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CRYPTO-SCAM: Elon Musk impersonators steal over $2.5M in Bitcoin in six months

Over 25 million dollars in crypto investments has been stolen over the past six months by Elon Musk impersonators

People are so mean online A new report from the US Federal Trade Commission cited the scam as cryptocurrency continues its massive growth in popularity On the 15th of July 2020 Musk was one of the many high profile figures who had their real social media accounts targeted in a massive crypto scam hack

Scammers then posed as Musk on social media, offering Bitcoin giveaways in crypto investment secrets in exchange for money The hackers stole over 150000 dollars in under 24 hours from investors who sent Bitcoin to the provided address, hoping to double their investment These impersonators were just a small portion of total tracked crypto scams, with the FTC estimating losses of over 100 million dollars, mostly by young consumers in their 20s and 30s Musk has been dubbed Bitcoin's biggest influencer over his enthusiasm for cryptocurrency and ability to tank or rally coinstocks with a single tweet His company, Tesla, has invested over two billion dollars in Bitcoin alone

Meanwhile, Musk is working with leading Bitcoin miners to curb the currency's growing waste problem A single digital transaction of the coin produces a carbon footprint as large as watching 100 1000 hours of YouTube