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Bitcoin: Hype or Investment?

Bitcoin – a hype or an investment? What exactly is a bitcoin? Why there is so much   hype about it? Is it really worth its value today?  Cryptocurrency can also be used to make payments   in digital ads in future Today I am going  to answer all your queries regarding bitcoin

  Hello guys! My name is Seema Gupta  and welcome back to my channel!  What exactly is a bitcoin ? It’s a digital currency, which means   that its all virtual , it isn’t available like  hard cash The most striking feature of bitcoin   is that there are no middle men involved in any of  the transactions Whenever we buy or sell anything   online, there is always a bank which under  government regulations approves the transaction   and takes a small cut from the payment done  Your payment gets recorded by the banks and you   can always ask a copy for it Bitcoin on the other  hand is completely anonymous

It is decentralized   which means that no banks or even the government  agencies have any control on it Crazy right!  Now how are the transactions completed? Now let’s say you are paying your friend   one bitcoin Like how we have UPI ID or  bank account number similarly there is   a recipient address which changes after every  transaction and it doesn’t require you to share   any personal information while making the payment  So when you initiate the payment, there is a group   of individual anonymous people called miners  who approve the payment Miner can be anyone:   you or me

Now here’s the catch The payment  doesn’t get approved in the conventional way   rather they have to solve complex mathematical  problem to approve the transaction and they get   rewarded for it The process is called mining  The entire process takes about 15-20 minutes  Now you may ask what are  the advantages of bitcoin?  1

Its completely anonymous, which means that  your personal identity is never exposed in   any transaction , unlike in normal transactions  where the name of the sender is clearly visible  2 Its decentralized The main drawback for other  currencies is that you can only transfer a certain   amount to another account overseas daily and the  banks rules will keep changing so sometimes it   cripples the sender from sending money Now in  bitcoin, no need to worry about bank holiday and   payment limits Also the government can't freeze  your assets and you have complete freedom over it

  3 Its neutral No individual can try and  manipulate the entire functioning of the   process to his advantage This has been  one of the key factors for the rise of   bitcoin as after the 2008 crisis, the world was  shocked by the manipulative the banks could be  4

It cant be stolen In these increasing times of  online fraudulent activities , bitcoin provides a   state of the security In conventional currency, a  few details are required to gain complete control   over your finances but in bitcoin a person  will require physical access to do the same  Now you may ask what are its disadvantages? 1 Due to its anonymous and non-regulated   method of functioning , it is being  used for a lot of illicit activities

  2 Huge volatility Bitcoin values works on the  basic principle of demand and supply because the   number of bitcoins is capped at 21 million,  so its value will increase on a daily basis   When bitcoin was launched, its value was almost 0  and now its close to a staggering 40 lakh rupees!   Since no government agencies have any control over  it, there is no insurance against its values Now   this might cause spending surges which may cause  the Bitcoin economy to fluctuate unpredictably  3

Once lost, its lost Now if we lose our  credit or debit card we can easily request for   another one Banks insure us of a certain amount  in case of any mishaps happened to your account   But if you lose your bitcoin, its lost forever What is the future of bitcoin?  Recently many countries including India  banned bitcoins and they asked many companies   involved in the transactions to make all  the information public

Now this has been   done because flourishing non-regulatory currency  poses a threat from the economic point of view Now do you think it was a right move by  India? Do let me know in the comment section   Do like, share and subscribe to my channel and  stay tuned for my upcoming videos! Bye for now!