i know these are going to  go up with bitcoins so i really expect these to   be either close to even or in the green by monday  and depending on how you know much money i've made   on these i will take some profits and then leave  the rest in for when bitcoin really starts to go   crazy so i can make a nice profit off of these and  then just put it all back into my dividend stocks   um so that is that as i mentioned before  mtr is how i am getting passive money now   i didn't earn very much mtr in the previous  months but now that i've invested in mtr   um i'm going to be getting quite a bit and  you will see that in the next update for   march so going forward i should be getting quite  a bit of mtr and i expect the price to increase   uh quite a bit as well so you know  definitely keep a look out for that   you can see the split here i still have all  the hive because i'm slowly powering it down   but uh you know that's going to take a while  13 weeks before i can actually get that out   and i do have quite a bit of mtr like normally i  don't go and buy this much um and actually i've   been earning a decent amount so it's actually  like that's the actual correct amount now um   but i really really like what densocial is doing  as i mentioned before because it's liquid i feel   a lot more confident with that cryptocurrency  and it's very scarce so having some is pretty   ideal early on um but that's just my take it's  it's definitely in my top 10 recommended now   so that's that um i won't bother going into the  growth crypto because we'll look at it in the   total thing here so this is the new part i built  out for you guys this is the really nice overview   of the totality of the portfolio all visualized  very nicely with with all these charts and graphs   i hope this is a much better visual for you  guys to uh see this data let me know though   so when we go over to uh my growth crypto  you can see very very good it's now worth 164   000 um up like 40 000 something from when i  originally clocked it in at the beginning of the   month which is insane um but yeah everything has  been going up this isn't canadian so 85 000 um is   amazing um but it's close like bitcoin is like 61  000 or something like that us right now but yeah   everything is performing very very well my lbc is  going up a lot like i'm starting to get a little   stressed out with how much lbc i have because i  have about forty thousand dollars worth of lbc   and um that's more than i'd like to hold um in  one currency because like the only things that i'm   okay with having a ridiculous amount of is bitcoin  and ethereum i really like lbc but it is starting   to stress me out a little bit for how much that i  actually have um but we're gonna keep holding that   we're gonna try to wait and catch the uh the  crash before it happens the problem here is that   most of my lbc 100 000 of it is locked up until  february of 2022 and i expect the crash to happen   before that so i might not really get you know all  the benefits for lbc but i'll get everything else   we already looked at this this is for my passive  income most of it is just coming from dividends   this is just to visualize where it's coming from  again i add my royalties and stuff as it comes in   so even though i generally earn 100 to 200 a year  i don't clock it in until it actually has come in   so that will be a bit of a of a jump once that  actually you know comes in and i actually start   you know recording it but until then i'm  not going to assume that i'm going to get   earnings because for all i know people could  just stop listening to the music that i made   um which is a whole other thing i keep the  music stuff separate but if you're really   really interested you could dm me and i could  probably send you something um so this is the   total wealth breakdown which we'll get to in a  moment we already looked at the stock breakdown   uh growth sector all in cryptocurrency stocks  so we already know that so that actually is   everything all right so we'll take a look at  the total portfolio breakdown now let me um first i'll show you this because i'm kind  of blocking it i guess so you can see how   everything plays out 71 is in growth crypto got  like one percent of crypto dust which is just like   very small amounts that all add up um  my locked lbc that i mentioned is 11   percent is in passive crypto and then i've got 14  in stocks three percent is in my bitcoin mining   stocks and 11 is in dividend stocks and etfs and  then i've got one percent in precious metals so   i've got about 84 85 in crypto which is fine with  me that's where i want to be you can see how uh   this all you know tracks out i sold my realty  we've got you know we've got a lot of stuff here   i wanted to make this as accurate and transparent  as i possibly could so i also added in um my taxes   and and student debt and stuff that i have to  pay still so that i'm not like inflating what   you know my net worth really is so this is  the most accurate net worth that i can you   know get for you guys um which is two hundred and  eighteen thousand dollars which is phenomenal um   again never expected to be here this quickly but  it it's just about starting right before i started   couldn't didn't have much money was broke half the  time uh paycheck to paycheck then i was like you   know what i'm changing everything i'm investing  everything i'm saving everything changing   everything that i do to make this work and here we  are less than two years later 218 thousand dollars   so that's what these videos are all about is  showing this journey as to how this was possible   and then by the end of the year if i'm you know at  a million dollars or whatever and i get to retire   then this was to show you how this was all  possible um and i don't want you to copy   everything i do because that's not a good way  to trade but this is just to give you an idea of   what you can do and kind of just showing  you step by step with 100 transparency how   these things could play out if you were to  go down this path like i have been and um it   has been extremely impactful for me uh basically  life-changing i might be able to retire this year   i'm only 26 you guys i started doing this when  i was 24 so yes it's amazing what you can do   uh investing is not a rich man's game it is a poor  man's game to become rich you have to start by   investing um and that also starts with you  know budgeting being frugal saving your money   a lot of things all kind of go together but you  have to start before you can really get into it   the biggest thing is people are like oh but  i don't know what to do did it it's like   look just throw a hundred dollars at anything  just start and you'll find your way as you go   because you'll never be ready um you just you just  gotta start i mean obviously build up a savings   uh like an emergency fund first and then go  from there but you need to just start again   none of this isn't his financial advice um this  is mainly financial entertainment and all of   my stocks everything i'm showing you here is 100  accurate but all of my crypto that i'm showing you   here is alleged or potentially simulated uh this  has to be said and included in this disclaimer   for tax purposes uh but anyways i appreciate you  guys for watching let me know how you're doing   where is bitcoin going uh are you invested in  passive crypto passive income are you focused   more on growth what are you doing for stocks what  do you think about wall street bets what do you   think about bitcoin what about the 48 billion  dollars that we should be expecting for bitcoin   coming in what do you thinks can happen with the  stimulus so so much to uh to keep track of let me   know all that good stuff in the comments below and  if you did watch to the very end of this video i   really appreciate it make sure to comment hashtag  number one ham in the comments below and as always   thank you so much for watching I'm Scott  Cunningham aka @scottcbusiness cheers